Rong Zheng (鄭榕) Professor, PhD, P.Eng.Canada Research Chair in Mobile Computing (Tier 1) Dept. of Computing and Software McMaster University ITB 121 Tel: +1(905)525-9140 x 22891 |
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Bio: (CV) Rong Zheng (S'03-M'04-SM'10) received her Ph.D. degree from Dept. of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and earned her M.E. and B.E. in Electrical Engineering from Tsinghua University, P.R. China. She is now a Professor in the Dept. of Computing and Software, an associate member of the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engr., and a member of the School of Biomedical Engineering in McMaster University, Canada. She was on the faculty of the Department of Computer Science, University of Houston from 2004 to 2012. Rong Zheng was a visiting Associate Professor in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University from Aug. 2011 to Jan. 2012; and a visiting Research Scientist in Microsoft Research, Redmond between Feb. 2012 and May 2012. She is a member of the MacData institute and Master Institute on Research on Aging. Rong Zheng’s research interests include mobile computing, data analytics and networked systems. She is currently Tier-1 Canada research chair in Mobile Computing. She was recognized as having an established, superior research program that is highly rated in terms of originality and innovation, and was awarded the NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement in 2019. She received the National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 2006, and was a Joseph Ip Distinguished Engineering Fellow from 2015 - 2018. Dr. Zheng is currently an editor of IEEE Transactions on Mobile computing. She has served on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. Dr. Zheng was on the organization committee of MobiSys 2020 and SenSys 2019, and served as Technical program co-chair of WASA’12, CPSCom’12, MobileHealth’14, CrowdSenSys’17, IEEE Smart IoT'20, SenSys 2021, and general co-chair of EUC’16. She serves on the technical program committees of leading networking and mobile computing conferences including SenSys, INFOCOM, ICDCS, ICNP, RTSS, IPSN etc. Award and Honors:
Active Research Projects:
Past Research Projects:
Upcoming trips/venues: Talks:
Postdoc position Two-year postdoc position on RF sensing. Contact me for more information. July, 2024 We received 3-year NSERC Alliance funding for mmWave-based non-contact monitoring in memory care. This is a joint project with Dr. Natalia Nikolova (ECE) and Dr. Anthea Innes (social science). April, 2024Wei Zhao successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Robust And Efficient Algorithms For Millimeter-Wave Radar Localization And Imaging"! July, 2023Keivan Nalaie successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Accelerating Multi-target Visual Tracking on Smart Edge Devices"! Sept, 2022 WiSeR welcomes one PhD student and two MEng students. Sept, 2022 Yujiao Hao successfully defended her PhD thesis on "Overcoming data scarcity issues in IMU-based Human Motion Analysis". Apr, 2022 WiSeR awarded an NFRF exploration grant on virtual and augmented acoustic reality. Jan, 2022 One paper accepted by IPSN'22 and one accepted by IoTDI'22, part of CPSWeek 2022. |