The simple programs (C++) and threaddemo.c (C)  illustrate the creation and termination of threads. Also, it demonstrates the use of barrier to synchronize the threads. This program creates some threads, which run a function. Each thread computes some entries in a column of a matrix using the previous column. Since the entries in a column depend on the previous column, a thread must wait until all threads finish the current column before it can start the next column. Barrier is used to synchronize the threads. We provide the implementations of barrier in barrier.hh (C++) and (C++) and barrier.h (C) and and barrier.c (C). Read them carefully and make sure you understand them.

To compile the C++ program

      % g++ -o ThreadDemo -lthread
To compile the C program
      % g77 -o ThreadDemo ThreadDemo.c barrier.c -lthread
For information about thread, mutex, condition variable, see man page, e.g., thr_create, mutex_init, cond_init

For information about thread programming and synchronization, see for example
Multithreaded Programming Guide