Solution 3


Multiplying a normal IEEE floating-point number is equivalent to adding 1 to the exponent. Assume single precision and no overflow. The exponent is at the bit positions 30-23 in the word. The following sequence of instructions adds 1 to bit 23 (the least signicant bit of the exponent):

    lw     $t0, X($0)      # load the word containing the f.p. number
    addi   $t1, $0, 1      # $t1 = 1
    sll    $t1, $t1, 23    # shift 1 to bit 23
    addu   $t0, $t0, $t1   # add 1 to bit 23 of $t0
    sw     $t0, X($0)      # write the result back

In the above solution, we consider X as the label (address) of the floating-point number and X fits in 16 bits. If we treat X as a 32-bit address, then we have

    lui    $t0, X_upper
    ori    $t0, $t0, X_lower
    lw     $t0, 0($t0)
    addi   $t1, $0, 1      # $t1 = 1
    sll    $t1, $t1, 23    # shift 1 to bit 23
    addu   $t0, $t0, $t1   # add 1 to bit 23 of $t0
    sw     $t0, X($0)      # write the result back


a(i+1) ai a(i-1) Operation ai a(i-1)->[Operation 1], a(i+1) ai->[Operation 2]
0 0 0 nop, >>2 0 0->[nop, >>1], 0 0->[nop, >> 1]
0 0 1 add mulcnd, >>2 0 1->[add, >>1], 0 0->[nop, >> 1]
0 1 0 -mulcnd+2mulcnd=add mulcnd, >>2 1 0->[sub, >>1], 0 1->[add, >> 1]
0 1 1 add 2mulcnd, >>2 1 1->[nop, >>1], 0 1->[add, >> 1]
1 0 0 sub 2mulcnd, >>2 0 0->[nop, >>1], 1 0->[sub, >> 1]
1 0 1 +mulcnd-2mulcn=sub mulcnd, >>2 0 1->[add, >>1], 1 0->[sub, >> 1]
1 1 0 sub mulcnd, >>2 1 0->[sub, >>1], 1 1->[nop, >> 1]
1 1 1 nop, >>2 1 1->[nop, >>1], 1 1->[nop, >> 1]

Reason: a = SUM_{i=0}^{n-2} step 2, (-2*a(i+1) + a(i) + a(i-1))*2^i

The adder and the product register should be 1 bit wider to acommodate 2*mulcnd or -2*mulcnd.

Example. (-7)x(-21), binary: 111001 x 101011
         -mulcnd = 010101, 2*mulcnd
         = 1010110, -2*mulcnd = 0101010 (7 bits)

           P        A          comments
        0000000   111001
        1101011                010, +mulcnd
        1101011   111001
        1111010   1111100      >>2
        0101010                100, -2*mulcnd
        0100100   1111100
        0001001   0011111      >>2
        0000010   010011       111     >>2

result: 010010011 (binary) = 147


With guard and round digits
1.4700 x 10^2 + 0.8760 x 10^2 = 2.3460 x 10^2 = 2.35 x 10^2
    gr              gr              gr
Without guard and round digits
1.47 x 10^2 + 0.87 x 10^2 = 2.34 x 10^2


In order to add instruction 'jal' to the Figure 5.29, we need to do the following two things:

1. Expand the RegDst Mux to contain 31 as an input, expand RegDst from 1 bit to 2 bits.

2. Expand the MemtoReg Mux to contain PC as an input, expand MemtoReg Mux from 1 bit to 2 bits.

We can use the data path for 'jump' which is already implemented.

Control signals for jal:

RegDst ALUSrc MemtoReg RegWrite MemRead MemWrite jump branch ALUOp
  10      x      10       1        0       0       1    x     xx

You are required to show the modifications on the Figure.


For instruction 'jal', we need add one product term called "jal" (op code 3) in Figure C.5:

(not Op5) AND (not Op4) AND (not Op3) AND (not Op2) AND (Op1) AND (Op0)

Modify the OR gates:

R-format = RegDst0
jal = RegDst1
lw = MemtoReg0
jal = MemtoReg1
(R-format) OR (lw) OR (jal) = RegWrite