CS 1MD3 T2 2006

All assignments will be handed in using WebCT. Your MUSS userid is your userid for WebCT as well.

It seems that in some of the labs (like those ABB), cygwin is already installed. I definitely recommend learning vim (which I use all the time) or emacs for editing programs. Of course, you can use textpad too, but you will be less efficient if you do that. It takes a bit of time to learn, but the long-term rewards are definitely worth it!

  1. Translate some C code to Python.
  2. Testing and debugging.
  3. Data structures.
  4. Finite State Machines.
  5. Internet programming.

Bonus Assignments

The first one, now long-past due, was to write matrix multiplication purely recursively.

Second bonus - called small bonus in class: Implement a queue (in Python) where the underlying implementation is a circular array of a fixed size. With a test suite, please! This is due March 10th, via email.

This bonus - called big bonus in class: do the Python challenge!. No, you don't need to complete it, you just need to get far enough in, and document what you've done. I will question you about it orally - because there are ways to find hints and part solutions on the web to this. The point is for you to do this and learn! If you got to say level 5, and got totally stuck, were curious, found an online solution, and then did level 6 on your own, then tell me exactly that, and that will be fine. This part will be due March 17th. Send me an email with your write-up, we can set a time to chat about your solution after I get the write-up.

Fourth bonus: Show that there is no Finite State Machine M where the language of M is exaclty the set of all string anbn with n≥ 0. In other words, one cannot write a FSM M that accepts exactly that language.

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