2DM3 2018 — Mid-November Theorem Reference

Only parts of this will be available as “Midterm 2 Theorem List”!


Axiom (1.2) “Reflexivity of =”: x = x
Axiom (1.3) “Symmetry of =”: (x = y) = (y = x)


Axiom “Definition of ≠”: x y ¬ (x = y)
Theorem “Definition of ≠”: x y (x = y false)
Theorem “Irreflexivity of ≠”: ¬ (x x)
Theorem “Irreflexivity of ≠”: x x false
Theorem “Symmetry of ≠”: x y y x

Basic Propositional Logic


Axiom “Definition of ≡”: (p q) = (p = q)
Axiom (3.1) “Associativity of ≡”: ((p q) r) (p (q r))
Axiom (3.2) “Symmetry of ≡”: (p q) (q p)
Axiom (3.3) “Identity of ≡”: true (q q)
Theorem (3.4): true
Theorem (3.5) “Reflexivity of ≡”: p p

Negation and Inequivalence

Axiom (3.8) “Definition of `false`”: false ¬ true
Axiom (3.9) “Commutativity of ¬ with ≡” “Distributivity of ¬ over ≡”: ¬ (p q) (¬ p q)
Axiom (3.10) “Definition of ≢”: (p q) ¬ (p q)
Theorem (3.11) “¬ connection”: ¬ p (q (p ¬ q))
Theorem (3.12) “Double negation”: ¬ (¬ p) p
Theorem (3.13) “Negation of `false`”: ¬ false true
Theorem (3.14): (p q) (¬ p q)
Theorem (3.15): ¬ p (p false)
Theorem “Identity of ≢”: (p false) p
Theorem (3.16) “Symmetry of ≢”: (p q) (q p)
Theorem (3.17) “Associativity of ≢”: ((p q) r) (p (q r))
Theorem (3.18) “Mutual associativity of ≡ with ≢”: ((p q) r) (p (q r))
Theorem (3.19) “Mutual interchangeability of ≡ with ≢”: (p (q r)) (p (q r))


Axiom (3.24) “Symmetry of ∨”: p q q p
Axiom (3.25) “Associativity of ∨”: (p q) r p (q r)
Axiom (3.26) “Idempotency of ∨”: p p p
Axiom (3.27) “Distributivity of ∨ over ≡”: p (q r) (p q p r)
Axiom (3.28) “Excluded middle” “LEM”: p ¬ p
Theorem (3.29) “Zero of ∨”: p true true
Theorem (3.30) “Identity of ∨”: p false p
Theorem (3.31) “Distributivity of ∨ over ∨”: p (q r) (p q) (p r)
Theorem (3.32): p q (p ¬ q p)


Axiom (3.35) “Golden rule”: p q (p (q p q))
Theorem (3.36) “Symmetry of ∧”: p q q p
Theorem (3.37) “Associativity of ∧”: (p q) r p (q r)
Theorem (3.38) “Idempotency of ∧”: p p p
Theorem (3.39) “Identity of ∧”: p true p
Theorem (3.40) “Zero of ∧”: p false false
Theorem (3.41) “Distributivity of ∧ over ∧”: p (q r) (p q) (p r)
Theorem (3.42) “Contradiction”: p ¬ p false
Theorem (3.43) (3.43a) “Absorption”: p (p q) p
Theorem (3.43) (3.43b) “Absorption”: p (p q) p
Theorem (3.44) (3.44a) “Absorption”: p (¬ p q) p q
Theorem (3.44) (3.44b) “Absorption”: p (¬ p q) p q
Theorem (3.44) (3.44c) “Absorption”: ¬ p (p q) ¬ p q
Theorem (3.44) (3.44d) “Absorption”: ¬ p (p q) ¬ p q
Theorem (3.45) “Distributivity of ∨ over ∧”: p (q r) (p q) (p r)
Theorem (3.46) “Distributivity of ∧ over ∨”: p (q r) (p q) (p r)
Theorem (3.47) (3.47a) “De Morgan”: ¬ (p q) ¬ p ¬ q
Theorem (3.47) (3.47b) “De Morgan”: ¬ (p q) ¬ p ¬ q
Theorem (3.48): p q (p ¬ q ¬ p)
Theorem (3.49) “Semi-distributivity of ∧ over ≡”: p (q r) (p q (p r p))
Theorem (3.50) “Strong Modus Ponens”: p (q p) p q
Theorem (3.51) “Replacement”: (p q) (r p) (p q) (r q)
Theorem (3.52) “Alternative definition of ≡”: p (q (p q) (¬ p ¬ q))
Theorem (3.53) “Exclusive or” “Alternative definition of ≢”: (p q) (¬ p q) (p ¬ q)
Theorem (3.55): (p q) r (p (q (r (p q (q r (r p p (q r)))))))
Theorem: toBe ¬ toBe true


Axiom (3.57) “Definition of ⇒” “Definition of Implication”: p q (p q q)
Axiom (3.58) “Definition of ⇐” “Consequence”: p q q p
Theorem (3.59) “Definition of ⇒” “Definition of Implication”: p q ¬ p q
Theorem (3.60) “Definition of ⇒” “Definition of Implication”: p q (p q p)
Theorem (3.61) “Contrapositive”: p q ¬ q ¬ p
Theorem (3.62): p (q r) (p q p r)
Theorem (3.63) “Distributivity of ⇒ over ≡”: p (q r) (p q p r)
Theorem (3.64) “Self-distributivity of ⇒”: p (q r) (p q) (p r)
Theorem (3.65) “Shunting”: p q r p (q r)
Theorem (3.66): p (p q) p q
Theorem (3.67): p (q p) p
Theorem (3.68): p (p q) true
Theorem (3.69): p (q p) q p
Theorem (3.70): p q p q (p q)
Theorem (3.71) “Reflexivity of ⇒”: p p
Theorem (3.72) “Right-zero of ⇒”: p true
Theorem (3.73) “Left-identity of ⇒”: true p p
Theorem “Definition of ¬” (3.74): p false ¬ p
Theorem (3.75) “ex falso quodlibet”: false p
Theorem (3.76) (3.76a) “Weakening” “Strengthening”: p p q
Theorem (3.76) (3.76a) “Weakening” “Strengthening”: p p q
Theorem (3.76) (3.76b) “Weakening” “Strengthening”: p q p
Theorem (3.76) (3.76c) “Weakening” “Strengthening”: p q p q
Theorem (3.76) (3.76d) “Weakening” “Strengthening”: p (q r) p q
Theorem (3.76) (3.76e) “Weakening” “Strengthening”: p q p (q r)
Theorem “Reflexivity of ⇒”: (p q) (p q)
Theorem (3.77) “Modus ponens”: p (p q) q
Theorem (3.78) “Case analysis”: (p r) (q r) p q r
Theorem (3.79) “Case analysis”: (p r) (¬ p r) r
Theorem (3.80) “Mutual implication”: (p q) (q p) (p q)
Theorem (3.81) “Antisymmetry of ⇒”: (p q) (q p) (p q)
Theorem (3.82) (3.82a) “Transitivity of ⇒”: (p q) (q r) (p r)
Theorem (3.82) (3.82b) “Transitivity of ⇒”: (p q) (q r) (p r)
Theorem (3.82) (3.82c) “Transitivity of ⇒”: (p q) (q r) (p r)
Theorem “Implication strengthening”: p q p p q

Leibniz as Axiom and Substitution/Replacement Laws

Axiom (3.83) “Leibniz”: e = f E[ze] = E[zf]
Theorem (3.84) (3.84a) “Substitution” “Replacement”: e = f E[ze] e = f E[zf]
Theorem (3.84) (3.84b) “Substitution” “Replacement”: e = f E[ze] e = f E[zf]
Theorem (3.84) (3.84c) “Substitution” “Replacement”: q e = f E[ze] q e = f E[zf]
Theorem “Transitivity of =”: e = f f = g e = g
Theorem (3.85) (3.85a) “Replace by `true`”: p E[zp] p E[ztrue]
Theorem (3.85) (3.85b) “Replace by `true`”: q p E[zp] q p E[ztrue]
Theorem (3.85c) “Replace by `false`”: ¬ p E[zp] ¬ p E[zfalse]
Theorem (3.85e) “Replace by `true`”: p E[zp] = E[ztrue]
Theorem (3.86) (3.86a) “Replace by `false`”: E[zp] p E[zfalse] p
Theorem (3.86) (3.86b) “Replace by `false`”: E[zp] p q E[zfalse] p q
Theorem (3.87) “Replace by `true`”: p E[zp] p E[ztrue]
Theorem (3.88) “Replace by `false`”: p E[zp] p E[zfalse]
Theorem (3.89) “Shannon”: E[zp] (p E[ztrue]) (¬ p E[zfalse])

Monotonicity with Respect to Implication

Theorem “Left-monotonicity of ∨” “Monotonicity of ∨”: (p q) (p r q r)
Theorem “Left-monotonicity of ∨” “Monotonicity of ∨”: (p q) (p r q r)
Theorem (4.2) “Left-monotonicity of ∨” “Monotonicity of ∨”: (p q) (p r q r)
Theorem “Monotonicity of ∨”: (p q) ((r s) (p r q s))
Theorem (4.3) “Left-monotonicity of ∧” “Monotonicity of ∧”: (p q) (p r q r)
Theorem “Monotonicity of ∧”: (p p') ((q q') (p q p' q'))
Theorem “Monotonicity of ∧”: (p p') ((q q') (p q p' q'))
Theorem “Antitonicity of ¬”: (p q) (¬ q ¬ p)
Theorem “Monotonicity of ⇒” “Right-monotonicity of ⇒”: (p q) ((r p) (r q))
Theorem “Antitonicity of ⇒” “Left-antitonicity of ⇒”: (p q) ((q r) (p r))

Equational Theory of Integers

Axiom (15.1) (15.1a) “Associativity of +”: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
Axiom (15.1) (15.1b) “Associativity of ·”: (a · b) · c = a · (b · c)
Axiom (15.2) (15.2a) “Symmetry of +”: a + b = b + a
Axiom (15.2) (15.2b) “Symmetry of ·”: a · b = b · a
Axiom (15.3) “Additive identity” “Identity of +”: 0 + a = a
Axiom (15.4) “Multiplicative identity” “Identity of ·”: 1 · a = a
Axiom (15.5) “Distributivity” “Distributivity of · over +”: a · (b + c) = a · b + a · c
Axiom (15.9) “Zero of ·”: a · 0 = 0
Axiom (15.13) “Unary minus”: a + - a = 0
Axiom (15.14) “Subtraction”: a - b = a + - b
Theorem (15.17) “Self-inverse of unary minus”: - (- a) = a
Theorem (15.18) “Fixpoint of unary minus”: - 0 = 0
Theorem (15.20): - a = - 1 · a
Theorem (15.19) “Distributivity of unary minus over +”: - (a + b) = - a + - b
Theorem (15.21): - a · b = a · - b
Theorem (15.22): a · - b = - (a · b)
Theorem (15.23): - a · - b = a · b
Theorem (15.24) “Right-identity of -”: a - 0 = a
Theorem (15.25): (a - b) + (c - d) = (a + c) - (b + d)
Theorem (15.25a) “Mutual associativity of + and -”: a + (b - c) = (a + b) - c
Theorem (15.25b) “Subtraction of addition”: a - (b + c) = (a - b) - c
Theorem (15.25c): (a - b) + (b - c) = a - c
Theorem (15.26): (a - b) - (c - d) = (a + d) - (b + c)
Theorem (15.27): (a - b) · (c - d) = (a · c + b · d) - (a · d + b · c)
Theorem (15.29) “Distributivity of · over -”: (a - b) · c = a · c - b · c

Positivity of Integers

Axiom (15.7) “Cancellation of ·”: c 0 (c · a = c · b a = b)
Axiom (15.8) “Cancellation of +”: a + b = a + c b = c
Theorem “Non-zero multiplication”: a 0 (b 0 a · b 0)


Axiom (15.30) “Positivity under +”: pos a pos b pos (a + b)
Axiom (15.31) “Positivity under ·”: pos a pos b pos (a · b)
Axiom (15.32) “Non-positivity of 0”: ¬ pos 0
Axiom (15.33) “Positivity under unary minus”: b 0 (pos b ¬ pos (- b))
Theorem (15.30a) “Positivity under +”: pos a (pos b pos (a + b))
Theorem (15.31a) “Positivity under ·”: pos a (pos b pos (a · b))
Theorem (15.33a) “Positivity under unary minus”: b 0 (pos b pos (- b))
Theorem (15.33b) “Positivity under unary minus”: b 0 (pos (- b) ¬ pos b)
Theorem (15.33c) “Positivity under unary minus”: (pos (- b) pos b) b = 0
Theorem “Positive implies non-zero”: pos a a 0
Theorem (15.34) “Positivity of squares”: b 0 pos (b · b)
Theorem (15.34) “Positivity of squares”: b 0 pos (b · b)
Theorem (15.34) “Positivity of squares”: b 0 pos (b · b)
Corollary “Positivity of 1”: pos 1
Theorem “Positivity”: pos a a 0 ¬ pos (- a)
Theorem (15.35) “Positivity under positive ·”: pos a (pos b pos (a · b))
Theorem (15.35) “Positivity under ·”: pos a (pos b pos (a · b))
Theorem (15.35) “Positivity under ·”: pos a (pos b pos (a · b))

Order on Integers

Theorem “Cancellation of unary minus”: - a = - b a = b

Orders and Strict-Orders

Axiom (15.36) “Less” “Definition of <”: a < b pos (b - a)
Axiom (15.37) “Greater” “Definition of >”: a > b pos (a - b)
Axiom (15.38) “At most” “Definition of ≤”: a b a < b a = b
Axiom (15.39) “At least” “Definition of ≥”: a b a > b a = b
Theorem “Irreflexivity of <”: ¬ (a < a)
Theorem “Irreflexivity of <”: a = b ¬ (a < b)
Theorem “Irreflexivity of <”: a < b ¬ (a = b)
Theorem “Irreflexivity of <”: ¬ (a < b a = b)
Theorem “Converse of <”: a > b b < a
Theorem “Converse of ≤”: a b b a
Theorem “Irreflexivity of >”: ¬ (a > a)
Theorem “Irreflexivity of >”: a = b ¬ (a > b)
Theorem “Irreflexivity of >”: a > b ¬ (a = b)
Theorem “Irreflexivity of >”: ¬ (a > b a = b)
Theorem (15.40) “Positive elements”: pos b 0 < b
Theorem (15.41) (15.41a) “Transitivity” “Transitivity of <”: a < b b < c a < c
Theorem (15.41) (15.41b) “Transitivity” “Transitivity of ≤ with <”: a b b < c a < c
Theorem (15.41) (15.41c) “Transitivity” “Transitivity of < with ≤”: a < b b c a < c
Theorem (15.41) (15.41d) “Transitivity” “Transitivity of ≤”: a b b c a c
Theorem “Transitivity of ≤”: a b (b c a c)
Theorem “Transitivity” “Transitivity of >”: a > b b > c a > c
Theorem (15.42) “<-Isotonicity of +”: a < b a + d < b + d
Theorem “<-Monotonicity of +”: a < b a + d < b + d
Theorem “<-Monotonicity of +”: a < b (c < d a + c < b + d)
Theorem “<-Monotonicity of +”: a < b c < d a + c < b + d
Theorem “≤-Isotonicity of +”: a b a + d b + d
Theorem “≤-Monotonicity of +”: a b a + d b + d
Theorem “≤-Isotonicity of -”: a b a - d b - d
Theorem “Monotonicity of -” “≤-Monotonicity of -”: a b a - d b - d
Theorem “<-Anti-isotonicity of unary minus”: a < b - b < - a
Theorem “<-Antitonicity of unary minus”: a < b - b < - a
Theorem “Anti-isotonicity of unary minus” “≤-Anti-isotonicity of unary minus”: a b - b - a
Theorem “Antitonicity of unary minus” “≤-Antitonicity of unary minus”: a b - b - a
Theorem “Anti-isotonicity of -” “≤-Anti-isotonicity of -”: c b a - b a - c
Theorem “Antitonicity of -” “≤-Antitonicity of -”: c b a - b a - c
Theorem (15.42) “Monotonicity of ·”: 0 < d (a < b a · d < b · d)
Theorem (15.42) “Monotonicity of ·” “<-Monotonicity of ·”: 0 < d (a < b a · d < b · d)
Theorem “Monotonicity of ·” “≤-Monotonicity of ·”: 0 < d (a b a · d b · d)
Theorem “Asymmetry of <”: ¬ (a < b b < a)
Theorem (15.44A) “Trichotomy — A”: a < b (a = b a > b)
Theorem (15.44B) “Trichotomy — B”: ¬ (a < b (a = b a > b))
Theorem (15.44) “Trichotomy”: (a < b (a = b a > b)) ¬ (a < b (a = b a > b))
Theorem “Complement of <”: a < b a b
Theorem “Complement of >”: a > b a b
Theorem “Trichotomy” “Trichotomy — ∨”: a < b (a = b a > b)
Theorem (15.45) “Antisymmetry of ≤”: a b b a a = b
Theorem (15.46) “Reflexivity of ≤”: a a


Axiom “Least positive”: pos a 1 a
Theorem “Least greater element”: a < b a + 1 b
Theorem “At least successor”: a > b a b + 1
Theorem “Less than successor”: a < b + 1 a b
Theorem “Successor greater”: a + 1 > b a b
Theorem “Split-off top”: m n (m i < n + 1 m i < n i = n)
Theorem “Split-off bottom”: m n (m i < n + 1 m + 1 i < n + 1 i = m)
Theorem “Example for use of Contrapositive”: x + y 2 x 1 y 1

Inductive Theory of the Natural Numbers


Axiom “Definition of +” “Left-identity of +” “Definition of + for 0”: 0 + n = n
Axiom “Definition of +” “Addition of successor” “Definition of + for `S`”: S m + n = S (m + n)
Theorem “Right-identity of +”: m + 0 = m
Theorem “Adding the successor”: m + S n = S (m + n)
Theorem “Symmetry of +”: m + n = n + m
Theorem “Associativity of +”: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
Theorem “Identity of +”: 0 + a = a
Theorem “Definition of 1”: 1 = S 0
Theorem “Successor”: S n = n + 1


Axiom “Definition of ·” “Left-zero of ·”: 0 · n = 0
Axiom “Definition of ·”: S m · n = n + m · n
Theorem “Left-identity of ·”: 1 · n = n
Theorem “Right-zero of ·”: m · 0 = 0
Theorem “Multiplying the successor”: m · S n = m · n + m
Theorem “Symmetry of ·”: m · n = n · m
Theorem “Zero of ·”: m · 0 = 0
Theorem “Identity of ·”: 1 · m = m
Theorem “Distributivity of · over +”: k · (m + n) = k · m + k · n
Theorem “Associativity of ·”: (k · m) · n = k · (m · n)
Axiom “Subtraction from zero”: 0 - n = 0
Axiom “Subtraction of zero from successor”: S m - 0 = S m
Axiom “Subtraction of successor from successor”: S m - S n = m - n
Theorem “Right-identity of subtraction”: m - 0 = m
Theorem “Self-cancellation of subtraction”: m - m = 0
Theorem “Subtraction after addition”: (m + n) - n = m
Theorem “Subtraction from multiplication with successor”: m · S n - m = m · n
Theorem “Subtraction of sum”: k - (m + n) = (k - m) - n
Theorem “Distributivity of · over subtraction”: k · (m - n) = k · m - k · n
Theorem “Monus exchange”: m + (n - m) = n + (m - n)

Order in the Inductive Theory of the Natural Numbers

Axiom “Cancellation of `S`”: S m = S n m = n
Axiom “Zero is not suc”: 0 = S n false
Theorem “Cancellation of +”: k + m = k + n m = n
Axiom “Predecessor of zero”: pred 0 = 0
Axiom “Predecessor of successor”: pred (S n) = n
Axiom “Zero is least element”: 0 a
Axiom “Isotonicity of successor”: S a S b a b
Axiom “Successor is not at most zero”: S a 0 false
Theorem “Zero is unique least element”: a 0 a = 0
Theorem “Reflexivity of ≤”: a a
Theorem “Antisymmetry of ≤”: a b (b a a = b)
Theorem “Transitivity of ≤”: a b (b c a c)
Theorem “Isotonicity of +”: a + b a + c b c
Theorem “Monotonicity of +”: a b (c d a + c b + d)
Theorem “Monotonicity of predecessor”: a b pred a pred b
Theorem “Monotonicity of -”: a b a - c b - c
Theorem “Monotonicity of -”: a b a - c b - c
Theorem “Monotonicity of -”: a b a - c b - c
Theorem “Monotonicity of ·”: b c a · b a · c
Theorem “Successor is non-decreasing”: a S a
Theorem “Subtraction is non-increasing”: a - b a
Theorem “Antitonicity of -”: b c a - c a - b
Axiom “Zero is less than successor”: 0 < S a
Axiom “Isotonicity of successor”: S a < S b a < b
Axiom “Nothing is less than zero”: a < 0 false
Theorem “Irreflexivity of <”: a < a false
Theorem “Zero is <-least element”: 0 < a 0 = a
Theorem “Less than successor”: a < S b a < b a = b
Theorem “Less than successor”: a < S a
Theorem “Only zero is less than one”: a < 1 a = 0
Theorem “Transitivity of <”: a < b (b < c a < c)
Theorem “Irreflexivity of <”: a < b ¬ (a = b)
Theorem “Definition of ≤ in terms of `S` and <”: a b a < S b
Theorem “Definition of ≤ in terms of <”: a b a < b a = b
Theorem “Empty Range”: a < b < a false
Theorem “Empty Range”: a < b < a false
Theorem “Empty Range”: a b < a false
Theorem “Split range at top”: m n (m i < S n m i < n i = n)
Axiom “Converse of <”: a > b b < a
Axiom “Converse of ≤”: a b b a
Theorem “Asymmetry of <”: a < b ¬ (b < a)
Theorem “Complement of >”: ¬ (a > b) a b
Theorem “Complement of <”: ¬ (a < b) a b

Sum Quantification

Axioms Corresponding to the Leibniz Rules for Quantification

Axiom “Leibniz for ∑ range”: ( xR₁ R₂ ) ( xR₁E ) = ( xR₂E )
Axiom “Leibniz for ∑ body”: ( xR E₁ = E₂ ) ( xRE₁ ) = ( xRE₂ )

Empty Range Axiom

Axiom (8.13) “Empty range for ∑”: ( xfalseE ) = 0

One-Point Rule Axiom

Axiom (8.14) “One-point rule for ∑”: ( xx = DE ) = E[xD]
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `D`)

Distributivity Axiom

Axiom (8.15) “Distributivity of ∑ over +”: ( xRE₁ + E₂ ) = ( xRE₁ ) + ( xRE₂ )

Range Split Axiom

Axiom (8.17) “Range split”: ( xQ RE ) + ( xQ RE ) = ( xQE ) + ( xRE )
Theorem (8.16) “Disjoint range split for ∑”: ( xQ R false ) ( xQ RE ) = ( xQE ) + ( xRE )

Multiple Quantification Axioms

Axiom (8.20) “Nesting for ∑”: ( xQ • ( yRE ) ) = ( x, yQ RE )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`y`, `Q`)
Theorem “Replacement in ∑”: ( xR e = fE[ye] ) = ( xR e = fE[yf] )
Axiom (8.20a) “Dummy list permutation for ∑”: ( x, yRE ) = ( y, xRE )
Theorem (8.19) “Interchange of dummies”: ( xQ • ( yRP ) ) = ( yR • ( xQP ) )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `R`), ¬occurs(`y`, `Q`)

Dummy Alteration Laws

Axiom (8.21) “Dummy renaming for ∑” “α-conversion”: ( xRE ) = ( yR[xy] • E[xy] )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`y`, `E, R`)

Specific Material for Sum Quantification

Axiom “Distributivity of · over ∑”: a · ( xRE ) = ( xRa · E )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `a`)
Theorem “Zero ∑ body”: ( xR • 0 ) = 0

Manipulating Ranges over ℕ

Theorem “Definition of ≤ in terms of <”: a b a < b a = b
Theorem “Definition of ≤ in terms of `S` and <”: a b a < S b
Theorem “Split range at top”: m n (m i < S n m i < n i = n)
Theorem “Split off term” “Split off term at top”: ( i : i < S nE ) = ( i : i < nE ) + E[in]
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`i`, `n`)
Theorem “Split off term” “Split off term at top”: m n ( im i < S nE ) = ( im i < nE ) + E[in]
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`i`, `m, n`)
Theorem “Split off term at top using ≤”: ( ii S nE ) = ( ii nE ) + E[iS n]
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`i`, `n`)

Application Exercises

Theorem “Odd-number sum”: ( i : i < nS i + i ) = n · n
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`i`, `n`)
Theorem “Sum the numbers”: 2 · ( ii ni ) = n · S n
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`i`, `n`)

Universal Quantification

General Quantification Material, Instantiated for Universal Quantification

Axiom “Leibniz for ∀ range”: ( xR₁ R₂ ) (( xR₁P ) ( xR₂P ))
Axiom “Leibniz for ∀ body”: ( xR (P₁ P₂) ) (( xRP₁ ) ( xRP₂ ))

Substitution Axiom

Axiom (8.11) “Substitution” “Substitution into ∀”: ( xRP )[yF] ( xR[yF] • P[yF] )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `F`)

Empty Range Axiom

Axiom (8.13) “Empty range for ∀”: ( xfalseP ) true

One-Point Rule Axiom

Axiom (8.14) “One-point rule for ∀”: ( xx = EP ) P[xE]
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `E`)

Distributivity Axiom

Axiom (8.15) “Distributivity of ∀ over ∧”: ( xRP ) ( xRQ ) ( xRP Q )

Range Split Axiom

Axiom (8.17) “Range split for ∀”: ( xR SP ) ( xR SP ) ( xRP ) ( xSP )

Multiple Quantification Axioms

Axiom (8.20) “Nesting for ∀”: ( x, yR SP ) ( xR • ( ySP ) )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`y`, `R`)
Theorem (8.20a) “Nesting for ∀”: ( x, ySP ) ( x • ( ySP ) )
Theorem “Replacement in ∀”: ( yR e = fP[xe] ) ( yR e = fP[xf] )
Axiom (8.20a) “Dummy list permutation for ∀”: ( x, yRP ) ( y, xRP )
Theorem (8.19) “Interchange of dummies for ∀”: ( xR • ( ySP ) ) ( yS • ( xRP ) )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `S`), ¬occurs(`y`, `R`)

Material Specific to Universal Quantification

Axiom (9.2) “Trading” “Trading for ∀”: ( xRP ) ( xR P )
Theorem (9.3) (9.3a) “Trading” “Trading for ∀”: ( xRP ) ( x¬ R P )
Theorem (9.3) (9.3b) “Trading” “Trading for ∀”: ( xRP ) ( xR P R )
Theorem (9.3) (9.3b) “Trading” “Trading for ∀”: ( xRP ) ( xR P R )
Theorem (9.3) (9.3c) “Trading” “Trading for ∀”: ( xRP ) ( xR P P )
Theorem (9.4) (9.4a) “Trading” “Trading for ∀”: ( xQ RP ) ( xQR P )
Theorem (9.4) (9.4b) “Trading” “Trading for ∀”: ( xQ RP ) ( xQ¬ R P )
Theorem (9.4) (9.4c) “Trading” “Trading for ∀”: ( xQ RP ) ( xQR P R )
Theorem (9.4) (9.4d) “Trading” “Trading for ∀”: ( xQ RP ) ( xQR P P )
Theorem “Leibniz for ∀ body”: ( xRP₁ P₂ ) (( xRP₁ ) ( xRP₂ ))
Theorem (8.18) “Range split for ∀”: ( xR SP ) ( xRP ) ( xSP )
Axiom (9.5) “Distributivity of ∨ over ∀”: P ( xRQ ) ( xRP Q )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `P`)
Theorem (9.6): P ( x¬ R ) ( xRP )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `P`)
Theorem “Distributivity of ⇒ over ∀”: P ( xRQ ) ( xRP Q )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `P`)
Theorem (9.7) “Distributivity of ∧ over ∀”: ¬ ( x¬ R ) (P ( xRQ ) ( xRP Q ))
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `P`)
Theorem (9.8) “True ∀ body”: ( xRtrue )
Theorem “Introducing fresh ∀”: P ( xRP )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `P`)
Theorem (9.9) “Sub-distributivity of ∀ over ≡”: ( xRP Q ) (( xRP ) ( xRQ ))
Theorem (9.10) “Range weakening for ∀” “Range strengthening for ∀”: ( xQ RP ) ( xQP )
Theorem (9.11) “Body weakening for ∀” “Body strengthening for ∀”: ( xRP Q ) ( xRP )
Theorem (9.12) “Monotonicity of ∀” “Body monotonicity of ∀”: ( xRQ P ) (( xRQ ) ( xRP ))
Theorem (9.12a) “Range antitonicity of ∀”: ( xQ R ) (( xRP ) ( xQP ))
Theorem (9.12a) “Range antitonicity of ∀”: ( x¬ PQ R ) (( xRP ) ( xQP ))
Theorem “Leibniz for ∀ body”: ( xP₁ P₂ ) (( xRP₁ ) ( xRP₂ ))


Theorem (9.13) “Instantiation”: ( xP ) P[xE]
Theorem (9.13a) “Instantiation”: ( xP ) P[xx]
Theorem (9.13b) “Instantiation”: ( xRP ) (R P)[xE]
Theorem “Fresh ∀”: P ( xP )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `P`)

Disjoint Range Split

Theorem (8.16) “Disjoint range split for ∀”: ( xR S false ) (( xR SP ) ( xRP ) ( xSP ))
Theorem (8.16) “Disjoint range split for ∀”: ( xR S false ) (( xR SP ) ( xRP ) ( xSP ))

Change of Dummy

Theorem (8.22) “Change of dummy”: ( f • ( g • ( x • ( yx = f y y = g x ) ) (( xRP ) ( yR[xf y] • P[xf y] )) ) )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`y`, `P, R`)
Theorem “Change of dummy — variant”: ( x • ( yx = f y y = g x ) ) (( xR x = f (g x) • P ) ( yR[xf y] • P[xf y] ))
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x, y`, `f`), ¬occurs(`y`, `P, R, g`)
Lemma “Range replacement in nested ∀”: ( xR • ( yQ₁ Q₂ ) ) (( xR • ( yQ₁P ) ) ( xR • ( yQ₂P ) ))
Theorem (8.22a) “Change of restricted dummy”: ( f • ( g • ( xR • ( yx = f y y = g x ) ) (( xRP ) ( yR[xf y] • P[xf y] )) ) )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`y`, `P, R`)

Existential Quantification

General Quantification Material, Instantiated for Existential Quantification

Axiom “Leibniz for ∃ range”: ( xR₁ R₂ ) (( xR₁P ) ( xR₂P ))
Axiom “Leibniz for ∃ body”: ( xR (P₁ P₂) ) (( xRP₁ ) ( xRP₂ ))
Theorem “Leibniz for ∃ body”: ( xRP₁ P₂ ) (( xRP₁ ) ( xRP₂ ))
Theorem “Leibniz for ∃ body”: ( xP₁ P₂ ) (( xRP₁ ) ( xRP₂ ))
Axiom (8.13) “Empty range for ∃”: ( xfalseP ) false
Axiom (8.14) “One-point rule for ∃”: ( xx = EP ) P[xE]
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `E`)
Axiom (8.15) “Distributivity of ∃ over ∨”: ( xRP ) ( xRQ ) ( xRP Q )
Axiom (8.17) “Range split”: ( xR SP ) ( xR SP ) ( xRP ) ( xSP )

Multiple Quantification Axioms

Axiom (8.20) “Nesting for ∃”: ( x, yR SP ) ( xR • ( ySP ) )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`y`, `R`)
Theorem (8.20a) “Nesting for ∃”: ( x, ySP ) ( x • ( ySP ) )
Theorem “Replacement in ∃”: ( yR e = fP[xe] ) ( yR e = fP[xf] )
Axiom (8.20a) “Dummy list permutation for ∃”: ( x, yRP ) ( y, xRP )
Theorem (8.19) “Interchange of dummies”: ( xR • ( ySP ) ) ( yS • ( xRP ) )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `S`), ¬occurs(`y`, `R`)

Dummy Alteration Laws

Axiom (8.21) “Dummy renaming for ∃” “α-conversion”: ( xRP ) ( yR[xy] • P[xy] )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`y`, `P, R`)

Material Specific to Existential Quantification

Axiom (9.17) “Generalised De Morgan” “Definition of ∃”: ( xRP ) ¬ ( xR¬ P )
Theorem (9.18) (9.18a) “Generalised De Morgan”: ¬ ( xR¬ P ) ( xRP )
Theorem (9.18) (9.18b) “Generalised De Morgan”: ¬ ( xRP ) ( xR¬ P )
Theorem (9.18) (9.18c) “Generalised De Morgan”: ( xR¬ P ) ¬ ( xRP )
Theorem (9.19) “Trading” “Trading for ∃”: ( xRP ) ( xR P )
Theorem (9.20) “Trading” “Trading for ∃”: ( xQ RP ) ( xQR P )
Theorem (9.20) “Trading” “Trading for ∃”: ( xQ RP ) ( xQR P )
Theorem (8.18) “Range split for ∃”: ( xR SP ) ( xRP ) ( xSP )
Theorem (8.16) “Disjoint range split for ∃”: ( xR S false ) (( xR SP ) ( xRP ) ( xSP ))
Theorem (9.21) “Distributivity of ∧ over ∃”: P ( xRQ ) ( xRP Q )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `P`)
Theorem (9.22): P ( xR ) ( xRP )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `P`)
Theorem “Distributivity of ∧ over ∀”: ( xR ) (P ( xRQ ) ( xRP Q ))
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `P`)
Theorem (9.23) “Distributivity of ∨ over ∃”: ( xR ) (P ( xRQ ) ( xRP Q ))
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `P`)
Theorem (9.24) “False ∃ body”: ( xRfalse ) false
Theorem (9.25) “Range weakening for ∃” “Range strengthening for ∃”: ( xRP ) ( xQ RP )
Theorem “Range weakening for ∃” “Range strengthening for ∃”: ( xQ RP ) ( xRP )
Theorem (9.26) “Body weakening for ∃” “Body strengthening for ∃”: ( xRP ) ( xRP Q )
Theorem (9.26a) “Body weakening for ∃” “Body strengthening for ∃”: ( xRP Q ) ( xRP )
Theorem (9.27) “Monotonicity of ∃” “Body monotonicity of ∃”: ( xRQ P ) (( xRQ ) ( xRP ))
Theorem (9.27a) “Range monotonicity of ∃”: ( xQ R ) (( xQP ) ( xRP ))
Theorem (9.27a) “Range monotonicity of ∃”: ( xPQ R ) (( xQP ) ( xRP ))

Introduction and Interchange for ∃

Theorem (9.28) “∃-Introduction”: P[xE] ( xP )
Theorem (9.29a) “Interchange of quantifications”: ( x • ( yP ) ) ( y • ( xP ) )
Theorem (9.29a) “Interchange of quantifications”: ( x • ( yP ) ) ( y • ( xP ) )
Theorem (9.30a) “Witness”: ( xRP ) Q ( xR P Q )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `Q`)
Theorem (9.30b) “Witness”: ( xP ) Q ( xP Q )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `Q`)

Set theory close to LADM

Membership Properties

Axiom (11.3) “Set membership”: F { xRE } ( xRF = E )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `F`)
Theorem “Set Abbreviation”: { xP } = { xPx }
Theorem (11.7) (11.7s) “Simple Membership”: e { xP } P[xe]
Theorem (11.7) (11.7x) “Simple Membership”: x { xP } P
Theorem (11.7) (11.7∀) “Simple Membership”: ( xx { xP } P )
Lemma “Membership in two-element set enumeration”: x {x, y}
Lemma “Membership in set enumeration”: x { uu = x R }
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`u`, `x`)


Axiom (11.4) “Set extensionality” “Set equality” “Extensionality”: S = T ( ee S e T )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`e`, `S, T`)
Theorem (11.6) “Mathematical formulation of set comprehension”: { xPE } = { y ❙ ( xPy = E ) }
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`y`, `E, P`)
Theorem (11.9) “Simple set comprehension equality”: { xQ } = { xR } ( xQ R )


Axiom (11.13) “Subset” “Definition of ⊆” “Set inclusion”: S T ( ee Se T )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`e`, `S, T`)
Theorem “Subset” “Definition of ⊆” “Set inclusion”: S T ( ee S e T )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`e`, `S, T`)
Theorem “Subset membership” “Casting”: X Y (x X x Y)
Theorem (11.58) “Reflexivity of ⊆”: X X
Theorem (11.59) “Transitivity of ⊆”: X Y (Y Z X Z)
Theorem (11.59) “Flipped transitivity of ⊆”: Y Z (X Y X Z)
Theorem (11.57) “Antisymmetry of ⊆”: X Y (Y X X = Y)
Theorem “Empty set”: {} = { xfalse }
Theorem “Empty set”: x {} false
Theorem “Empty set is least” “Bottom set”: {} X
Axiom “Universal set”: 𝐔 = { xtrue }
Theorem “Universal set”: x 𝐔
Theorem “Universal set is greatest” “Top set”: X 𝐔
Theorem (11.56) “Simple set comprehension inclusion”: { xP } { xQ } ( xP Q )

Singleton Sets

Lemma “Singleton set membership”: x {y} x = y
Lemma “Singleton set inclusion”: {x} S x S


Axiom “Complement”: e ~ S ¬ (e S)
Theorem (11.19) “Self-inverse of complement”: ~ (~ S) = S
Theorem “Lower ~ connection for ⊆”: ~ X Y ~ Y X
Theorem “Upper ~ connection for ⊆”: X ~ Y Y ~ X

Union and Intersection

Axiom “Union”: e S T e S e T
Axiom “Intersection”: e S T e S e T

Basic Properties of Union

Theorem (11.26) “Symmetry of ∪”: S T = T S
Theorem (11.27) “Associativity of ∪”: S (T W) = (S T) W
Theorem (11.28) “Idempotency of ∪”: S S = S
Theorem (11.30) “Zero of ∪”: S 𝐔 = 𝐔
Theorem (11.30) “Identity of ∪”: S {} = S
Theorem (11.31) “Weakening of ∪”: S S T
Theorem (11.32) “LEM of ∪”: S ~ S = 𝐔

Basic Properties of Intersection

Theorem (11.33) “Symmetry of ∩”: S T = T S
Theorem (11.34) “Associativity of ∩”: S (T W) = (S T) W
Theorem (11.35) “Idempotency of ∩”: S S = S
Theorem (11.36) “Zero of ∩”: S {} = {}
Theorem (11.37) “Identity of ∩”: S 𝐔 = S
Theorem (11.38) “Weakening of ∩”: S T S
Theorem (11.39) “Contradiction of ∩”: S ~ S = {}

Interactions between Union and Intersection

Theorem “Golden rule for ∩ and ∪” “Golden Rule”: S T = S T = S T
Theorem “Set inclusion via ∩”: S T S T = S
Theorem “Set inclusion via ∪”: S T S T = T

Monotonicity with Respect to Inclusion

Theorem “Monotonicity of ∩”: S T S U T U
Theorem “Monotonicity of ∩”: S T S U T U
Theorem “Monotonicity of ∩”: S T (U V S U T V)

Inclusion and Proper Subset

Theorem “Reflexivity of ⊆”: S = T S T
Axiom (11.14) “Proper subset” “Definition of ⊂”: S T S T S T
Theorem (11.61): S T S T ¬ (T S)
Theorem (11.61): S T S T ¬ (T S)
Theorem (11.63) “Inclusion in terms of ⊂”: S T S T S = T
Theorem (11.70) “Transitivity of ⊆ with ⊂”: X Y (Y Z X Z)
Theorem (11.70) “Transitivity of ⊆ with ⊂”: X Y (Y Z X Z)

Set Difference

Axiom (11.22) “Set difference”: v S - T v S ¬ (v T)
Theorem (11.52): S (T - S) = {}
Theorem (11.54): S - (T U) = (S - T) (S - U)

Relative Pseudo-complement

Axiom “Characterisation of ➩”: S A B S A B
Theorem “Membership in ➩”: x A B x A x B
Theorem “Definition of ➩”: A B = ~ A B
Theorem “Pseudocomplement of union”: (A B) C = (A C) (B C)
Theorem “Monotonicity of ➩”: B C A B A C

Cartesian Products of Sets

Axiom (14.2) “Pair equality”:b, c=b', c' b = b' c = c'
Axiom “Definition of `fst`”: fst x, y= x
Axiom “Definition of `snd`”: snd x, y= y
Axiom “Membership in ×”: p S × T fst p S snd p T
Theorem (14.4) “Membership in ×”:x, y S × T x S y T
Theorem (14.5) “Membership in swapped ×”:x, y S × T y, x T × S
Theorem (14.6) “Empty factor in ×”: S = {} S × T = {}

Relations via Set Theory


Axiom “Definition of ↔”: A B = (A × B)
Axiom “Infix relationship” “Definition of `_⦗_⦘_`”: a R b a, b R
Axiom “Relation extensionality”: R = S ( x • ( yx R y x S y ) )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x, y`, `R, S`)
Axiom “Relation inclusion”: R S ( x • ( yx R y x S y ) )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x, y`, `R, S`)
Theorem “Relation inclusion”: R S ( x, yx R yx S y )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x, y`, `R, S`)
Axiom “Relationship via ⌜_⌝”: a f b (f a) b

Set Operations used as Relation Operations

Theorem “Relation union”: a R S b a R b a S b
Theorem “Relation intersection”: a R S b a R b a S b
Theorem “Relation difference”: a R - S b a R b ¬ (a S b)
Theorem “Relation pseudocomplement”: a R S b a R b a S b
Theorem “Relation complement”: a ~ R b ¬ (a R b)
Theorem “Empty relation”: a {} b false
Axiom “Universal relation”: ( A : Type • ( B : Typea A × B b ) )
Lemma “Singleton relation”: a₁ {⟨a₂, b₂⟩} b₁ a₁ = a₂ b₁ = b₂
Lemma “Singleton relation inclusion”: {⟨a, b⟩} R a R b

Relation-specific Operations

Relation Converse

Axiom “Relation converse” “Relationship via ˘”: y R ˘ x x R y

Relation Composition

Axiom “Relation composition”: a R S c ( ba R b b S c )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`b`, `R, S, a, c`)

Identity Relations

Axiom “Identity relation” “Relationship via `Id`”: x Id y x = y

Relations via Set Theory: Properties

Axiom “Definition of reflexivity”: is-reflexive R ( xx R x )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `R`)
Theorem “`Id` is reflexive”: is-reflexive Id
Theorem “Reflexivity”: is-reflexive R Id R
Theorem “Composition of reflexive relations”: is-reflexive R (is-reflexive S is-reflexive (R S))
Theorem “Converse of reflexive relations”: is-reflexive R is-reflexive (R ˘)


Axiom “Definition of transitivity”: is-transitive R ( x • ( y • ( zx R y R z x R z ) ) )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x, y, z`, `R`)
Theorem “Converse of transitive relations”: is-transitive R is-transitive (R ˘)
Theorem “Transitivity”: is-transitive R R R R


Axiom “Definition of symmetry”: is-symmetric R ( x • ( yx R y y R x ) )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x, y`, `R`)
Theorem “Symmetry”: is-symmetric R R ˘ R


Axiom “Definition of antisymmetry”: is-antisymmetric R ( x • ( yx R y R x x = y ) )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x, y`, `R`)
Theorem “Antisymmetry”: is-antisymmetric R R R ˘ Id


Axiom “Definition of asymmetry”: is-asymmetric R ( x • ( yx R y ¬ (y R x) ) )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x, y`, `R`)
Theorem “Asymmetry”: is-asymmetric R R R ˘ {}


Axiom “Definition of irreflexivity”: is-irreflexive R ( x¬ (x R x) )
— CalcCheck: Proviso: ¬occurs(`x`, `R`)
Theorem “Irreflexivity”: is-irreflexive R R Id {}