Sample Solution for Midterm

a. True
b. True
c. False

2. One of solutions: the inputs to the mux, from top to bottom
AND: 0, b, a
OR: b, 1, a
NOT: 1, 0, a

3. ra and PC

4. Execution time: Compiler 1 20 ms, Compiler 2 30 ms
MIPS: Compiler 1 350 MIPS, Compiler 2 400 MIPS


  p: 1 0 1 1
  g: 0 0 1 1

C4 = g3 + p3g2 + p3p2g1 + p3p2p1g0 + p3p2p1C0

6. 2^(-24)


0.000000001 x 2^(-126) = 2^(-135)