// Time class defination

import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class Time extends Object {
	private int hour; //0--23
	private int minute; //0--59
	private int second;  //0--59

	// constructor
	public Time()


	// will be used to set a new time 
	public void setTime(int h, int m, int s) 
		hour=((h>=0 && h<24) ? h:0);
		minute=((m>=0 && m<60)?m:0);
		second=((s>=0 && s<60)?s:0);
	//convert the time to string so can be used to print out
	public String toUniversalString()
		DecimalFormat twoDigits=new DecimalFormat("00");
		return twoDigits.format(hour)+":"+

	//convert the time to string in a standard format. also, this method
	//will be used for implicit call to convert the object of this class to 
	public String toString()
		DecimalFormat twoDigits=new DecimalFormat("00");

		return ((hour==12 || hour==0)? 12: hour%12)+
			(hour<12 ? " AM": " PM");
