COMP SCI/SFWR ENG 4C03 Computer Networks & Security (Winter 2018)

Instructor : Rong Zheng

Email :

Lecture time : MoWeTh 5:30PM - 6:20PM

Location : ITB 137

Office Hours : 5:00 – 6:30 Tue.

Class web :


Textbook :

[Kur05] James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, "Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet", 6th ed. Pearson Education

Synopsis :

Computer networking is a rapidly advancing field. The Internet is already an integral part of society. It is therefore important for computer scientists and computer engineers to be familiar with the fundamentals as well as practices of computer networking. This graduate course will emphasize on the algorithms, protocols and performance evaluation of the Internet. Topics include TCP/IP protocol stack, routing, congestion control, multimedia networks and selected materials in network security.

Grading :

Online exercises (~5): 25%

Programming assignment (3, 10%, 10%, 10%) and hands-on labs (4, 5%, 5%, 5%, 5%): 50%

Final: 25%

MSAF policy: Missing assignments with MSAF approvals will be counted toward the total grade of assignments of the same category.

Late submission policy:

Academic Dishonesty

You are expected to exhibit honesty and use ethical behavior in all aspects of the learning process. Academic credentials you earn are rooted in principles of honesty and academic integrity.

Academic dishonesty is to knowingly act or fail to act in a way that results or could result in unearned academic credit or advantage. This behaviour can result in serious consequences, e.g. the grade of zero on an assignment, loss of credit with a notation on the transcript (notation reads: "Grade of F assigned for academic dishonesty"), and/or suspension or expulsion from the university.

It is your responsibility to understand what constitutes academic dishonesty. For information on the various types academic dishonesty please refer to the Academic Integrity Policy, located at

The following illustrates only three forms of academic dishonesty:

Plagiarism, e.g. the submission if work that is not one's own or for which other credits has been obtained

Improper collaboration in group work.

Copying or using unauthorized aids in tests and examinations.

In case of discrepancy between the online and handout version of the course outline, the handout version shall be taken as correct.

Faculty Notices

"The Faculty of Engineering is concerned with ensuring an environment that is free of all discrimination. If there is a problem, individuals are reminded that they should contact the Department Chair, the Sexual Harassment Officer or the Human Rights Consultant, as the problem occurs."

Tentative Schedule:



Reading, Assignment, Notes

Week 1

Course overview

Evolution of the Internet

[Kur05] Chapter 1

Week 2

Fundamental of the Internet

[Kur05] Chapter 1 - 2

Week 3

Application Layer

[Kur05] Chapter 2

Week 4

Application Layer

[Kur05] Chapter 2

Week 5

Transport Layer

[Kur05] Chapter 3

Week 6

Transport Layer

[Kur05] Chapter 3

Week 7

Transport Layer

[Kur05] Chapter 3

Reading Week Recess

Week 9

Network Layer

[Kur05] Chapter 4

Week 10

Network Layer

[Kur05] Chapter 4

Week 11

Link Layer

[Kur05] Chapter 5

Week 12

Link Layer

[Kur05] Chapter 6

Week 13

Network Security

[Kur05] Chapter 8

Week 14

Week 15

Final review

Slides(not final) part 2