// FILE DemoVDP.cc #include "VNODE.h" #include "VDP.h" int main() { // Initialize VNODE. VnodeInit(); // Create the ODE problem and the data representation object. PtrODENumeric ODE = new VDP; PtrDataRepr DataRepr = new TAYLOR_EXPANSION; // Set the problem parameters. ODE->LoadProblemParam(1); // Create a solver. PtrODESolver Solver = new SOLVER_2( ODE, DataRepr ); // The solution will be plotted. Solver->GraphOutput(true); cout << endl << "*** Integrating " << ODE->GetName() << endl; Solver -> Integrate(); cout << endl << " Enclosure at T = " << INTERVAL(ODE->GetTcur()) << endl; PrintVec( ODE->GetTightEncl() ); // Plot Y(1) vs. t. ODE->DisplaySolution(1); // Save this plot in VDP.eps. ODE->DisplaySolution( 1, "VDP.eps" ); return 0; }