CS 1MD3 T2 2004

Some assignments will be handed in using WebCT. Your MUSS userid is your userid for WebCT as well.

It seems that in some of the labs (like ABB), cygwin is already installed. I definitely recommend learning VIM (or emacs) for editing programs. It takes a bit of time, but the long-term rewards are definitely worth it!

  1. Translate some C code to Pascal. The code is also available as text file for easier editing. It appears that "free Pascal" is installed in all the labs, so you can make sure your programs are correct. The marking scheme will definitely deduct marks for syntactically incorrect programs!
  2. The exact details of assignment 2 are on another page.
  3. The exact details of assignment 3 are on another page.
  4. The exact details of assignment 4 are on another page.
  5. The exact details of assignment 5 are on another page.

Bonus Assignments


The first bonus assignment, due Thursday February 26th [by email, to me, any time on the 26th] consists in writing several version of quicksort:

Each of the above versions of quicksort should be written in C, Java, Haskell and Prolog. Note that the plain version of quicksort is not worth any bonus marks, as it is expected that you will use a standard version of this algorithm that you can find many places on the web. You should include comments for each of your code versions, clearly explaining the design decisions you have made, why you made them, etc. This assignment is to be done individually!.

This bonus assignment can be worth several percentage points on your final mark - outstanding submissions could earn up to 5%


  • Due (by email) any time before the exam.
  • The references for javap, the JVM (and more downloadable from the Java documenation page) will come in quite handy.
  • Write, in C a version of javap. In other words, your program should read in a (binary) Java .class file (given as a file name on the command line) and print the 'decompilation' of the class file as output.
  • The only things to mimic are javap called with only a class file as input, or with the -c option.
  • Deliverables:
  • This assignment will be worth a sliding amount depending on the functionality provided.
  • This assignment is very difficult if you try to "just code it". However, if you think it through and use (many) of the data-structures from class, including a finite-state machine or two, as well as table-based dispatch, this is not so bad. It can be done in around 300 lines of actual code and maybe 200 lines of data definitions (op-codes, keywords, etc). To be precise: use a finite state machine with an auxilliary stack, where you use the stack to store state transitions. Use (lots) of data tables.
  • Very complicated and/or very long solutions will be worth much fewer points than a thought-through concise solution.

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