%% PVS Version 3.1 %% 6.2 [Linux (x86)] (Feb 14, 2003 18:46) $$$pvs-strategies ; *** Section 0 *** ; ; *** Definitions of access and analysis functions for strategies. *** ;; The global variable *timed-auto-simp-strat* is set to |_simp| ;; once the name is determined in either auto_induct or ;; direct_proof. (setq *timed-auto-simp-strat* 'skip) (setq *timed-auto-forward-strat* 'skip) (setq *timed-auto-verbose-proofs* t) (setq *branch-counter* 0) (setq *timed-auto-unique-aux* nil) (setq *timed-auto-rewrite-thy-1* nil) (setq *timed-auto-rewrite-thy-2* nil) (defun has_quant (form) (let ((has-quant nil)) (mapobject #'(lambda (x) (if has-quant t (when (or (typep x 'forall-expr) (typep x 'exists-expr)) (setq has-quant t) t))) form) has-quant)) (defun has_specific_precond_form (form) (let ((has-specific nil)) (mapobject #'(lambda (x) (if has-specific t (when (and (application? x) (name? (operator x)) (tc-eq (id (operator x)) '|enabled_specific|)) (setq has-specific t) t))) form) has-specific)) (defun has_specific_precond(forms) (eval (cons 'or (loop for x in forms collect (has_specific_precond_form x))))) (defun is_state_var (x) (cond (x (string-equal (princ-to-string (setq *type-comment* (type (typecheck (setq *pc-parse-comment* (pc-parse x 'expr)))))) "states[actions, MMTstates, time, fintime?]")))) (defun gather_labels (lis pred) (loop for x in lis when (apply pred (list x)) collect (label x))) (defun gather_negsforms (sforms) (loop for x in sforms when (if (and (application? (formula x)) (name? (operator (formula x)))) (tc-eq (id (operator (formula x))) 'NOT) nil) collect x)) (defun gather_possforms (sforms) (loop for x in sforms when (not (if (and (application? (formula x)) (name? (operator (formula x)))) (tc-eq (id (operator (formula x))) 'NOT) nil)) collect x)) (defun gather_fnums_label (sforms lab) (let ((negsforms (setq *negsforms-comment* (gather_negsforms sforms))) (possforms (setq *possforms-comment* (gather_possforms sforms)))) (let ((negfnums (setq *negfnums-comment* (let ((fnum 0)) (loop for x in negsforms do (setq fnum (- fnum 1)) when (member lab (label x)) collect fnum)))) (posfnums (setq *posfnums-comment* (let ((fnum 0)) (loop for x in possforms do (setq fnum (+ fnum 1)) when (member lab (label x)) collect fnum))))) (append negfnums posfnums)))) ;The following function gathers the formula numbers that will correspond ;to the label once a new, single "negative" formula has been revealed. (defun gather_fnums_label_adjusted (sforms lab) (let ((negsforms (setq *negsforms-comment* (gather_negsforms sforms))) (possforms (setq *possforms-comment* (gather_possforms sforms)))) (let ((negfnums (setq *negfnums-comment* (let ((fnum 0)) (loop for x in negsforms do (setq fnum (- fnum 1)) when (member lab (label x)) collect (- fnum 1))))) (posfnums (setq *posfnums-comment* (let ((fnum 0)) (loop for x in possforms do (setq fnum (+ fnum 1)) when (member lab (label x)) collect fnum))))) (append negfnums posfnums)))) (defun gather_forms_label (sforms lab) (loop for x in sforms when (member lab (label x)) collect x)) ; The function get_sform gets the sform in the list sforms whose formula number ; is fnum. (defun get_sform (fnum sforms) (let ((possforms (gather_possforms sforms)) (negsforms (gather_negsforms sforms))) (cond ((< fnum 0) (nth (- (- fnum) 1) negsforms)) ((> fnum 0) (nth (- fnum 1) possforms))))) ; The function flatten_length computes the number of new formulae that will ; appear in the sequent if "flatten" is applied to formula whose formula number ; in sforms is fnum. (defun flatten_length (fnum sforms) (let ((sform (setq *form-fl-len-comment* (get_sform fnum sforms)))) (cond ((< fnum 0) (flatten_length_form fnum (argument (formula sform)))) (t (flatten_length_form fnum (formula sform)))))) ; The function flatten_length_form computes the number of new formulae that ; will appear in the sequent if "flatten" is applied to the "apparent" formula ; form whose formula number is fnum. Only the sign of fnum matters. (defun flatten_length_form (fnum form) (cond ((< fnum 0) (cond ((conjunction? form) (+ (flatten_length_form -1 (args1 form)) (flatten_length_form -1 (args2 form)))) ((iff? form) 2) (t 1))) (t (cond ((disjunction? form) (+ (flatten_length_form +1 (args1 form)) (flatten_length_form +1 (args2 form)))) ((implication? form) (+ (flatten_length_form -1 (args1 form)) (flatten_length_form +1 (args2 form)))) (t 1))))) ; The function get_form_label gets the first sform whose label is lab. (defun get_form_label (sforms lab) (let ((fnums-label (gather_fnums_label sforms lab))) (cond (fnums-label (get_sform (car fnums-label) sforms)) (t nil)))) (defun grab_trans (sform) (let ((trans_expr nil) (expr (formula sform))) (mapobject #'(lambda (x) (if trans_expr t (when (and (typep x 'application) (tc-eq (id (operator x)) '|trans|)) (setq trans_expr x) t))) expr) trans_expr)) (defun grab_reachable_expr (sform) (let ((reach_expr nil) (expr (formula sform))) (mapobject #'(lambda (x) (if reach_expr t (when (and (typep x 'application) (tc-eq (id (operator x)) '|reachable|)) (setq reach_expr x) t))) expr) reach_expr)) (defun grab_actions_ref (sforms) (cadr (actuals (module-instance (car (resolutions (operator (grab_reachable_expr (car sforms))))))))) (defun grab_adt_constructors (sforms) (constructors (adt (type (car (resolutions (type-value (grab_actions_ref sforms)))))))) (defun grab_thy_name_base (sforms) (id (module-instance (car (resolutions (type-value (grab_actions_ref sforms))))))) (defun grab_inv (sforms) (operator (cadr (exprs (argument (expression (formula (car sforms)))))))) (defun grab_inv_def (sforms) (definition (declaration (car (resolutions (grab_inv sforms)))))) (defun insert_in_list (val lis) (if (member val lis) lis (cons val lis))) (defun grab_list_types (sforms) (let ((list_types nil)) (mapobject #'(lambda (x) (when (and (or (typep x 'type-name) (typep x 'adt-type-name)) (eq (id x) '|list|)) (setq list_types (insert_in_list (print-string (car (actuals x))) list_types)) t)) sforms) list_types)) (defun get_ta_name (thyname) (let* ((extnchar (coerce '_ 'character)) (endpt (position extnchar thyname :from-end t))) (subseq thyname 0 endpt))) (defun simp_strat_name (ta_name) (intern (concatenate 'string ta_name "_simp"))) (defun forward_strat_name (ta_name) (intern (concatenate 'string ta_name "_forward"))) (defun unique_aux_name (ta_name) (concatenate 'string ta_name "_unique_aux")) (defun rewrite_thy_1_name (ta_name) (concatenate 'string ta_name "_rewrite_aux_1")) (defun rewrite_thy_2_name (ta_name) (concatenate 'string ta_name "_rewrite_aux_2")) (defun action_skolem_name (argname) (concatenate 'string (string argname) "_action")) (defun simple_induct_strat_step (inv invform opterm simp_strat) (let* ((opname (id opterm)) (argnames (mapcar #'id (arguments opterm))) (arg_skolem_names (mapcar #'action_skolem_name argnames)) (argsrest (let ((comma-list "")) (loop for argname in (cdr arg_skolem_names) do (setq comma-list (concatenate 'string comma-list (format nil "~a~a" ", " argname)))) comma-list))) `(then ,(cons 'reduce_case (cons inv arg_skolem_names)) (|match_univ_and_simp_probe| ,invform ,simp_strat) (set_up_poststate) (comment ,(if (not (string-equal argsrest "")) (format nil "~a~a~a~a~a~a" "Case " opname "(" (car arg_skolem_names) argsrest ")" ) (if argnames (format nil "~a~a~a~a~a" "Case " opname "(" (car arg_skolem_names) ")" ) (format nil "~a~a" "Case " opname)))) (postpone)))) (defun simple_induct_strat_step_poststate (inv invform opterm simp_strat) (let* ((opname (id opterm)) (argnames (mapcar #'id (arguments opterm))) (arg_skolem_names (mapcar #'action_skolem_name argnames)) (argsrest (let ((comma-list "")) (loop for argname in (cdr arg_skolem_names) do (setq comma-list (concatenate 'string comma-list (format nil "~a~a" ", " argname)))) comma-list))) `(then ,(cons 'reduce_case_poststate (cons inv arg_skolem_names)) (|match_univ_and_simp_probe| ,invform ,simp_strat) (set_up_poststate_and_action) (reveal "poststate-definition") (replace "poststate-definition") (hide "poststate-definition") (comment ,(if (not (string-equal argsrest "")) (format nil "~a~a~a~a~a~a" "Case " opname "(" (car arg_skolem_names) argsrest ")" ) (if argnames (format nil "~a~a~a~a~a" "Case " opname "(" (car arg_skolem_names) ")" ) (format nil "~a~a" "Case " opname)))) (postpone)))) (defun mk_induction_strategy (sforms inv) (let ((thy_name (grab_thy_name_base sforms)) (opterms (setq *opterms-comment* (grab_adt_constructors sforms))) (invform (setq *invform-comment* (grab_inv_def sforms)))) (let ((list_types (setq *list-types-comment* (grab_list_types sforms)))) (let ((list_rewrites_cmd (setq *list-rewrites-comment* (cons 'then (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (list 'auto-rewrite-theory (format nil "~a~a~a" "list_rewrites[" x "]"))) (grab_list_types sforms)))))) (let ((ta_name (get_ta_name (string thy_name)))) (let ((simp_strat (setq *timed-auto-simp-strat* (simp_strat_name ta_name))) (forward_strat (setq *timed-auto-forward-strat* (forward_strat_name ta_name))) (unique_aux (setq *timed-auto-unique-aux* (unique_aux_name ta_name))) (rewrite_thy_1 (setq *timed-auto-rewrite-thy-1* (rewrite_thy_1_name ta_name))) (rewrite_thy_2 (setq *timed-auto-rewrite-thy-2* (rewrite_thy_2_name ta_name)))) (let ((induction_branches (setq *ind-branch-comment* (loop for opterm in opterms collect (simple_induct_strat_step inv invform opterm simp_strat))))) `(then (auto-rewrite "fintime_unique" "fintime_elim_1" "fintime_elim_2" "fintime_dur") (auto-rewrite-theory "bool_rewrites") ,list_rewrites_cmd (auto-rewrite-theory ,rewrite_thy_1) (branch (auto_cases ,inv) ((then (base_case ,inv) (replace "start-state") (simplify) (,simp_strat) (prop_probe) (comment "Base case") (postpone)) (branch (induct_cases ,inv) ,induction_branches))))))))))) (defun mk_induction_strategy_poststate (sforms inv) (let ((thy_name (grab_thy_name_base sforms)) (opterms (setq *opterms-comment* (grab_adt_constructors sforms))) (invform (setq *invform-comment* (grab_inv_def sforms)))) (let ((list_types (setq *list-types-comment* (grab_list_types sforms)))) (let ((list_rewrites_cmd (setq *list-rewrites-comment* (cons 'then (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (list 'auto-rewrite-theory (format nil "~a~a~a" "list_rewrites[" x "]"))) (grab_list_types sforms)))))) (let ((ta_name (get_ta_name (string thy_name)))) (let ((simp_strat (setq *timed-auto-simp-strat* (simp_strat_name ta_name))) (forward_strat (setq *timed-auto-forward-strat* (forward_strat_name ta_name))) (unique_aux (setq *timed-auto-unique-aux* (unique_aux_name ta_name))) (rewrite_thy_1 (setq *timed-auto-rewrite-thy-1* (rewrite_thy_1_name ta_name))) (rewrite_thy_2 (setq *timed-auto-rewrite-thy-2* (rewrite_thy_2_name ta_name)))) (let ((induction_branches (setq *ind-branch-comment* (loop for opterm in opterms collect (simple_induct_strat_step_poststate inv invform opterm simp_strat))))) `(then (auto-rewrite "fintime_unique" "fintime_elim_1" "fintime_elim_2" "fintime_dur") (auto-rewrite-theory "bool_rewrites") ,list_rewrites_cmd (auto-rewrite-theory ,rewrite_thy_1) (branch (auto_cases ,inv) ((then (base_case ,inv) (replace "start-state") (simplify) (,simp_strat) (prop_probe) (comment "Base case") (postpone)) (branch (induct_cases,inv) ,induction_branches))))))))))) ; *** Section 1 *** ; ; *** Strategies that support induction and direct proof of invariants. *** (defstep auto_cases (inv) (let ((dummy (setq *capture-context-name* *current-context*))) (then (lemma "reachable_trans") (expand "reachable_trans_fact") (lemma "machine_induct") (expand "inductthm") (inst -1 inv) (split))) "" "Splitting into machine base and induction cases") (defstep base_case (inv) (let ((sforms (setq *sforms-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (transexpr (setq *trans-comment* (grab_trans (cadr sforms)))) (constrs (setq *constrs-comment* (constructors (adt (type (car (exprs (argument transexpr))))))))) (then (delete 2) (delete -1) (expand "base") (skolem 1 "prestate") (with-labels (flatten-disjunct :depth 1) (("start-state" "conclusion"))) (flatten_labelled_formula "conclusion") (expand "start") (expand inv))) "" "Simplifying the machine base case") (defstep induct_cases (inv) (let ((x (format nil "~a~a~a~a~a" "(LAMBDA (a: actions): (FORALL (s: states): reachable(s) & " inv "(s) & enabled(a,s) & reachable(trans(a,s)) => " inv "(trans(a,s))))")) ) (then* (delete 2) (expand "inductstep") (lemma "actions_induction") (inst -1 x) (beta) (branch (split) ((then (skolem 1 ("s_1" "a_1"))(inst -1 "a_1")(inst -1 "s_1") (inst -2 "s_1" "a_1") (prop)) (skip))))) "" "Splitting the induction case on action class") (defstep reduce_case (inv &rest vars) (let ((dummy1 (setq *varname-comment* (pc-parse "a_1" 'name))) (dummy2 (setq *varfind-comment* (find *varname-comment* (collect-skolem-constants)))) (sforms (setq *sforms-comment-red* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (dummy3 (setq *trans-comment* (grab_trans (car sforms)))) (cmd1 (cond (vars `(then (skolem 1 ,vars) (skolem 1 ("prestate")))) (t '(skolem 1 "prestate"))))) (let ((cmd `(then ,cmd1 (with-labels (flatten) (("pre-state-reachable" "inductive-hypothesis" "full-precondition" "post-state-reachable" "inductive-conclusion"))) ,(cons 'reduce_case_2 (cons inv vars))))) (then (delete -1 2) cmd))) "" "Applying the standard simplification") (defstep reduce_case_poststate (inv &rest vars) (let ((dummy1 (setq *varname-comment* (pc-parse "a_1" 'name))) (dummy2 (setq *varfind-comment* (find *varname-comment* (collect-skolem-constants)))) (sforms (setq *sforms-comment-red* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (dummy3 (setq *trans-comment* (grab_trans (car sforms)))) (cmd1 (cond (vars `(then (skolem 1 ,vars) (skolem 1 ("prestate")))) (t '(skolem 1 "prestate"))))) (let ((cmd `(then ,cmd1 (with-labels (flatten) (("pre-state-reachable" "inductive-hypothesis" "full-precondition" "post-state-reachable" "inductive-conclusion"))) ,(cons 'reduce_case_2_poststate (cons inv vars))))) (then (delete -1 2) cmd))) "" "Applying the standard simplification") (defstep reduce_case_2 (inv &rest vars) (let ((dummy1 (setq *reduce2-sforms-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*))))) (then (with-labels (then (expand "enabled") (flatten "full-precondition")) (("general-precondition" "specific-precondition" "OKstate?-precondition"))) (expand "trans" "inductive-conclusion" :assert? NONE) (expand inv :assert? NONE) (simplify))) "" "") (defstep reduce_case_2_poststate (inv &rest vars) (let ((dummy1 (setq *reduce2-sforms-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*))))) (then (with-labels (then (expand "enabled") (flatten "full-precondition")) (("general-precondition" "specific-precondition" "OKstate?-precondition"))) (replace "poststate-definition" "inductive-conclusion") (expand inv :assert? NONE) (simplify))) "" "") (defstep auto_induct () (let ((sforms (setq *sforms-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (inv (setq *inv-comment* (string (id (grab_inv sforms))))) (cmd (setq *cmd-comment* (mk_induction_strategy sforms inv)))) cmd) "" "Taking care of the standard steps in the induction proof") (defstep auto_induct_poststate () (let ((sforms (setq *sforms-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (inv (setq *inv-comment* (string (id (grab_inv sforms))))) (cmd (setq *cmd-comment* (mk_induction_strategy_poststate sforms inv)))) cmd) "" "Taking care of the standard steps in the induction proof") ; The strategy set_up_poststate replaces each "trans" form of the post-state ; by the variable "poststate", which is defined via "name" to equal the "trans" ; form. The definition of "poststate" is then hidden under the label ; "poststate-definition", to be retrieved as needed. (defstep set_up_poststate () (let ((sforms (setq *sforms-comment-2* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (dummy (setq *poststate-comments-list* nil)) (post (setq *post-comment* (gather_forms_label sforms '|post-state-reachable|))) (post-form-nums (setq *post-form-num-comment* (gather_fnums_label sforms '|post-state-reachable|)))) (let ((poststate (cond (post (setq *poststate-comments-list* (cons (print-string (argument (argument (formula (car post))))) *poststate-comments-list*)) (setq *poststate-comment* (print-string (argument (argument (formula (car post))))))) (t nil))) ; Note that post-form-num is computed because "replace" refuses to replace to ; a label. Hopefully that will change, since this computation depends on ; the "name" command adding a new formula at position -1. (new-post-form-num (setq *new-post-form-num-comment* (cond (post-form-nums (- (car post-form-nums) 1)) (t nil))))) (let ((dummy (setq *hereiam* t)) (cmd (setq *auto-induct-2-cmd-comment* (cond (poststate `(then (with-labels (name "poststate" ,poststate) (("poststate-definition"))) (replace "poststate-definition" ,new-post-form-num) (hide "poststate-definition"))) (t '(skip)))))) cmd))) "" "Simplifying notation for the poststate on an action branch of induction proof") (defstep set_up_poststate_and_action () (let ((sforms (setq *sforms-comment-2* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (dummy (setq *poststate-comments-list* nil)) (post (setq *post-comment* (gather_forms_label sforms '|post-state-reachable|))) (post-form-nums (setq *post-form-num-comment* (gather_fnums_label sforms '|post-state-reachable|)))) (let ((poststate (cond (post (setq *poststate-comments-list* (cons (print-string (argument (argument (formula (car post))))) *poststate-comments-list*)) (setq *poststate-comment* (print-string (argument (argument (formula (car post))))))) (t nil))) (action (cond (post (setq *action-comment* (print-string (car (exprs (argument (argument (argument (formula (car post)))))))))) (t nil))) ; Note that post-form-num is computed because "replace" refuses to replace to ; a label. Hopefully that will change, since this computation depends on ; the "name" command adding a new formula at position -1. (new-post-form-num (setq *new-post-form-num-comment* (cond (post-form-nums (- (car post-form-nums) 1)) (t nil))))) (let ((dummy (setq *hereiam* t)) (cmd (setq *auto-induct-2-cmd-comment* (cond (poststate `(then (with-labels (name "action" ,action) (("action-definition"))) (with-labels (name "poststate" ,poststate) (("poststate-definition"))) (replace "poststate-definition" ,new-post-form-num) (hide "poststate-definition"))) (t '(skip)))))) cmd))) "" "Simplifying notation for the poststate on an action branch of induction proof") ;; The strategy prop_probe is used to test whether the remainder of a proof ;; is "trivial". It is part of several other "_probe" strategies. (defstep prop_probe () (then* (lift-if) (prop) (assert) (fail)) "" "") (defstep |match_univ_and_simp_probe| (invform simp_strat) (let ((dummy (setq *branch-counter* (+ 1 *branch-counter*))) (quantvars (setq *quantvars-comment* (if (forall-expr? invform) (bindings invform) nil)))) (let ((skolemvars (setq *skolemvars-comment* (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (format nil "~a~a" x "_theorem")) (mapcar #'id quantvars))))) (let ((skolemcmd (setq *skolemcmd-comment* (if skolemvars `(skolem "inductive-conclusion" ,skolemvars) '(skip)))) (instcmd (setq *instcmd-comment* (if skolemvars (cons 'inst (cons "inductive-hypothesis" skolemvars)) '(skip)))) (simp_stratcmd `(,simp_strat))) (then skolemcmd instcmd (flatten_labelled_formula '|inductive-hypothesis|) (flatten_labelled_formula '|inductive-conclusion|) simp_stratcmd (prop_probe))))) "" "") (defstep direct_proof () (let ((sforms (setq *sforms-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (inv-name (setq *inv-comment* (string (id (grab_inv sforms))))) (thy_name (grab_thy_name_base sforms))) (let ((ta_name (get_ta_name (string thy_name)))) (let ((simp_strat (setq *timed-auto-simp-strat* (simp_strat_name ta_name))) (forward_strat (setq *timed-auto-forward-strat* (forward_strat_name ta_name))) (unique_aux (setq *timed-auto-unique-aux* (unique_aux_name ta_name))) (rewrite_thy_1 (setq *timed-auto-rewrite-thy-1* (rewrite_thy_1_name ta_name))) (rewrite_thy_2 (setq *timed-auto-rewrite-thy-2* (rewrite_thy_2_name ta_name)))) (then (skolem 1 "prestate") (expand inv-name) (with-labels (flatten-disjunct :depth 1) (("prestate-reachable" "conclusion"))) (flatten_labelled_formula "conclusion") (direct_proof_2))))) "" "Doing the standard steps of a non-induction proof") (defstep direct_proof_2 () (let ((sforms (s-forms (current-goal *ps*))) (inv (setq *direct-inv-commnet* (formula (car (select-seq sforms 1))))) (simpcmd `(,*timed-auto-simp-strat*)) (skolemcmd (if (forall-expr? inv) (let ((quantvars (setq *quantvars-comment* (bindings inv)))) (let ((skolemvars (setq *skolemvars-comment* (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (format nil "~a~a" x "_theorem")) (mapcar #'id quantvars))))) `(skolem 1 ,skolemvars))) '(skip)))) (then skolemcmd (flatten_labelled_formula '|conclusion|) simpcmd)) "" "Doing the standard steps of a non-induction proof") (defstep direct_induction () (let ((sforms (setq *sforms-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (inv-name (setq *inv-comment* (string (id (grab_inv sforms))))) (thy_name (grab_thy_name_base sforms))) (let ((ta_name (get_ta_name (string thy_name)))) (let ((simp_strat (setq *timed-auto-simp-strat* (simp_strat_name ta_name))) (forward_strat (setq *timed-auto-forward-strat* (forward_strat_name ta_name))) (unique_aux (setq *timed-auto-unique-aux* (unique_aux_name ta_name))) (rewrite_thy_1 (setq *timed-auto-rewrite-thy-1* (rewrite_thy_1_name ta_name))) (rewrite_thy_2 (setq *timed-auto-rewrite-thy-2* (rewrite_thy_2_name ta_name)))) (then (skolem 1 "prestate") (expand inv-name) (with-labels (flatten-disjunct :depth 1) (("prestate-reachable" "conclusion"))) (flatten_labelled_formula "conclusion") (direct_induction_2) )))) "" "Doing the standard steps of a direct-induction proof") (defstep direct_induction_2 () (let ((sforms (s-forms (current-goal *ps*))) (inv (setq *direct-inv-comment* (formula (car (select-seq sforms 1))))) (ind-var-name (setq *direct-inductvar-comment* (id (car (bindings inv))))) (ind-skolem-var-name (format nil "~a~a" ind-var-name "_induct")) (ind-type-name (setq *direct-inducttype-comment* (let ((induct-type (type (car (bindings inv))))) (cond ((subtype? induct-type) (id (print-type induct-type))) ((adt-type-name? induct-type) (id (type (car (resolutions induct-type))))))))) (ind-lemma-name (format nil "~a~a" ind-type-name "_induction")) (ind-inst-cmd (setq *direct-instcmd-comment* ;June 8, 2001 ;Note one really wants to replace (bindings inv) by ;(bindings inv) with commas between items. (format nil "~a~a~a~a~a" "(LAMBDA " (bindings inv) ": " (expression inv) ")"))) (simpcmd `(,*timed-auto-simp-strat*)) (quantvars (setq *quantvars-comment0* (bindings (expression inv)))) (skolemvars (setq *skolemvars-comment0* (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (format nil "~a~a" x "_theorem")) (mapcar #'id quantvars)))) (specializecmd (setq *direct-specialize-comment* (if (forall-expr? (expression inv)) `,(cons 'specialize_induction_to skolemvars) '(skip)))) (skolemcmd (if (forall-expr? (expression inv)) `(skolem 1 ,skolemvars) '(skip))) (inductcmd (if (forall-expr? inv) (let ((inductvars (setq *inductvars-comment* (bindings inv)))) (let ((inductname (setq *inductname-comment* (id (car inductvars))))) `(then (apply_lemma_no_comment ,ind-lemma-name) (inst -1 ,ind-inst-cmd) (beta) (branch (split) (,simpcmd (then (hide "conclusion") (label "induction-base-case" ,(format nil "~a" ind-lemma-name)) ,skolemcmd (flatten_labelled_formula "induction-base-case") ,simpcmd) (then (hide "conclusion") (label "induction-step-case" ,(format nil "~a" ind-lemma-name)) (skolem "induction-step-case" ,ind-skolem-var-name) (with-labels (flatten-disjunct "induction-step-case" :depth 1) (("inductive-hypothesis" "inductive-conclusion"))) ,specializecmd (flatten_labelled_formula "inductive-conclusion") (flatten_labelled_formula "inductive-hypothesis") ,simpcmd)))))) '(skip)))) inductcmd) "" "Doing the standard steps of a direct-induction proof") ; *** Section 2 *** ; ; *** Specialized simplification strategies for timed automata. *** ; Simplification strategies that handle time definitions and other simple ; types of reasoning needed for timed automata. (defstep time_etc_simp () (then (lift-if) (assert) (prop) (assert) (expand "time_thy.zero" :assert? NONE) (expand "time_thy.<=" :assert? NONE) (lift-if) (expand "time_thy.>=" :assert? NONE) (lift-if) (expand "<" :assert? NONE) (lift-if) (expand ">" :assert? NONE) (lift-if) (expand "+" :assert? NONE) (lift-if) (expand "-" :assert? NONE) (lift-if) (repeat* (then* (assert) (split) (lift-if) (flatten))) ; (repeat* (forward-chain "fintime_elim_1")) ; Experimental change 2-15-01 (forward-chain "fintime_elim_1") (forward-chain "fintime_elim_1") (forward-chain "fintime_elim_1") ; (repeat* (forward-chain "fintime_elim_2")) ; Experimental change 2-15-01 (forward-chain "fintime_elim_2") (forward-chain "fintime_elim_2") (forward-chain "fintime_elim_2") (list_forward_chain) ) "" "Doing time-arithmetic") (defstep list_forward_chain () (then (then (forward-chain "listforward_6") (simplify)) (then (forward-chain "listforward_5") (simplify)) (forward-chain "listforward_7") (then (forward-chain "listforward_4") (simplify)) (forward-chain "listforward_8") (forward-chain "listforward_1a") (forward-chain "listforward_1") (forward-chain "listforward_2") (forward-chain "listforward_3") (forward-chain "listforward_9")) "" "") (defstep time_vals_simp () (then* (expand "time_thy.zero") (expand "time_thy.<=") (expand "time_thy.>=") (expand "<") (expand ">") (expand "+") (expand "-") (lift-if) ) "" "Doing time-arithmetic") (defstep try_simp () (let ((sforms (setq *sforms-trysimp-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (neg_quantform_list (setq *neg-quantform-comment* (gather-fnums (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)) '- nil #'(lambda (sform) (let ((expr (formula sform))) (has_quant expr)))))) (pos_quantform_list (setq *pos-quantform-comment* (gather-fnums (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)) '+ nil #'(lambda (sform) (let ((expr (formula sform))) (has_quant expr))))))) (let ((label-hide-cmd `(then (label_formula_list "quantified-formula" ,(append neg_quantform_list pos_quantform_list)) (hide "quantified-formula"))) (rewrite-init-cmd `(auto-rewrite-theory ,*timed-auto-rewrite-thy-1*)) (rewrite-unique-cmd `(then (auto-rewrite-theory ,*timed-auto-unique-aux*) (assert) (stop-rewrite-theory ,*timed-auto-unique-aux*))) (rewrite-change-cmd-1 `(then (stop-rewrite-theory ,*timed-auto-rewrite-thy-1*) (auto-rewrite-theory ,*timed-auto-rewrite-thy-2*))) (rewrite-change-cmd-2 `(then (stop-rewrite-theory ,*timed-auto-rewrite-thy-2*) (auto-rewrite-theory ,*timed-auto-unique-aux*) (assert) (stop-rewrite-theory ,*timed-auto-unique-aux*)))) (then label-hide-cmd rewrite-init-cmd (time_etc_simp) (reveal "quantified-formula") ; NOTE: the following LIFT-IF is included simply so that the base case ; in lemma_3_3_3 in fischer can be handled. If it is omitted, and ; time_vals_simp is done first, then lift-if fails to turn the CASE ; expression into an if-then-else expression. Perhaps this is a result ; of some unexpected property of using EXPAND with :assert? NONE ??? (lift-if) (time_vals_simp) (repeat* (then* (lift-if) (split) (flatten) (assert))) ; NOTE: the following takes care of several cases where apply-extensionality ; was previously needed. rewrite-change-cmd-1 (assert) ; NOTE: the following takes care of the cases where one previously had to ; apply a "unique_aux" lemma to the effect that if two actions of the same ; kind are equal, then their parameters are equal. rewrite-change-cmd-2 ; NOTE: it is unclear why apply-extensionality seems to be needed in some ; cases; the rewrites should handle what it does !!!! See, in particular, ; the proof of lemma_5_2 in fischer. (apply-extensionality) ))) "" "Applying simple reasoning") (defstep try_simp_again2 () (let ((sforms (setq *sforms-trysimp-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (neg_quantform_list (setq *neg-quantform-comment* (gather-fnums (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)) '- nil #'(lambda (sform) (let ((expr (formula sform))) (has_quant expr)))))) (pos_quantform_list (setq *pos-quantform-comment* (gather-fnums (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)) '+ nil #'(lambda (sform) (let ((expr (formula sform))) (has_quant expr))))))) (let ((label-hide-cmd `(then (label_formula_list "quantified-formula" ,(append neg_quantform_list pos_quantform_list)) (hide "quantified-formula"))) (forward-cmd `(,*timed-auto-forward-strat*))) (rewrite-init-cmd `(auto-rewrite-theory ,*timed-auto-rewrite-thy-1*)) (rewrite-stop-cmd `(stop-rewrite-theory ,*timed-auto-rewrite-thy-1*)) (rewrite-unique-cmd `(then (auto-rewrite-theory ,*timed-auto-unique-aux*) (assert) (stop-rewrite-theory ,*timed-auto-unique-aux*))) (rewrite-change-cmd-1 `(then (stop-rewrite-theory ,*timed-auto-rewrite-thy-1*) (auto-rewrite-theory ,*timed-auto-rewrite-thy-2*))) (rewrite-change-cmd-2 `(then (stop-rewrite-theory ,*timed-auto-rewrite-thy-2*) (auto-rewrite-theory ,*timed-auto-unique-aux*) (assert) (stop-rewrite-theory ,*timed-auto-unique-aux*)))) (then label-hide-cmd rewrite-stop-cmd forward-cmd (try (then (repeat* (replace*)) (assert)) (skip) (skip)) rewrite-init-cmd (time_etc_simp) (reveal "quantified-formula") ; NOTE: the following LIFT-IF is included simply so that the base case ; in lemma_3_3_3 in fischer can be handled. If it is omitted, and ; time_vals_simp is done first, then lift-if fails to turn the CASE ; expression into an if-then-else expression. Perhaps this is a result ; of some unexpected property of using EXPAND with :assert? NONE ??? (lift-if) ; NOTE: iff solves a problem in one application (rpc_memoryimpl) where ; a = b and c = d are insufficient for ASSERT to conclude that a AND c ; = b AND d (all values being boolean). Thus, it really is mostly a band-aid. (iff) (time_vals_simp) (repeat* (then (lift-if) (split) (flatten) (assert))) rewrite-stop-cmd forward-cmd (try (then (repeat* (replace*)) (assert)) (skip) (skip)) ; NOTE: the following takes care of several cases where apply-extensionality ; was previously needed. rewrite-change-cmd-1 (assert) ; NOTE: the following takes care of the cases where one previously had to ; apply a "unique_aux" lemma to the effect that if two actions of the same ; kind are equal, then their parameters are equal. rewrite-change-cmd-2 ; NOTE: it is unclear why apply-extensionality seems to be needed in some ; cases; the rewrites should handle what it does !!!! See, in particular, ; the proof of lemma_5_2 in fischer. (apply-extensionality) )) "" "Applying simple reasoning") ; *** Section 3 *** ; ; *** Apply-lemma strategies for timed automata. *** ; Some of the apply-lemma strategies are specialized for application of ; state invariant lemmas. (defstep apply_lemma (lem &rest args) (let ((instcmd (cons 'inst (cons -1 args))) (cmd (setq *cmd-comment2* `(then (with-labels (lemma ,lem) ((,lem))) (apply_lemma_2 ,instcmd ,lem))))) cmd) "" "Applying a lemma to some arguments") (defstep apply_lemma_2 (instcmd lemma_name) (let ((sforms (setq *applylem2-sforms-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (lemma_formula_list (setq *lemma-lab-comment* (loop for sform in sforms when (string-equal (princ-to-string (car (label sform))) (princ-to-string lemma_name)) collect sform))) (lemma_body (setq *body-comment* (cond (lemma_formula_list (formula (car lemma_formula_list))) (t nil)))) (lemma_comment (setq *comment-comment* (cond ((and lemma_body *timed-auto-verbose-proofs*) (format nil "~a~a~a~a" "Applying the lemma " (princ-to-string (argument lemma_body)) " to the arguments " (cddr instcmd))) (t "")))) (cmd (setq *apply2-cmd-comment* (cond (lemma_body `(then (comment ,lemma_comment) ,instcmd (,*timed-auto-simp-strat*))) (t '(skip)))))) cmd) "" "") (defstep apply_lemma_no_comment (lem &rest args) (let ((instcmd (cons 'inst (cons -1 args))) (cmd (setq *cmd-comment2* `(then (with-labels (lemma ,lem) ((,lem))) ,instcmd (,*timed-auto-simp-strat*))))) cmd) "" "Applying a lemma to some arguments") ; poststate_strategy is used in supporting application of invariant lemmas ; to the poststate in an induction proof -- it is called indirectly by ; apply_inv_lemma (defstep poststate_strategy (lemma_name) (let ((sforms (setq *sforms-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (poststate-fnums (setq *poststate-strategy-fnums-comment* (gather_fnums_label sforms (intern lemma_name)))) (cmd (setq *poststate-strategy-command-comment* `(then (replace "poststate-definition" ,poststate-fnums rl) (do_trans ,lemma_name) (hide "poststate-definition"))))) cmd) "" "") (defstep apply_inv_lemma (invno &rest state+quantvars) (let ((cmd (setq *apply-inv-lemma-cmd-comment* (let ((state-arg-present (is_state_var (car state+quantvars)))) (cond (state-arg-present (let ((state (setq *state-comment* (car state+quantvars))) (quantvars (setq *quantvars-comment* (cdr state+quantvars)))) (setq *state-cmd-comment* (cond (quantvars `(apply_univ_inv_lemma ,invno ,quantvars ,state)) (t `(apply_simple_inv_lemma ,invno ,state)))))) (t (setq *no-state-cmd-comment* (cond (state+quantvars `(apply_univ_inv_lemma ,invno ,state+quantvars)) (t `(apply_simple_inv_lemma ,invno)))))))))) cmd) "" "Applying a state invariant") (defstep apply_simple_inv_lemma (invno &optional statevar) (let ((lemma_name (setq *simple-lemmaname-comment* (format nil "~a~a" "lemma_" invno))) (theorem_name (setq *simple-theoremname-comment* (format nil "~a~a" "theorem_" invno))) (inv_name (format nil "~a~a" "Inv_" invno)) (state (cond (statevar) (t "prestate")))) (let ((poststate-cmd (setq *simple-poststate-cmd-comment* (cond ((string-equal state "poststate") `(then (reveal "poststate-definition") (poststate_strategy ,lemma_name))) (t '(skip)))))) (then (try (apply_lemma_no_comment lemma_name state) (skip) (apply_lemma_no_comment theorem_name state)) (apply (then (split -1 :depth 1) (assert))) (expand inv_name) (apply_simple_inv_lemma_2 lemma_name) poststate-cmd))) "" "Applying the appropriate invariant lemma") (defstep apply_simple_inv_lemma_2 (lemma_name) (let ((sforms (setq *simple-sforms-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (lemma_body (setq *simple-body-comment* (formula (car (loop for sform in sforms when (string-equal (princ-to-string (car (label sform))) (princ-to-string lemma_name)) collect sform))))) (lemma_comment (setq *simple-comment-comment* (cond (*timed-auto-verbose-proofs* (format nil "~a~a" "Applying the lemma " (princ-to-string (argument lemma_body)))) (t "")))) (simp_cmd (list *timed-auto-simp-strat*)) (cmd (setq *apply2-cmd-comment* `(then (comment ,lemma_comment) (,*timed-auto-simp-strat*))))) cmd) "" "") (defstep apply_univ_inv_lemma (invno quantvars &optional statevar) (let ((lemma_name (setq *univ-lemmaname-comment* (format nil "~a~a" "lemma_" invno))) (theorem_name (setq *univ-theoremname-comment* (format nil "~a~a" "lemma_" invno))) (inv_name (format nil "~a~a" "Inv_" invno)) (state (setq *univ-state-comment* (cond (statevar) (t "prestate")))) (inst_cmd (cons 'inst (cons '-1 quantvars))) (dummy (setq *inst-comment* (princ-to-string inst_cmd)))) (let ((poststate-cmd (setq *univ-poststate-cmd-comment* (cond ((string-equal state "poststate") `(then (reveal "poststate-definition") (poststate_strategy ,lemma_name))) (t '(skip)))))) (then (try (apply_lemma_no_comment lemma_name state) (skip) (apply_lemma_no_comment theorem_name state)) (apply (then (split -1 :depth 1)(assert))) (expand inv_name) (apply_univ_inv_lemma_2 lemma_name inst_cmd) poststate-cmd))) "" "Applying and instantiating the appropriate invariant lemma") (defstep apply_univ_inv_lemma_2 (lemma_name inst_cmd) (let ((sforms (setq *univ-sforms-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (lemma_body (setq *univ-body-comment* (formula (car (loop for sform in sforms when (string-equal (princ-to-string (car (label sform))) (princ-to-string lemma_name)) collect sform))))) (lemma_comment (setq *univ-comment-comment* (cond (*timed-auto-verbose-proofs* (format nil "~a~a" "Applying the lemma " (princ-to-string (argument lemma_body)))) (t "")))) (simp_cmd (list *timed-auto-simp-strat*)) (cmd (setq *apply2-cmd-comment* `(then (comment ,lemma_comment) ,inst_cmd (,*timed-auto-simp-strat*))))) cmd) "" "") ; *** Section 4 *** ; ; *** Other standard TAME steps. *** (defstep apply_ind_hyp (&rest var) (let ((simplification_strat *timed-auto-simp-strat*) (instcmd (setq *apply-ind-hyp-inst-comment* (cons 'inst (cons "inductive-hypothesis" var)))) (cmd `(,simplification_strat))) (then (reveal "inductive-hypothesis") instcmd cmd)) "" "") ; The strategy apply_specific_precond is broken into two parts in order ; to permit the specific precondition to be expanded and the resulting ; formula to be printed as a comment. (defstep apply_specific_precond () (let ((sforms (setq *sforms-precond-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*))))) (let ((simp-flag (setq *simp-flag-comment* (has_specific_precond sforms)))) (then (with-labels (try (expand "enabled") (flatten) (skip)) (("general-precondition" "specific-precondition" "OKstate?-precondition")) :push? T) (expand "enabled_specific") (apply_specific_precond_2 simp-flag)))) "" "") (defstep apply_specific_precond_2 (simp-flag) (let ((sforms (setq *sforms-precond-comment2* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (simplification_strat *timed-auto-simp-strat*)) (let ((precond_sform (get_form_label sforms '|specific-precondition|))) (let ((precond_form (setq *precond-form-comment* (cond (precond_sform (argument (formula precond_sform))) (t nil))))) (let ((cmd (setq *precond-cmd-comment* (cond (precond_form `(then (comment ,(cond (*timed-auto-verbose-proofs* (format nil "~a~a" "Applying the precondition " (princ-to-string precond_form))) (t ""))) (flatten_labelled_formula '|specific-precondition|) (,simplification_strat))) (simp-flag `(,simplification_strat)) (t '(skip)))))) cmd)))) "" "") (defstep apply_general_precond () (expand "enabled_general") "" "") (defstep use_OKstate () (let ((simp_cmd (list *timed-auto-simp-strat*))) (then (expand "OKstate?") simp_cmd (do_trans "OKstate?-precondition"))) "" "using the OKstate? precondition") (defstep suppose (x) (let ((simp_cmd (list *timed-auto-simp-strat*)) (suppstring (setq *supp-comment* (format nil "~a~a" "Suppose " x))) (nsuppstring (setq *supp-not-comment* (format nil "~a~a~a" "Suppose not [" x "]")))) (branch (with-labels (case x) (("Suppose") ("Suppose not"))) ((then simp_cmd (comment suppstring)) (then simp_cmd (comment nsuppstring))))) "" "") ;; The strategy const_facts introduces the facts about the constants from ;; the axiom "const_facts" in the template. It has two segments, to allow ; the body of the axiom "const_facts" to be expanded and printed as a comment. (defstep const_facts () (then (with-labels (lemma "const_facts") (("const_facts"))) (const_facts_2)) "" "Adducing facts about the constants") (defstep const_facts_2 () (let ((sforms (setq *sforms-const-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (simplification_strat *timed-auto-simp-strat*) (const_form (setq *const-form-comment* (argument (formula (get_form_label sforms '|const_facts|))))) (cmd (setq *const-cmd-comment* `(then (comment ,(format nil "~a~a" "Applying the facts about the constants: " (princ-to-string const_form))) (flatten_labelled_formula '|const_facts|) (,simplification_strat))))) cmd) "" "") (defstep do_trans (&optional formnum) (let ((cmd (cond (formnum `(then (expand "trans" ,formnum) ;(,*timed-auto-simp-strat*) ;experiment 6-11-01 (,(cond (*timed-auto-simp-strat*) (t '(skip)))) (lift-if ,formnum)(assert)(assert))) (t `(then (expand "trans") ;(,*timed-auto-simp-strat*) ;experiment 6-11-01 (,(cond (*timed-auto-simp-strat*) (t '(skip)))) (lift-if)(assert)(assert)))))) cmd) "" "Computing the transition") (defstep compute_poststate (&optional lab) (let ((sforms (setq *sforms-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (formnums (setq *compute-post-formnums-comment* ; (gather_fnums_label sforms (intern lab)))) (gather_fnums_label_adjusted sforms (intern lab)))) ; above is repair created 6-1-01 (cmd (cond (formnums `(then (reveal "poststate-definition") (replace "poststate-definition" ,formnums rl) (hide "poststate-definition") (do_trans ,lab))) (t '(then (reveal "poststate-definition") (replace "poststate-definition" * rl) (hide "poststate-definition") (do_trans)))))) cmd) "" "Computing the poststate") ; The strategy focus_on differs from the "scr" version in that the value ; of the poststate is not repeatedly substituted. Note that focus_on does ; not work well unless a label is passed as argument. (defstep focus_on (lab) (let ((cmd `(apply (repeat* (then (split ,lab) (lift-if ,lab) (flatten_labelled_formula ,lab) (assert)))))) cmd) "" "") (defstep inst_in (lab &rest args) (let ((cmd (setq *inst_in-cmd-comment* `(then (focus_on ,lab) ,(cons 'inst (cons lab args)) (,*timed-auto-simp-strat*) )))) cmd) "" "") (defstep skolem_in (lab &rest args) (let ((cmd (setq *skolem_in-cmd-comment* `(then (focus_on ,lab) (skolem ,lab ,args) (,*timed-auto-simp-strat*) )))) cmd) "" "") (defstep verbose () (let ((dummy (setq *timed-auto-verbose-proofs* t))) (skip)) "" "") (defstep nonverbose () (let ((dummy (setq *timed-auto-verbose-proofs* nil))) (skip)) "" "") ; *** Section 5 *** ; ; *** Definitions and strategies to support reasoning about epsilon *** (defun attach_arg (x y) (if (null y) (format nil "~a~a" x ")") (if (null (cdr y)) (format nil "~a~a~a~a" x ", " (car y) ")") (format nil "~a~a~a" x ", " (attach_arg (car y) (cdr y)))))) (defun make_pref_expr (eps_pred_name &rest eps_pred_args) (if (null eps_pred_args) eps_pred_name (format nil "~a~a~a" eps_pred_name "(" (attach_arg (car eps_pred_args) (cdr eps_pred_args))))) (defun grab_epsilon_expr (sforms predname) (cond (sforms (cond ((grab_epsilon_expr_2 (car sforms) predname)) (t (grab_epsilon_expr (cdr sforms) predname)))) (t nil))) (defun grab_epsilon_expr_2 (sform predname) (let ((epsilon_expr nil) (expr (formula sform))) (mapobject #'(lambda (x) (if epsilon_expr t (when (and (typep x 'application) (tc-eq (id (operator x)) '|epsilon|) (tc-eq (cond ((application? (argument x)) (id (operator (argument x)))) ((name-expr? (argument x)) (id (argument x)))) (intern predname))) (setq epsilon_expr x) t))) expr) epsilon_expr)) (defstep use_epsilon (eps_pred_name &rest eps_pred_args) (let ((sforms (setq *sforms-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*)))) (eps_expr (setq *epsilon-comment* (grab_epsilon_expr sforms eps_pred_name))) (inst_pred (setq *pred-comment* (cond ((setq *args-comment* eps_pred_args) (setq *args-comment2* (eval (cons 'make_pref_expr (cons eps_pred_name eps_pred_args))))) (t (princ-to-string (argument eps_expr)))))) (eps_constraints_comment (format nil "~a~a~a" "Introducing the constraints on epsilon(" inst_pred ")")) (eps_obligation_comment (format nil "~a~a" "Proof that there is a value satisfying " inst_pred)) (eps_type (setq *type-comment* (type eps_expr))) (eps_lemma (setq *epslemma-comment* (format nil "~a~a~a" "epsilon_ax[" (princ-to-string eps_type) "]"))) (eps_lemma_cmd (setq *epslemma-comment2* `(lemma ,eps_lemma))) (expand_cmd (setq *expand-comment* `(expand ,eps_pred_name 1)))) (then eps_lemma_cmd (inst -1 inst_pred) (branch (with-labels (split -1) (("epsilon axiom") ("epsilon axiom existence proof obligation"))) ((then (expand eps_pred_name -1 1) (flatten) (comment eps_constraints_comment)) (then expand_cmd (comment eps_obligation_comment)))))) "" "Adducing facts about an epsilon expression") (defstep epsilon_witness (witness) (let ((simplification_strat *timed-auto-simp-strat*) (simp-cmd `(,simplification_strat))) (then (inst "epsilon axiom existence proof obligation" witness) simp-cmd)) "" "") ; *** Section 7 *** ; ; *** Miscellaneous auxiliary strategies. *** (defstep specialize_induction_to (&rest vars) (let ((cmd `(then (skolem "inductive-conclusion" ,vars) ,(cons 'inst (cons "inductive-hypothesis" vars))))) cmd) "" "") ; flatten_labelled_formula completely flattens the formula with label lab, ; labelling the resulting parts in the order they appear in the original ; formula. All parts also retain their original label. ; A peculiarity of this strategy is that it uses a longer label list than ; should be necessary. For some reason, the :push? T does not work on the ; last label in the list. Therefore, a new label |dummy| is appended to the ; list of labels. (defstep flatten_labelled_formula (lab) (let ((sforms (setq *sforms-flatten-comment* (s-forms (current-goal *ps*))))) (let ((labval (intern (eval lab)))) (let ((fnums (setq *fnums-flatten-comment* (gather_fnums_label sforms labval)))) (let ((cmd (setq *flatten-cmd-comment* (cons 'then (let ((labcount 0) (lablist nil)) (loop for x in fnums do ;(setq labcount (+ labcount 1)) (setq lablist (setq *fl-lablist-comment* (loop for y from 1 to (setq *fl-len-comment* (flatten_length x sforms)) collect (format nil "~a~a~a" labval "_part_" (setq labcount (+ labcount 1)))))) collect `(with-labels (flatten ,x) (,(append lablist '(|dummy|))) :push? T))))))) cmd)))) "" "") ; label_formula_list expects a list fnums of formula numbers, and a label ; lab. It pushes lab as an extra label on each indicated formula in the ; sequent. (defstep label_formula_list (lab fnums) (let ((labval (eval lab))) (let ((cmd (setq *label-list-comment* (cons 'then (loop for x in fnums collect `(label ,labval ,x :push? T)))))) cmd)) "" "") ; The strategy modus_ponens is used to avoid splitting an assertion having ; a complex hypothesis identical to another assertion present. (defstep modus_ponens (fnum) (branch (split fnum) ((skip) (assert))) "" "Attempting to eliminate an hypothesis") ; *** Section 10 *** ; ; *** Special strategies for proving auxliary theory lemmas. *** (defstep rewrite_aux_1_strat () (then (skolem!) (flatten) (replace -1 * rl) (assert)) "" "") (defstep rewrite_aux_2_strat () (then (skolem!) (flatten) (apply-extensionality)) "" "") (defstep action_unique_strat_1 (constructor destructor) (let ((cmd `(then (skolem 1 ("x_1" "x_2")) (flatten) (branch (case ,(format nil "~a~a~a~a~a" "x_1 = " destructor "(" constructor "(x_1))")) ((branch (case ,(format nil "~a~a~a~a~a" "x_2 = " destructor "(" constructor "(x_2))")) ((then (replace -1 +) (replace -2 +) (hide -1 -2) (replace -1)) (assert))) (assert)))))) cmd) "" "") ; *** Section 12 *** ; ; *** Grabbing the application-specific strategies. *** (load "local-strategies") $$$ttm_decls.pvs ttm_decls: THEORY BEGIN ttm_lib: LIBRARY = "../ttm_lib" IMPORTING time_thy, actions activity: TYPE = {a,b,c,d,e} internal_state: TYPE = [# u:int, v:int #] lower_bound(ac:nt_action):time = CASES ac OF alpha: zero, beta: two, gamma: two ENDCASES upper_bound(ac:nt_action):time = CASES ac OF alpha: one, beta: infinity, gamma: two ENDCASES enabled_state (ac:nt_action, w:internal_state):bool = CASES ac OF alpha: (w`u>=0), beta: True, gamma: (w`v>=0) ENDCASES; graph (ac:nt_action, sa:activity):bool = CASES ac OF alpha: (sa = a), beta: (sa = b), gamma: (sa=a or sa=b) ENDCASES IMPORTING ttm[activity,internal_state, nt_action, lower_bound, upper_bound,enabled_state, graph] enabled (ac:action, s:states):bool = IF (not (tick?(ac))) THEN enabled_general(ac,s) & enabled_time(ac,s) ELSE enabled_tick(s) ENDIF trans (ac:action, s:states):states = IF tick?(ac) THEN s WITH [action_time:= update_clocks(s)] ELSE s_tmp WITH [action_time:=reset_clocks(ac,s_tmp)] WHERE s_tmp = CASES ac OF alpha: s WITH [ activity:=b, basic:=s`basic WITH[u:=s`basic`u+s`basic`v]], beta: s WITH [activity:=d, basic:=s`basic WITH [u:=s`basic`u+1, v:=s`basic`v-1]] , gamma: s WITH [activity:=IF (s`activity=a) THEN c ELSIF (s`activity=b) THEN e ELSE s`activity ENDIF] ENDCASES ENDIF start (s:states):bool = ( s = (# activity:=a, basic:= (# u:=0, v:=1 #), action_time:=(LAMBDA (a:nt_action): zero) #) ) IMPORTING ttm_lib@machine[states,action, enabled,trans,start] % Example Simple Invariants to Validate TTM ulessthan3(s:states):bool = s`basic`u<3 uv(s:states):bool = (s`activity=a & s`basic`u=0 & s`basic`v=1 OR s`activity=b & s`basic`u=1 & s`basic`v=1 OR s`activity=c & s`basic`u=0 & s`basic`v=1 OR s`activity=d & s`basic`u=2 & s`basic`v=0 OR s`activity=e & s`basic`u=1 & s`basic`v=1) Fig2R: LEMMA (FORALL (s:states): reachable(s) => uv(s)) ulemma: LEMMA (FORALL (s:states): reachable(s) => ulessthan3(s)) END ttm_decls $$$ttm_decls.prf (ttm_decls (lower_bound_TCC1 0 (lower_bound_TCC1-1 nil 3282404793 3282404793 ("" (cases-tcc) nil nil) unchecked nil 15 10 nil shostak)) (enabled_TCC1 0 (enabled_TCC1-1 nil 3282404793 3282404793 ("" (subtype-tcc) nil nil) unchecked ((/= const-decl "boolean" notequal nil)) 24 30 nil shostak)) (trans_TCC1 0 (trans_TCC1-1 nil 3282404793 3282404793 ("" (cases-tcc) nil nil) unchecked nil 30 30 nil shostak)) (Fig2R 0 (Fig2R-1 nil 3282414508 3282414619 ("" (lemma "machine_induct") (("" (inst -1 "uv") (("" (grind) nil nil)) nil)) nil) proved ((uv const-decl "bool" ttm_decls nil) (pred type-eq-decl nil defined_types nil) (two const-decl "time" time_thy nil) (one const-decl "time" time_thy nil) (NOT const-decl "[bool -> bool]" booleans nil) (number nonempty-type-decl nil numbers nil) (number_field_pred const-decl "[number -> boolean]" number_fields nil) (number_field nonempty-type-from-decl nil number_fields nil) (real_pred const-decl "[number_field -> boolean]" reals nil) (real nonempty-type-from-decl nil reals nil) (>= const-decl "bool" reals nil) (rational_pred const-decl "[real -> boolean]" rationals nil) (rational nonempty-type-from-decl nil rationals nil) (integer_pred const-decl "[rational -> boolean]" integers nil) (nat nonempty-type-eq-decl nil naturalnumbers nil) (zero const-decl "time" time_thy nil) (base const-decl "bool" machine "../ttm_lib/") (reachable const-decl "bool" machine "../ttm_lib/") (enabled_state const-decl "bool" ttm_decls nil) (graph const-decl "bool" ttm_decls nil) (upper_bound const-decl "time" ttm_decls nil) (lower_bound const-decl "time" ttm_decls nil) (enabled_general const-decl "bool" ttm nil) (>= const-decl "bool" time_thy nil) (<= const-decl "bool" time_thy nil) (enabled_time const-decl "bool" ttm nil) (< const-decl "bool" time_thy nil) (enabled_tick const-decl "bool" ttm nil) (inductstep const-decl "bool" machine "../ttm_lib/") (inductthm const-decl "bool" machine "../ttm_lib/") (machine_induct formula-decl nil machine "../ttm_lib/") (action type-decl nil actions nil) (boolean nonempty-type-decl nil booleans nil) (/= const-decl "boolean" notequal nil) (tick? adt-recognizer-decl "[action -> boolean]" actions nil) (tick adt-constructor-decl "(tick?)" actions nil) (nt_action type-eq-decl nil actions nil) (time type-decl nil time_adt nil) (activity type-decl nil ttm_decls nil) (int nonempty-type-eq-decl nil integers nil) (internal_state type-eq-decl nil ttm_decls nil) (states type-eq-decl nil states nil) (bool nonempty-type-eq-decl nil booleans nil) (enabled const-decl "bool" ttm_decls nil) (trans const-decl "states" ttm_decls nil) (start const-decl "bool" ttm_decls nil)) 111409 4150 t shostak)) (ulemma 0 (ulemma-1 nil 3282405761 3282414770 ("" (lemma "machine_induct") (("" (inst -1 "ulessthan3") (("" (expand "inductthm") (("" (bddsimp) (("1" (hide 2) (("1" (expand "inductstep") (("1" (skosimp) (("1" (lemma "Fig2R") (("1" (grind) nil nil)) nil)) nil)) nil)) nil) ("2" (grind) nil nil)) nil)) nil)) nil)) nil) proved ((start const-decl "bool" ttm_decls nil) (trans const-decl "states" ttm_decls nil) (enabled const-decl "bool" ttm_decls nil) (bool nonempty-type-eq-decl nil booleans nil) (states type-eq-decl nil states nil) (internal_state type-eq-decl nil ttm_decls nil) (int nonempty-type-eq-decl nil integers nil) (activity type-decl nil ttm_decls nil) (time type-decl nil time_adt nil) (nt_action type-eq-decl nil actions nil) (tick adt-constructor-decl "(tick?)" actions nil) (tick? adt-recognizer-decl "[action -> boolean]" actions nil) (/= const-decl "boolean" notequal nil) (boolean nonempty-type-decl nil booleans nil) (action type-decl nil actions nil) (machine_induct formula-decl nil machine "../ttm_lib/") (inductthm const-decl "bool" machine "../ttm_lib/") (base const-decl "bool" machine "../ttm_lib/") (enabled_tick const-decl "bool" ttm nil) (< const-decl "bool" time_thy nil) (enabled_time const-decl "bool" ttm nil) (<= const-decl "bool" time_thy nil) (>= const-decl "bool" time_thy nil) (enabled_general const-decl "bool" ttm nil) (lower_bound const-decl "time" ttm_decls nil) (upper_bound const-decl "time" ttm_decls nil) (graph const-decl "bool" ttm_decls nil) (enabled_state const-decl "bool" ttm_decls nil) (uv const-decl "bool" ttm_decls nil) (reachable const-decl "bool" machine "../ttm_lib/") (zero const-decl "time" time_thy nil) (two const-decl "time" time_thy nil) (one const-decl "time" time_thy nil) (NOT const-decl "[bool -> bool]" booleans nil) (number nonempty-type-decl nil numbers nil) (number_field_pred const-decl "[number -> boolean]" number_fields nil) (number_field nonempty-type-from-decl nil number_fields nil) (real_pred const-decl "[number_field -> boolean]" reals nil) (real nonempty-type-from-decl nil reals nil) (>= const-decl "bool" reals nil) (rational_pred const-decl "[real -> boolean]" rationals nil) (rational nonempty-type-from-decl nil rationals nil) (integer_pred const-decl "[rational -> boolean]" integers nil) (nat nonempty-type-eq-decl nil naturalnumbers nil) (Fig2R formula-decl nil ttm_decls nil) (inductstep const-decl "bool" machine "../ttm_lib/") (pred type-eq-decl nil defined_types nil) (ulessthan3 const-decl "bool" ttm_decls nil)) 142119 2070 t shostak))) $$$states.pvs states [ activity, nt_action, internal_state:TYPE, time:TYPE ] : THEORY BEGIN states: TYPE = [# activity: activity, basic:internal_state, action_time: [nt_action -> time] #] END states $$$ttm.pvs ttm [ activity,internal_state, nt_action: TYPE, ( IMPORTING time_thy, states[activity,nt_action,internal_state,time] ) lower_bound,upper_bound:[nt_action->time], enabled_state: [nt_action,internal_state -> bool], graph:[nt_action, activity -> bool] ] : THEORY BEGIN enabled_general(ac:nt_action,s:states):bool = enabled_state(ac,s`basic) & graph(ac,s`activity) % Only the tick can change the timers associated with the action. % If enabled_general is not satisfied, It is reset to zero. update_clocks(s:states): [nt_action->time] = (LAMBDA (q:nt_action): IF enabled_general(q,s) THEN s`action_time(q) + one ELSE zero ENDIF ) % After the normal action(except for Tick), Set the value of timers % according to the new enable conditions reset_clocks(ac:nt_action,s:states): [nt_action->time] = (LAMBDA (q:nt_action): IF (enabled_general(q,s) & q/=ac) THEN s`action_time(q) ELSE zero ENDIF ) enabled_time(ac:nt_action, s:states): bool = s`action_time(ac) >= lower_bound(ac) & s`action_time(ac) <= upper_bound(ac) enabled_tick(s:states): bool = FORALL (q:nt_action): enabled_general(q,s) =>(s`action_time(q) < upper_bound(q)) END ttm $$$actions.pvs actions : THEORY BEGIN action:DATATYPE BEGIN tick:tick? alpha:alpha? beta:beta? gamma:gamma? END action nt_action:TYPE={action:action |action/=tick} END actions $$$time_adt.pvs %%% ADT file generated from time time_adt: THEORY BEGIN time: TYPE fintime?, inftime?: [time -> boolean] fintime: [nat -> (fintime?)] dur: [(fintime?) -> nat] infinity: (inftime?) ord(x: time): upto(1) = CASES x OF fintime(fintime1_var): 0, infinity: 1 ENDCASES time_fintime_extensionality: AXIOM FORALL (fintime?_var: (fintime?), fintime?_var2: (fintime?)): dur(fintime?_var) = dur(fintime?_var2) IMPLIES fintime?_var = fintime?_var2; time_fintime_eta: AXIOM FORALL (fintime?_var: (fintime?)): fintime(dur(fintime?_var)) = fintime?_var; time_infinity_extensionality: AXIOM FORALL (inftime?_var: (inftime?), inftime?_var2: (inftime?)): inftime?_var = inftime?_var2; time_dur_fintime: AXIOM FORALL (fintime1_var: nat): dur(fintime(fintime1_var)) = fintime1_var; time_inclusive: AXIOM FORALL (time_var: time): fintime?(time_var) OR inftime?(time_var); time_induction: AXIOM FORALL (p: [time -> boolean]): (FORALL (fintime1_var: nat): p(fintime(fintime1_var))) AND p(infinity) IMPLIES (FORALL (time_var: time): p(time_var)); subterm(x, y: time): boolean = x = y; <<(x, y: time): boolean = FALSE; time_well_founded: AXIOM well_founded?[time](<<); reduce_nat(fintime?_fun: [nat -> nat], inftime?_fun: nat): [time -> nat] = LAMBDA (time_adtvar: time): LET red: [time -> nat] = reduce_nat(fintime?_fun, inftime?_fun) IN CASES time_adtvar OF fintime(fintime1_var): fintime?_fun(fintime1_var), infinity: inftime?_fun ENDCASES; REDUCE_nat(fintime?_fun: [[nat, time] -> nat], inftime?_fun: [time -> nat]): [time -> nat] = LAMBDA (time_adtvar: time): LET red: [time -> nat] = REDUCE_nat(fintime?_fun, inftime?_fun) IN CASES time_adtvar OF fintime(fintime1_var): fintime?_fun(fintime1_var, time_adtvar), infinity: inftime?_fun(time_adtvar) ENDCASES; reduce_ordinal(fintime?_fun: [nat -> ordinal], inftime?_fun: ordinal): [time -> ordinal] = LAMBDA (time_adtvar: time): LET red: [time -> ordinal] = reduce_ordinal(fintime?_fun, inftime?_fun) IN CASES time_adtvar OF fintime(fintime1_var): fintime?_fun(fintime1_var), infinity: inftime?_fun ENDCASES; REDUCE_ordinal(fintime?_fun: [[nat, time] -> ordinal], inftime?_fun: [time -> ordinal]): [time -> ordinal] = LAMBDA (time_adtvar: time): LET red: [time -> ordinal] = REDUCE_ordinal(fintime?_fun, inftime?_fun) IN CASES time_adtvar OF fintime(fintime1_var): fintime?_fun(fintime1_var, time_adtvar), infinity: inftime?_fun(time_adtvar) ENDCASES; END time_adt time_adt_reduce[range: TYPE]: THEORY BEGIN IMPORTING time_adt reduce(fintime?_fun: [nat -> range], inftime?_fun: range): [time -> range] = LAMBDA (time_adtvar: time): LET red: [time -> range] = reduce(fintime?_fun, inftime?_fun) IN CASES time_adtvar OF fintime(fintime1_var): fintime?_fun(fintime1_var), infinity: inftime?_fun ENDCASES; REDUCE(fintime?_fun: [[nat, time] -> range], inftime?_fun: [time -> range]): [time -> range] = LAMBDA (time_adtvar: time): LET red: [time -> range] = REDUCE(fintime?_fun, inftime?_fun) IN CASES time_adtvar OF fintime(fintime1_var): fintime?_fun(fintime1_var, time_adtvar), infinity: inftime?_fun(time_adtvar) ENDCASES; END time_adt_reduce $$$time.pvs time: DATATYPE BEGIN fintime(dur: nat): fintime? infinity: inftime? END time $$$time_thy.pvs time_thy: THEORY BEGIN IMPORTING time zero:time = fintime(0); one:time = fintime(1); two:time = fintime(2); three:time = fintime(3); four:time = fintime(4); nineteen:time = fintime(19); twenty:time = fintime(20); twenty_nine:time = fintime(29); thirty:time = fintime(30); <= (t1,t2:time):bool = IF fintime?(t1) & fintime?(t2) THEN dur(t1) <= dur(t2) ELSE inftime?(t2) ENDIF; >= (t1,t2:time):bool = IF fintime?(t1) & fintime?(t2) THEN dur(t1) >= dur(t2) ELSE inftime?(t1) ENDIF; < (t1,t2:time):bool = IF fintime?(t1) & fintime?(t2) THEN dur(t1) < dur(t2) ELSE NOT(inftime?(t1)) & inftime?(t2) ENDIF; > (t1,t2:time):bool = IF fintime?(t1) & fintime?(t2) THEN dur(t1) > dur(t2) ELSE NOT(inftime?(t2)) & inftime?(t1) ENDIF; + (t1,t2:time):time = IF fintime?(t1) & fintime?(t2) THEN fintime(dur(t1) + dur(t2)) ELSE infinity ENDIF; - (t1:time, t2:(fintime?)):time = IF fintime?(t1) & dur(t1) >= dur(t2) THEN fintime(dur(t1) - dur(t2)) ELSE infinity ENDIF; fintime_unique: LEMMA (FORALL (z1,z2:nat):(fintime(z1) = fintime(z2)) => (z1 = z2)); fintime_elim_1: LEMMA (FORALL (z:nat, t:(fintime?)): %(FORALL (z:nat, t:time): (fintime(z) = t) => (z = dur(t))); %(fintime(z) = t) = (z = dur(t))); fintime_elim_2: LEMMA (FORALL (z:nat, t:(fintime?)): %(FORALL (z:nat, t:time): (t = fintime(z)) => (dur(t) = z)); %(t = fintime(z)) = (dur(t) = z)); fintime_dur: LEMMA (FORALL (t:(fintime?)): fintime(dur(t)) = t); trans_order: LEMMA (FORALL (t1,t2,t3:time): t1 <= t2 & t2 <= t3 => t1 <= t3) END time_thy $$$time_thy.prf (|time_thy| (|difference_TCC1| "" (SKOSIMP) (("" (GRIND) NIL NIL)) NIL) (|fintime_unique_TCC1| "" (SUBTYPE-TCC)) (|fintime_unique_TCC2| "" (SUBTYPE-TCC)) (|fintime_unique| "" (SKOLEM-TYPEPRED) (("" (FLATTEN) (("" (CASE "z1!1 = dur(fintime(z1!1))") (("1" (CASE "z2!1 = dur(fintime(z2!1))") (("1" (REPLACE -1 1) (("1" (REPLACE -2 1) (("1" (REPLACE -5 1) (("1" (PROPAX) NIL NIL)) NIL)) NIL)) NIL) ("2" (ASSERT) NIL NIL)) NIL) ("2" (ASSERT) NIL NIL)) NIL)) NIL)) NIL) (|fintime_elim_1_TCC1| "" (SUBTYPE-TCC)) (|fintime_elim_1| "" (SKOLEM-TYPEPRED) (("" (CASE "z!1 = dur(t!1)") (("1" (REPLACE -1 1) (("1" (SIMPLIFY 1) (("1" (PROPAX) NIL NIL)) NIL)) NIL) ("2" (SIMPLIFY) (("2" (CASE "(z!1 = dur(t!1)) = FALSE") (("1" (REPLACE -1 2) (("1" (SIMPLIFY) (("1" (REPLACE -3 * RL) (("1" (SIMPLIFY) (("1" (PROPAX) NIL NIL)) NIL)) NIL)) NIL)) NIL) ("2" (SIMPLIFY) (("2" (PROPAX) NIL NIL)) NIL)) NIL)) NIL)) NIL)) NIL) (|fintime_elim_2| "" (SKOLEM-TYPEPRED) (("" (CASE "z!1 = dur(t!1)") (("1" (REPLACE -1 1) (("1" (SIMPLIFY 1) (("1" (PROPAX) NIL NIL)) NIL)) NIL) ("2" (CASE "(dur(t!1) = z!1) = FALSE") (("1" (REPLACE -1 2) (("1" (SIMPLIFY) (("1" (REPLACE -3) (("1" (SIMPLIFY) (("1" (PROPAX) NIL NIL)) NIL)) NIL)) NIL)) NIL) ("2" (ASSERT) NIL NIL)) NIL)) NIL)) NIL) (|fintime_dur| "" (SKOLEM-TYPEPRED) (("" (APPLY-EXTENSIONALITY) NIL NIL)) NIL) (|trans_order| "" (SKOLEM-TYPEPRED) (("" (FLATTEN) (("" (ASSERT) (("" (GRIND) NIL NIL)) NIL)) NIL)) NIL))