Question generated for student with ID 0452422

  (You are responsible to check if your student number is correct!)
  Read carefully the binary tree implementation given in class. Using that given tree structure to dothe following problems:
  1. Write a function that prints all paths from root to leaf of a binary tree
  2. Write a function to delete the root node of a tree and replace with the right-most leaf node. (Hint. Write another function to delete the right-most leaf node first!)
  3. Write a function that stores the values of the nodes of a binary search tree in increasing orderinto an array: datatype in[]. Note: You have to do this without sorting.
  4. Write a function to delete duplicate entries from a binary tree
  5. If you have this question then your program have to use this new tree structure instead of the one given in class
    typedef struct tree{
    	datatype data;
    	int descendands;
    	struct tree *left, *right;
    } tree;
      Write a function that traverses the tree and initializes the member descendands when a node is visited. The value of descendands of a node is the number of descendants (children) of that node.
  You must also write a main function with other sufficient function calls to Insert() and Print() and several test cases to make sure your program performs properly! Each program should be in a seperate file with meaningfulcomments for your code. You may re-use as much code as needed for each part.