Answers/Solutions to Exercises in Chapter 7, Exercise 4

E4: Implement a dynamic array of strings in the form of a dynamic array of pointers to strings. Implement it similarly to two-dimensional character array, where each string is stored in a row of different size.

S4: A sample program is below.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

// function main ------------------------------------------
int main()
	int i;
	char **array;

	array = (char **) malloc(sizeof(int*)*4);  // 4 strings
	array[0]=(char*) malloc(strlen("string1")+1); 
	array[1]=(char*) malloc(strlen("this string2")+1); 
	strcpy(array[1],"this string2");
	array[2]=(char*) malloc(strlen("this is string3")+1); 
	strcpy(array[2],"this is string3");
	array[3]=(char*) malloc(strlen("this is string4 - the last one")+1); 
	strcpy(array[3],"this is string4 - the last one");

	for(i=0; i<4; i++)

        return 0;
}// end main

The run of the sample solution program:

array[1]=this string2
array[2]=this is string3
array[3]=this is string4 - the last one

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