Being Abstract is not always being unprecise

24 Dec 2012


Being Abstract is not always being imprecise especially in terms of formal methods in software Engineering. But UML seems not sticking to this concept and being abstract but not precise.
When we want to be abstract and also formal at the same time we should consider the bother of already being familiar of what we precisely mean by an abstract model. e.g. If we already get the headache of knowing about the category theory, so we can talk with models in abstract way, yet being more precise in foundation.

So accepting the headache of learning things as a meaning of some abstraction is necessary and inevitable in the process of making abstract models which are also precise. This is the case in the MDE. So we can not criticize Category theory to be more formal and too much concept for applying it in MDE for abstract model description.

It is analogous to using a word like “inevitable” which we all know about that, but we gain the advantage of transferring the idea of “inevitable” by just one word by already accepting the bother of learning the meaning of this word altogether.