@Article{Kahl-2001a, author = {Wolfram Kahl}, title = {Parallel Composition and Decomposition of Specifications}, journal = {Information Sciences}, year = {2001}, volume = {139}, number = {3--4}, pages = {197--220}, month = DEC, URL = {http://www.elsevier.com/gej-ng/10/23/143/95/33/30/abstract.html}, abstract = {In the discipline of derivation of programs from specifications by refinement the \emph{demonic calculus of relations} is a well-established tool, which allows the use of \emph{demonic} operators on relations considered as specifications of a program's input-output-behaviour together with the standard relation algebraic operators to reason about specifications ordered by the \emph{refinement} ordering. The central contribution of this paper is the introduction of a \emph{demonic product} operator that embodies a natural concept of parallel composition of specifications. Of course, this raises the question of parallel decomposition, which in turn motivates the introduction of \emph{demonic implication} and \emph{totalisation} operators. Finally, we also present first results concerning parallel decomposition.} }