Nachos Project Mechanics



Assignments are to be done in teams of two to four. To register your team have each team member sign the following contract and submit it to Dr. Qiao during the first week. A group account will be set up for each group, where you work on the assignments.



Nachos Project Team Contract

We agree to work together for the entire semester.

We understand the academic dishonesty policy and agree to be
jointly responsible for all work submitted.

We understand that we will get one team mark regardless of
who does what work.

We agree to email the corresponding TA a complete
description of any marking concerns no later than one week
after work is returned.

signature, name, student number and McMaster email

signature, name, student number and McMaster email

signature, name, student number and McMaster email

signature, name, student number and McMaster email




What to submit?

Each assignment will ask you to add functionality to a teaching operating system called NACHOS. You are to implement and test your solution. For marking purposes however, we want you to describe:

  • non-obvious features correct designs have
  • minimal set of necessary test cases
  • how to implement your designs (code snips with context)
  • Points to remember:

  • Keep your design simple and your submissions less than two printed pages (60 characters per line * 60 lines per page) for each item in the assignment.
  • The burden of communication is on you. Your mark will suffer if your write-up is confusing or hard to mark.
  • If you use information from other sources state what and where you found it.
  • Don't try to code, compile, and test your implementations unless you are confident that you have a perfect design. You will get 65% of credits if you have a perfect design even your program does not compile. If the design is poor, you will not get a good grade, even your program compiles (no syntax errors).

    When to submit?

    Assignment deadlines are flexible. Each team starts with an extension of 48 hours, for use on any assignment during the semester, in any increment, as long as the total amount of lateness does not add up to more than 48 hours.

    Put a README in your group repository for each assignment. A README should include:

  • Names of all team members;
  • How late assignment is, and how much extension time left;
  • The files that you modified or created for each part of the assignment;
  • Your design ideas;
  • Output of your test.