Welcome to the MPI-OWE home page, the Message Passing Interface based ANSI C parallel
implementation of the Orbitwise Vertex Enumeration Algorithm for combinatorial polyhedra.

File Size Release date Version Format
MPI-OWE 104 kbs Feb 2006 1.0 Zip archive

Sample input/output files
The following set of files provides input/output samples for enumerating the orbits of the
metric polytope (up to dimension 28).

n Dimension Facets Orbits Input Output expanded output
3 3 4 1 Input Output Expanded output
4 6 16 1 Input Output Expanded output
5 10 40 2 Input Output Expanded output
6 15 80 3 Input Output Expanded output
7 21 140 13 Input Output Expanded output
8 28 224 533 Input Output Expanded output

For more information on the metric polytope, visit the Metric Polytope Home Page.