Option 1: use ssh/x server to use frama-c from mills. Easy to get working but I found the gui version very slow. Option 2: install frama-c and/or frama-c-gui on your machine. Option 1 -------- 1) Get cygwin: https://www.cygwin.com/ It must be installed in a path with no spaces. Default is c:/cygwin or c:/cygwin64 for x86_64. 2) During the Select Packages stage of cygwin installation, install xorg-server (in X11) and openssh (in Net) If you forget to do this, the installer is also the package manager for cygwin. Run it again and point it to your original install directory. 3) Add c:/cygwin64/bin to PATH. 4) Start a cygwin shell (/Cygwin.bat) and start the X server: /bin/Xwin -multiwindow & The X server should appear in the taskbar. Then: export DISPLAY=:0 (may or may not be necessary) ssh -Y user@mills.mcmaster.ca . ~kahl/mills/ocaml-3.12.1/env frama-c-gui (or whatever else you want to run) Option 2 -------- 1a) If you have cygwin already: Check that you have the following cygwin packages: Utils > dos2unix Utils > diffutils Utils > cpio Devel > make Devel > patch Devel > mingw64-i686-gcc-core (32-bit) / mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core (64-bit) Note: some things (like haskell platform) install their own mingw-gcc and place it on your path. This might break the rest of the installation. If `where gcc` finds any other gcc, temporarily remove it from the path. Get wodi(http://wodi.forge.ocamlcore.org/download.html). Make sure to download "Installation from shell". Follow the instructions there, this installation should be painless. 1b) If you don't have cygwin: get wodi (http://wodi.forge.ocamlcore.org/download.html) which comes with cygwin and all of the things above. If you do this, your cygwin root directory will be something like 'c:\wodi' or 'c:\wodi64' unless you change it. This is really hit or miss and it is likely easier to get cygwin, then use the "Installation from shell" option for wodi from a1). 2) Wodi places binaries in c:\cygwin64\opt\wodi64\bin\. Add this to your PATH. After this is done, `ocaml -version` should work. Note: omit 3 if you don't want the gui or couldn't get the gui to work. 3a) Using cygwin package manager, install: GNOME > libgtksourceview2.0_0 libgtksourceview2.0-devel libgnomecanvas2_0 libgnomecanvas2-devel Libs > libgtk3_0 libgtk3-devel 3b) Open the wodi gui ("Wodi Package Manager" in cygwin root dir). Install: - gtk - lablgtk2 - flexdll (might be automatically installed) Optionally, install `coq`. Do NOT install alt-ergo; it depends on ocamlgraph, which breaks the frama-c installation, so make sure that `ocamlgraph` is NOT installed! 4) You should have the following variables in your environment: $ echo $OCAMLFIND_CONF, $OCAMLLIB, $OCAMLNET_DB_DIR C:/cygwin64/opt/wodi64/etc/findlib.conf, C:/cygwin64/opt/wodi64/lib/ocaml/std-lib, C:/cygwin64/opt/wodi64/share/godi-ocamlnet 5) Installing frama-c (basically just follow the instructions at http://frama-c.com/install-neon-20140301.html) wget http://frama-c.com/download/frama-c-Neon-20140301.tar.gz tar -xf frama-c-Neon-20140301.tar.gz cd frama-c-Neon-20140301 ./configure --prefix C:/framac && make && make install The prefix directory can be anything with no spaces and only forward slashes. 6) c:/framac/bin/frama-c-gui NOTE: Some external dependencies (Graphviz, alt-ergo, why3, coq) will be missing. coq : Use wodi to install it. alt-ergo: http://alt-ergo.ocamlpro.com/download.php (binary) Graphviz: http://www.graphviz.org/Download_windows.php (binary) why3 : https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/file/33976/why3-0.84.tar.gz Have to build this from source, pretty much a nightmare, your mileage may vary If it complains about "cannot find on path", check if the file is in c:/cygwin64/opt/wodi64/lib/ocaml/std-lib, if so, replace the file name with the absolute path After you download/install, you will need to manually place these on your PATH for frama-c to find them.