Build ===== To build code and tests please use 'make all'. This will build: 1. the ocaml top-level interpreter containing GGK sources. 2. Code generation testcases under ctest/. Usage ===== The top-level interpreter '' can be started with the appropriate includes as follows (from the root directory of the code): $ ./ -I src/ This will start the interpreter with all the modules visible. Here is an example session showing the integer module in action: $ ./ -I src/ Objective Caml version 3.09.1 # let a =;; val a : int = 0 # Integer.Integer_Ring.add_s (Staged.of_immediate 0) (Staged.of_atom .<4>.);; - : ('a, int) Staged.staged = Staged.Later {Staged.c = .<4>.; Staged.a = true} # exit 0;; Code Tests ========== The code generation tests (hereby: ctests) are under ctest/. The main Makefile builds the ctests. Individual build can be done by issuing 'make' from the shell under ctest/. The test files are named and their corresponding output files For example: and