Assignment Mechanics


  • Submit a print-out of your well-documented code with your name and ID included in the file header section.
  • You are strongly encouraged to solve the problems alone and in time, as they will introduce you to the type of problems you can expect on the exams.
  • You can hand in your assignments at the beginning of the class on the due date, or put your assignments in one of the boxes assigned to the course by the due time. The assignment boxes are located in the hallway of the first floor of ITB, near ITB/101.
  • The penalties for late homework are: same day after the lecture, -10{\%}; next day, -30{\%}; two days late, -60{\%}; no acceptance afterwards.


    Points to remember:

  • The burden of communication is on you. Your mark will suffer if your code is confusing or hard to mark.
  • If you use information from other sources state what and where you found it.
  • Don't try to code, compile, and test your implementations unless you are confident that you have a perfect design. You will get 60% of credits if you have a perfect design even your program does not compile. If the design is poor, you will not get a good grade, even your program compiles (no syntax errors).