import Html import Html.App as App import Html.Events import Svg import Svg.Attributes exposing (..) import String import Svg exposing (Attribute) import Array import Mouse exposing (Position) import Json.Decode as Json exposing (..) import Time exposing(..) import Task import Dict import Char -- don't worry about this, this type wraps up information needed for making games and animation type Message = GameTick Float GetKeyState --The tick needs to have Float and GetKeyState which handles key presses. -- this is the main function, and for simple animations, you would only replace the view function, or edit it below main = gameApp GameTick { model = model , view = view , update = update } -- this means that we only keep track of time, don't edit it model = { t = 0 } -- the update would handle actions in a game or presentation which are more than a simple function of time -- to start off, don't change anything! update message model = case message of GameTick tick (getKeyState,changeP1,changeP2) -> { t = tick } -- this view function draws your picture on the screen, you can draw whatever you want -- if it depends on model.t, then it will move, otherwise it will not move view model = collage 600 600 [ heart |> scale ((abs (sin model.t)) + 1) ] -- to organize your picture/animation, you can define components of the scene and give them names, like "heart" heart = group [ circle 40 |> filled red |> move (20,0) , circle 40 |> filled red |> move (-20,0) , ngon 4 40 |> filled red |> move (0,-35) ] -- mystery: what are these for? default = group [ outlined (solid 5) black (openPolygon [(0,0),(15,40),(20,25),(22,0)]) , outlined (solid 5) black (openPolygon [(15,40),(17,60), (19,65)]) , outlined (solid 5) black (openPolygon [(19,65),(7,56),(3,40)]) , outlined (solid 5) black (openPolygon [(19,65),(25,50),(35,40)]) , filled black (circle 10) |> move(20,70) ] |> move(20,0) bent = group [ outlined (solid 5) black (openPolygon [(0,0),(13,17),(15,32),(25,15),(22,0)]) , outlined (solid 5) black (openPolygon [(15,32),(17,60), (19,65)]) , outlined (solid 5) black (openPolygon [(19,65),(7,56),(3,45)]) |> move(0,-8) , outlined (solid 5) black (openPolygon [(19,65),(25,50),(35,45)]) |> move(0,-8) , filled black (circle 10) |> move(20,70) |> move(0,-8) ] |> move(20,0) jumping = group [ outlined (solid 5) black (openPolygon [(0,0),(13,17),(15,32),(25,15),(22,0)]) , outlined (solid 5) black (openPolygon [(15,32),(17,60), (19,65)]) , outlined (solid 5) black (openPolygon [(19,65),(7,56),(3,45)]) |> move(0,-8) , outlined (solid 5) black (openPolygon [(19,65),(25,50),(35,45)]) |> move(0,-8) , filled black (circle 10) |> move(20,70) |> move(0,-8) ] |> move(20,0) -- don't edit below this point type Stencil = Circle Float | Rect Float Float | RoundRect Float Float Float | Oval Float Float | BezierPath (Float,Float) (List(((Float,Float),(Float,Float)))) | Polygon (List (Float,Float)) | Path (List (Float,Float)) | Text Face String type Shape notification = Inked Color (Maybe (LineType, Color)) Stencil | Move (Float,Float) (Shape notification) | Rotate Float (Shape notification) | ScaleXY Float Float (Shape notification) | Group (List (Shape notification)) | Link String (Shape notification) | Tap notification (Shape notification) | TapAt ((Float,Float) -> notification) (Shape notification) | EnterShape notification (Shape notification) | EnterAt ((Float,Float) -> notification) (Shape notification) | Exit notification (Shape notification) | ExitAt ((Float,Float) -> notification) (Shape notification) | MouseDown notification (Shape notification) | MouseDownAt ((Float,Float) -> notification) (Shape notification) | MouseUp notification (Shape notification) | MouseUpAt ((Float,Float) -> notification) (Shape notification) | MoveOverAt ((Float,Float) -> notification) (Shape notification) type Color = RGBA Float Float Float Float type LineType = Solid Float | Broken (List (Float,Float)) Float -- length of lines and gaps in pixels type Face = Face Float -- size Bool -- bold Bool -- italic Bool -- underline Bool -- strikethrough Bool -- selectable Font Bool -- centered type Font = Serif | Sansserif | FixedWidth | Custom String type Pull = Pull (Float,Float) (Float,Float) type KeyState = JustDown | Down | JustUp | Up type KeyAction = WentUp | WentDown graphicsApp input = App.program { init = ((0,initGModel), initialSizeCmd input.view) , update = blankUpdate , view = blankView input.view , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } --Window.resizes sizeToMsg} notificationApp input = App.program { init = ((input.model,initGModel), initialSizeCmd (input.view input.model)) , update = hiddenUpdate input.update , view = hiddenView input.view , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none }--Window.resizes sizeToMsg} gameApp tickMsg input = App.program { init = ((input.model, { initGModel | updateTick = tickMsg }), initialSizeCmd (input.view input.model)) , update = hiddenGameUpdate input.update , view = hiddenView input.view , subscriptions = subs} subs model = Sub.batch ([ Time.every (1000/24*millisecond) (createTimeMessage) ]) -- AnimationFrame.times (createTimeMessage timeMsg) {- , Window.resizes sizeToMsg] ++ keySubs)-} --keySubs = [ (KeyUp), Keyboard.downs (KeyDown)] createTimeMessage t = let time = inSeconds t in TickTime time blankUpdate msg (model,gModel) = case msg of Graphics message -> ((model, gModel), Cmd.none) WindowResize (width,height) -> ((model, {gModel | sw = Basics.toFloat width, sh = Basics.toFloat height}), Cmd.none) ReturnPosition message (x,y) -> ((model, gModel), Cmd.none) CollageSize (width,height) -> ((model, {gModel | cw = Basics.toFloat width, ch = Basics.toFloat height }),Cmd.none) InitTime t -> ((model, gModel), Cmd.none) TickTime t -> ((model, gModel), Cmd.none) KeyDown n -> ((model,gModel),Cmd.none) KeyUp n -> ((model,gModel),Cmd.none) NoOp -> ((model, gModel), Cmd.none) hiddenUpdate update msg (model,gModel) = case msg of Graphics message -> ((update message model, gModel), Cmd.none) WindowResize (width,height) -> ((model, {gModel | sw = Basics.toFloat width, sh = Basics.toFloat height}), Cmd.none) ReturnPosition message (x,y) -> ((update (message (convertCoords (x,y) gModel)) model, gModel), Cmd.none) CollageSize (width,height) -> ((model, {gModel | cw = Basics.toFloat width, ch = Basics.toFloat height }),Cmd.none) InitTime t -> ((model, gModel),Cmd.none) TickTime t -> ((model, gModel),Cmd.none) KeyDown n -> ((model, gModel),Cmd.none) KeyUp n -> ((model, gModel),Cmd.none) NoOp -> ((model, gModel), Cmd.none) hiddenGameUpdate update msg (model,gModel) = let updateTick = gModel.updateTick in case msg of Graphics message -> ((update message model, gModel), Cmd.none) WindowResize (width,height) -> ((model, {gModel | sw = Basics.toFloat width, sh = Basics.toFloat height}), Cmd.none) ReturnPosition message (x,y) -> ((update (message (convertCoords (x,y) gModel)) model, gModel), Cmd.none) CollageSize (width,height) -> ((model, {gModel | cw = Basics.toFloat width, ch = Basics.toFloat height }),Cmd.none) InitTime t -> ((model, { gModel | initT = t }),Cmd.none) TickTime t -> ((update (gModel.updateTick (t-gModel.initT) ((keyCheckerFunction gModel.keys),arrowKeys (keyCheckerFunction gModel.keys), wasdKeys (keyCheckerFunction gModel.keys))) model, { gModel | keys = gModel.keys {-maintainKeyDict gModel.keys-} }), Cmd.none) KeyDown n -> ((model, { gModel | keys = gModel.keys{- insertKeyDict gModel.keys n WentDown-} }), Cmd.none) KeyUp n -> ((model, { gModel | keys = gModel.keys{- insertKeyDict gModel.keys n WentUp-} }), Cmd.none) NoOp -> ((model, gModel), Cmd.none) --Fake key functions keyCheckerFunction dict keys = case keys of _ -> Up arrowKeys kcf = (0,0) wasdKeys kcf = (0,0) blankView view (model,gModel) = case view of Collage (w,h) shapes -> createCollage w h shapes hiddenView view (model,gModel) = case (view model) of Collage (w,h) shapes -> createCollage w h shapes convertCoords (x,y) gModel = let sw = gModel.sw sh = cw = ch = aspect = if not (sh == 0) then sw/sh else 4/3 scaledInX = aspect < 4/3 scaledInY = aspect > 4/3 scale = if scaledInX then sw/cw else if scaledInY then sh*0.99/ch else 1 newW = cw*scale newH = ch*scale leadX = if scaledInY then (sw-newW)/2 else 0 leadY = if scaledInX then (sh-newH)/2 else 0 offsetY = if scaledInX then -3 else 0 in ((x-leadX-newW/2)/scale,(y+leadY+offsetY+newH/2)/scale) --initialSizeCmd : Cmd Msg initialSizeCmd userView= Cmd.batch[-- Task.perform (\_ -> NoOp) sizeToMsg Window.size Task.perform (\_ -> NoOp) getCollageSize (Task.succeed userView) , Task.perform (\_ -> NoOp) getInitTime] getInitTime t = InitTime (inSeconds t) {-sizeToMsg : Window.Size -> Msg a sizeToMsg size = WindowResize (size.width, size.height)-} getCollageSize userView = case userView of Collage (w,h) _ -> CollageSize (round w, round h) type Msg notes = Graphics notes | WindowResize (Int,Int) | ReturnPosition ((Float,Float) -> notes) (Float,Float) | CollageSize (Int,Int) | InitTime Time | TickTime Time | KeyDown Int | KeyUp Int | NoOp aHiddenUpdate update msg model = (update msg model, Cmd.none) aHiddenView view model = view model type alias GModel a = { cw: Float , ch: Float , sw: Float , sh: Float , initT: Float , updateTick: a -- , keys: KeyDict } initGModel = { cw = 0 , ch = 0 , sw = 0 , sh = 0 , initT = 0 , updateTick = NoOp , keys = Dict.empty } type alias GetKeyState = ((Keys -> KeyState),(Float,Float),(Float,Float)) type Keys = Key String | Backspace | Tab | Enter | Shift | Ctrl | Alt | Caps | LeftArrow | UpArrow | RightArrow | DownArrow | Delete | Space line : (Float,Float) -> (Float,Float) -> Stencil line p1 p2 = Path [p1,p2] polygon : List (Float,Float) -> Stencil polygon ptList = Polygon ptList openPolygon: List(Float,Float) -> Stencil openPolygon ptList = Path ptList ngon n r = Polygon <| (ptOnCircle r n) [0..n] triangle : Float -> Stencil triangle r = ngon 3 r square r = Rect r r rect w h = Rect w h roundedRect w h r = RoundRect w h r rectangle w h = Rect w h circle r = Circle r oval x y = Oval x y graphPaper s = group ( (createGraphX 1600 s) [-1500/s..1500/s] ++ (createGraphY 3000 s) [-800/s..800/s]) createGraphX h s x = filled (rgb 135 206 250) (rect 1 h) |> move(x*s,0) createGraphY w s y = filled (rgb 135 206 250) (rect w 1) |> move(0,y*s) funnyStar r n frac = Polygon <| [(0,0)] ++ ( ((ptOnCircle r n) << ((*)(frac/10*180))) [-10..10]) ++[(0,0)] wedge r frac = let n = frac*360/10 + 5 in Polygon <| [(0,0)] ++ ( ((wedgeHelper r) << ((*)(frac/n*180))) [-n..n]) ++[(0,0)] wedgeHelper r cn = let angle = cn in (r * cos (degrees angle), r * sin (degrees angle)) ptOnCircle r n cn = let angle = 360 * cn / n in (r * cos (degrees angle), r * sin (degrees angle)) curve: (Float,Float) -> List Pull -> Stencil curve (a,b) list = BezierPath (a,b) ( curveListHelper list) curveListHelper (Pull (a,b) (c,d)) = ((a,b),(c,d)) autoCurve: List (Float,Float) -> Stencil autoCurve pts = let ar = Array.fromList pts (sx,sy) = case (Array.get 0 ar) of Just spt -> spt Nothing -> (0,0) length = List.length pts in curve (sx,sy) ( (autoCurveListHelper ar length) [1..length-2]) autoCurveListHelper ar len n = let (x1,y1) = case (Array.get n ar) of Just pt -> pt Nothing -> (0,0) (x2,y2) = case (Array.get (n+1) ar) of Just pt -> pt Nothing -> (0,0) xc = (x1 + x2) / 2 yc = (y1 + y2) / 2 lastTwo = (n == len-2) in if lastTwo then Pull (x1,-y1) (x2,y2) else Pull (xc,yc) (x1,y1) addHyperlink link shape = Link link shape text: String -> Stencil text str = Text (Face 12 False False False False False Serif False) str curveHelper: Shape notification -> Shape notification curveHelper shape = case shape of Inked clr outline (BezierPath (a,b) list) -> group [shape, generateCurveHelper (a,b) list ] Move s shape -> Move s (curveHelper shape) Rotate r shape -> Rotate r (curveHelper shape) ScaleXY sx sy shape -> ScaleXY sx sy (curveHelper shape) Group list -> Group ( curveHelper list) a -> a generateCurveHelper (a,b) list = let l1Array = Array.fromList ([(a,b)] ++ List.concat ( createTopLevelList list)) in group [generateCHLines l1Array, generateCHCircles l1Array] generateCHLines ar = let len = Array.length ar in group ( (generateCHLine ar) [0..(len-2)]) generateCHLine ar int = let p1 = case (Array.get int ar) of Just p -> p Nothing -> (0,0) p2 = case (Array.get (int+1) ar) of Just p -> p Nothing -> (0,0) in outlined (dashed 0.5) black (line (p1) (p2)) generateCHCircles ar = let len = Array.length ar in group ( (generateCHCircle ar) [0..(len-1)]) generateCHCircle ar int = let p1 = case (Array.get int ar) of Just p -> p Nothing -> (0,0) ptStr = pairToString p1 in group [filled red (circle 2), text ("("++ptStr++")") |> filled black |> move(5,5) ] |> move p1 createTopLevelList ((a,b),(c,d)) = [(a,b),(c,d)] --group: (List Shape) -> type alias Transform = (((Float,Float) -- normal transformation of whole group ,(Float,Float) ,(Float,Float) ) ,((Float,Float),Float,(Float,Float)) -- scale/rotate/shift inside groups ) coalesce (((a,b),(c,d),(tx,ty)),((sx,sy),rot,(shx,shy))) = let sa = sx*a sb = sy*b sc = sx*c sd = sy*d rx = cos rot ry = sin rot in (((rx * sa - ry * sb, ry * sa + rx * sb) ,(rx * sc - ry * sd, ry * sc + rx * sd) ,(tx + a*shx + c*shy, ty + b*shx + d*shy)) ,((1,1),0,(0,0)) ) id = (((1,0) ,(0,1) ,(0,0) ) ,((1,1),0,(0,0)) ) moveT : Transform -> (Float,Float) -> Transform moveT (trans,(s,r,(tx,ty))) (u,v) = (trans,(s,r,(tx+u,ty+v))) rotT (trans,(s,r,t)) rad = (trans,(s,r+rad,t)) scaleT (trans,((ssx,ssy),r,(shx,shy))) (sx,sy) = (trans,((ssx*sx,ssy*sy),r,(shx,shy))) type Collage notification = Collage (Float,Float) (List (Shape notification)) --collage : Float -> Float -> (List (Shape notification)) -> Html.Html notification collage w h shapes = Collage (w,h) shapes createCollage w h shapes = Svg.svg [ width "100%", height "99%", style "position:absolute", viewBox ((toString (-w/2)) ++ " " ++ (toString (-h/2)) ++ " " ++ (toString w) ++ " " ++(toString h))] ([cPath w h] ++ [Svg.g [clipPath "url(#cPath)"] ( (createSVG id) shapes)]) cPath w h = Svg.defs [] [Svg.clipPath [ "cPath"] [Svg.polygon [Svg.Attributes.points (toString (-w/2) ++ " " ++ (toString (-h/2)) ++ "," ++ (toString (w/2)) ++ " " ++ (toString (-h/2)) ++ "," ++ (toString (w/2)) ++ " " ++ (toString (h/2)) ++ "," ++ (toString(-w/2)) ++ " " ++ (toString (h/2)))] []]{-Svg.rect [width (toString w), height (toString h), x (toString (-w/2)), y (toString (-h/2))] []]-}] f = 500 --focal length --puppetShow : Float -> Float -> List (Float,Shape) -> Html.Html msg puppetShow w h listShapes = collage w h ( extractShape (List.sortWith flippedComparison listShapes)) --extractShape: (Float,Shape notification) -> Shape notification extractShape (z,shape) = let s = f/(f+z) in group [shape] |> scale s flippedComparison (a,x) (b,y) = case compare a b of LT -> GT EQ -> EQ GT -> LT --Notification functions notifyTap msg shape = Tap (Graphics msg) shape notifyEnter msg shape = EnterShape (Graphics msg) shape notifyLeave msg shape = Exit (Graphics msg) shape notifyTapAt msg shape = TapAt (ReturnPosition msg) shape notifyEnterAt msg shape = EnterAt (ReturnPosition msg) shape notifyLeaveAt msg shape = ExitAt (ReturnPosition msg) shape notifyMoveOverAt msg shape = MoveOverAt (ReturnPosition msg) shape notifyPointerDown msg shape = MouseDown (Graphics msg) shape notifyPointerDownAt msg shape = MouseDownAt (ReturnPosition msg) shape notifyPointerUp msg shape = MouseUp (Graphics msg) shape notifyPointerUpAt msg shape = MouseUpAt (ReturnPosition msg) shape xyToPair xy = (Basics.toFloat (xy.x),Basics.toFloat (-xy.y)) onTapAt msg = Html.Events.on "click" ( (msg << xyToPair) Mouse.position) onEnterAt msg = Html.Events.on "mouseover" ( (msg << xyToPair) Mouse.position) onLeaveAt msg = Html.Events.on "mouseleave" ( (msg << xyToPair) Mouse.position) onMoveAt msg = Html.Events.on "mousemove" ( (msg << xyToPair) Mouse.position) onMouseDownAt msg = Html.Events.on "mousedown" ( (msg << xyToPair) Mouse.position) onMouseUpAt msg = Html.Events.on "mouseup" ( (msg << xyToPair) Mouse.position) onTouchStart msg = Html.Events.on "touchstart" (Json.succeed msg) onTouchEnd msg = Html.Events.on "touchend" (Json.succeed msg) onTouchMove msg = Html.Events.on "touchmove" ( (msg << xyToPair) Mouse.position) --createSVG : Transform -> Shape notification -> Svg.Svg notification createSVG trans shape = case shape of Inked fillClr lt stencil -> let (((a,b),(c,d),(tx,ty)),_) = coalesce trans attrs = transAttrs ++ clrAttrs ++ strokeAttrs transAttrs = [Svg.Attributes.transform <| "matrix("++(String.concat <| List.intersperse "," <| toString [a,-b,c,-d,tx,-ty])++")"] clrAttrs = [ fill (mkRGB fillClr), fillOpacity (mkAlpha fillClr)] strokeAttrs = case lt of Nothing -> [] Just (Solid w , strokeClr) -> [ strokeWidth (toString w) , stroke (mkRGB strokeClr), strokeOpacity (mkAlpha strokeClr)] Just (Broken dashes w , strokeClr) -> [ strokeWidth (toString w) , stroke (mkRGB strokeClr), strokeOpacity (mkAlpha strokeClr)] ++ [strokeDasharray <| String.concat (List.intersperse "," <| pairToString dashes)] in (case stencil of Circle r -> ([ cx "0", cy "0" , Svg.Attributes.r (toString r) ] ++ attrs) [] Rect w h -> Svg.rect ([ x (toString (-w/2)), y (toString (-h/2)) , width (toString w), height (toString h)] ++ attrs) [] RoundRect w h r -> Svg.rect ([ x (toString (-w/2)), y (toString (-h/2)) , rx (toString r), ry (toString r) , width (toString w), height (toString h)] ++ attrs) [] Oval w h -> Svg.ellipse ([ cx "0", cy "0" , rx (toString (0.5*w)), ry (toString (0.5*h)) ] ++ attrs) [] -- BezierPath (List ) Polygon vertices -> Svg.polygon ([points <| String.concat <| List.intersperse " " <| pairToString vertices] ++ attrs) [] Path vertices -> Svg.polyline ([points <| String.concat <| List.intersperse " " <| pairToString vertices] ++ attrs) [] BezierPath start pts -> Svg.path ([Svg.Attributes.d <| (createBezierString start pts)] ++ attrs) [] Text (Face si bo i u s sel f cen) str -> let bol = if bo then "font-weight: bold;" else "" it = if i then "font-style: italic;" else "" un = if u then "text-decoration: underline;" else "" stri = if s then "text-decoration: strikethrough;" else "" select = if not sel then "-webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none;cursor: default;" else "" anchor = if cen then "middle" else "left" font = case f of Sansserif -> "sansserif;" FixedWidth -> "fixedwidth;" Custom fStr -> fStr ++ ";" _ -> "serif" sty = bol ++ it ++ un ++ stri ++ "font-family: " ++ font ++ select in Svg.text' ([ x (toString tx), y (toString -ty), sty, Svg.Attributes.fontSize (toString (si)), Svg.Attributes.textAnchor anchor] ++ attrs ++ [Svg.Attributes.transform <| "matrix("++(String.concat <| List.intersperse "," <| toString [a,b,c,d,0,0])++")"]) [Svg.text str] ) Move v shape -> createSVG (moveT trans v) shape Rotate deg shape -> createSVG (rotT trans deg) shape ScaleXY sx sy shape -> createSVG (scaleT trans (sx,sy)) shape Link href shape -> Svg.a [xlinkHref href, target "_blank"] [createSVG (coalesce trans) shape] Tap msg shape -> Svg.g [Html.Events.onClick msg] [createSVG (coalesce trans) shape] TapAt msg shape -> Svg.g [onTapAt msg] [createSVG (coalesce trans) shape] EnterShape msg shape -> Svg.g [Html.Events.onMouseEnter msg] [createSVG (coalesce trans) shape] EnterAt msg shape -> Svg.g [onEnterAt msg] [createSVG (coalesce trans) shape] Exit msg shape -> Svg.g [Html.Events.onMouseLeave msg] [createSVG (coalesce trans) shape] ExitAt msg shape -> Svg.g [onLeaveAt msg] [createSVG (coalesce trans) shape] MouseDown msg shape -> Svg.g [Html.Events.onMouseDown msg] [createSVG (coalesce trans) shape] MouseDownAt msg shape -> Svg.g [onMouseDownAt msg] [createSVG (coalesce trans) shape] MouseUp msg shape -> Svg.g [Html.Events.onMouseUp msg] [createSVG (coalesce trans) shape] MouseUpAt msg shape -> Svg.g [onMouseUpAt msg] [createSVG (coalesce trans) shape] MoveOverAt msg shape -> Svg.g [onMoveAt msg] [createSVG (coalesce trans) shape] Group shapes -> Svg.g [] <| (createSVG <| coalesce trans) shapes --Filling / outlining functions filled: Color -> Stencil -> Shape notification filled color shape = Inked color Nothing shape outlined: LineType -> Color -> Stencil -> Shape notification outlined style outlineClr shape = let lineStyle = (style, outlineClr) in Inked (rgba 0 0 0 0) (Just lineStyle) shape addOutline: LineType -> Color -> Shape notification -> Shape notification addOutline style outlineClr shape = let lineStyle = (style, outlineClr) in case shape of Inked clr outline shape -> Inked clr (Just lineStyle) shape Move s shape -> Move s (addOutline style outlineClr shape) Rotate r shape -> Rotate r (addOutline style outlineClr shape) ScaleXY sx sy shape -> ScaleXY sx sy (addOutline style outlineClr shape) Group list -> Group list a -> a makeTransparent: Float -> Shape notification -> Shape notification makeTransparent alpha shape = case shape of Inked (RGBA r g b a) (Just (lineType, (RGBA sr sg sb sa))) shape -> Inked (RGBA r g b (a*alpha)) (Just (lineType, (RGBA sr sg sb (sa*alpha)))) shape Inked (RGBA r g b a) Nothing shape -> Inked (RGBA r g b (a*alpha)) Nothing shape Move s shape -> Move s (makeTransparent alpha shape) Rotate r shape -> Rotate r (makeTransparent alpha shape) ScaleXY sx sy shape -> ScaleXY sx sy (makeTransparent alpha shape) Group list -> Group ( (makeTransparent alpha) list) a -> a --Line styles solid th = Solid th dotted th = Broken [(th,th)] th dashed th = Broken [(th*5,th*2.5)] th longdash th = Broken [(th*12,th*6)] th dotdash th = Broken [(th,th),(th*5,th)] th custom list th = Broken list th increasing s e th = Broken ( makePair [s..e]) th makePair n = (n,n) --Text functions size size stencil = case stencil of (Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str) -> Text (Face size bo i u s sel f c) str a -> a bold stencil = case stencil of (Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str) -> Text (Face si True i u s sel f c) str a -> a italic stencil = case stencil of (Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str) -> Text (Face si bo True u s sel f c) str a -> a underline stencil = case stencil of (Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str) -> Text (Face si bo i True s sel f c) str a -> a strikethrough stencil = case stencil of (Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str) -> Text (Face si bo i u True sel f c) str a -> a selectable stencil = case stencil of (Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str) -> Text (Face si bo i u s True f c) str a -> a centered stencil = case stencil of (Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str) -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel f True) str a -> a sansserif stencil = case stencil of (Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str) -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel Sansserif c) str a -> a customFont fStr stencil = case stencil of (Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str) -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel (Custom fStr) c) str a -> a --Transformation functions rotate theta shape = Rotate theta shape move disp shape = Move disp shape scale s shape = ScaleXY s s shape scaleX s shape = ScaleXY s 1 shape scaleY s shape = ScaleXY 1 s shape mirrorX shape = ScaleXY -1 1 shape mirrorY shape = ScaleXY 1 -1 shape group shapes = Group shapes rgb r g b = RGBA r g b 1 rgba r g b a = RGBA r g b a degrees: Float -> Float degrees deg = deg*(pi/180) pairToString (x,y) = (toString x)++","++(toString y) createBezierString first list = "M " ++ (pairToString first) ++ String.concat ( bezierStringHelper list) bezierStringHelper ((a,b),(c,d)) = " Q " ++ pairToString (a,b) ++ " " ++ pairToString (c,d) mkAlpha (RGBA _ _ _ a) = toString a mkRGB (RGBA r g b _) = "#" ++ (toHex <| round r) ++ (toHex <| round g) ++ (toHex <| round b) toHex: Int -> String toHex dec = let first = dec // 16 second = (dec % 16) in (toHexHelper first) ++ (toHexHelper second) toHexHelper: Int -> String toHexHelper dec = case dec of 0 -> "0" 1 -> "1" 2 -> "2" 3 -> "3" 4 -> "4" 5 -> "5" 6 -> "6" 7 -> "7" 8 -> "8" 9 -> "9" 10 -> "A" 11 -> "B" 12 -> "C" 13 -> "D" 14 -> "E" 15 -> "F" _ -> "" -- pink: Color pink = RGBA 255 105 180 1 hotPink: Color hotPink = RGBA 255 0 66 1 {-|-} lightRed : Color lightRed = RGBA 239 41 41 1 {-|-} red : Color red = RGBA 204 0 0 1 {-|-} darkRed : Color darkRed = RGBA 164 0 0 1 {-|-} lightOrange : Color lightOrange = RGBA 252 175 62 1 {-|-} orange : Color orange = RGBA 245 121 0 1 {-|-} darkOrange : Color darkOrange = RGBA 206 92 0 1 {-|-} lightYellow : Color lightYellow = RGBA 255 233 79 1 {-|-} yellow : Color yellow = RGBA 237 212 0 1 {-|-} darkYellow : Color darkYellow = RGBA 196 160 0 1 {-|-} lightGreen : Color lightGreen = RGBA 138 226 52 1 {-|-} green : Color green = RGBA 115 210 22 1 {-|-} darkGreen : Color darkGreen = RGBA 78 154 6 1 {-|-} lightBlue : Color lightBlue = RGBA 114 159 207 1 {-|-} blue : Color blue = RGBA 52 101 164 1 {-|-} darkBlue : Color darkBlue = RGBA 32 74 135 1 {-|-} lightPurple : Color lightPurple = RGBA 173 127 168 1 {-|-} purple : Color purple = RGBA 117 80 123 1 {-|-} darkPurple : Color darkPurple = RGBA 92 53 102 1 {-|-} lightBrown : Color lightBrown = RGBA 233 185 110 1 {-|-} brown : Color brown = RGBA 193 125 17 1 {-|-} darkBrown : Color darkBrown = RGBA 143 89 2 1 {-|-} black : Color black = RGBA 0 0 0 1 {-|-} white : Color white = RGBA 255 255 255 1 {-|-} lightGrey : Color lightGrey = RGBA 238 238 236 1 {-|-} grey : Color grey = RGBA 211 215 207 1 {-|-} darkGrey : Color darkGrey = RGBA 186 189 182 1 {-|-} lightGray : Color lightGray = RGBA 238 238 236 1 {-|-} gray : Color gray = RGBA 211 215 207 1 {-|-} darkGray : Color darkGray = RGBA 186 189 182 1 {-|-} lightCharcoal : Color lightCharcoal = RGBA 136 138 133 1 {-|-} charcoal : Color charcoal = RGBA 85 87 83 1 {-|-} darkCharcoal : Color darkCharcoal = RGBA 46 52 54 1 blank : Color blank = RGBA 0 0 0 0