CS 1MD3 T2 2004

You can find last year's midterm 1 as a good 'practice' midterm. There are a couple of questions on that midterm on material that I did not cover this year - but that is up to you to spot them! You can also look at last year's midterm 2, but since the courses have been fairly different, there are quite a few questions on it that you would not be expected to be able to answer.

The midterm dates are:

  1. Feb. 3rd (in the refectory, during class times)
  2. Mar. 7th (in the refectory, during class times)
In both cases, the material covered includes all material covered up to that point in time. For the second midterm, there will be definite emphasis on material covered between Feb 3rd and Mar 3rd, but there will still be some questions relating to earlier material.

If you want to review things, midterm 1 and midterm 2 are available too. You can pick up your marked midterms from ITB-101.
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