• 2015
    1. Jason Jaskolka Ph.D. Software Engineering (Completed on March 12, 2015), On the Modelling, Analysis, and Mitigation of Distributed
      Covert Channels

  • 2014
    1. Reham Fadul M.A.Sc. Software Engineering (Completed on September 10, 2014), Quantitative Assessment of Nonfunctional Requirements in Product Families.
  • 2013
    1. Qinglei Zhang Ph.D. Software Engineering (Completed on July 26, 2013), Aspect-Oriented Product Family Modeling.
    2. Mohammed AlAbbad M.A.Sc. Software Engineering, September 2011 to August 2013, A Feature Modelling Language Based on Product Family Algebra.
  • 2010
    1. Jason Jaskolka M.A.Sc. Software Engineering, May 2009 to August 2010, Modeling, Analysis, and Detection of Information Leakage via Protocol-Based Covert Channels.
    2. Fadil AlTurki M.A.Sc. Software Engineering, September 2007 to March 2010, Jory: A Tool for Feature Modeling Based on Product.
    3. Khair Eddin Sabri Ph.D. Software Engineering (Completed on March 31, 2010), Algebraic Framework for the Verification of Confidentiality Properties. (Currently a professor at the department of Computer Science, King Abdullah II School for Information Technology, The University of Jordan, Jordan.)
  • Prior to 2010
    1. Rong Wu M.Sc. Computer Science, September 1999 to October 2001, A Tool for Consistency Verification and for Integration of Formal Relational Requirements Scenarios
    2. Ling Wang M.Sc. Computer Science, September 2000 to April 2002, Detecting Formality Discrepancy Between Formal Requirements Scenarios
    3. Bahati Sanga M.Sc. Computer Science (Co-supervisor: Dr. Baber), January 2001 to June 2003, Assessing and Improving the Quality of Software Requirements Specification Documents (SRSDs)
    4. Lei Lai M.A.Sc. Software Engineering (Co-supervisor: Dr. Smith), September 2002 to July 2004 , Requirements Documentation For Engineering Mechanics Software: Guidelines, Template and a Case Study
    5. Lei Situ M.Sc. Computer Science, September 2000 to August 2004, Functional Requirements Decomposition Approaches to Guide System and Acceptance Testing
    6. Issam Al-azzoni M.A.Sc. Software Engineering (Co-supervisor: Dr.Down), May 2003 to December 2004, The Verification of Cryptographic Protocols Using Coloured Petri Nets
    7. Sara Kennedy M.Eng., September 2002 to May 2005, Design and construction of an Encryption Tool
    8. Mahnaz Ahmadi M.Sc. Computer Science (Co-supervisor: Dr. Tounsi), September 2004 to September 2006, Requirements Documentation for Manufacturing Systems
    9. Huong Thi Thu Nguyen M.Sc. Computer Science, September 2003 to September 2006, A Proof-of-concept for Using PVS and MAXIMA to Support Relational Calculus
    10. (Name Withheld) Ph.D. Computer Science , May 2004 to July 2007 (Unfinished), Formal functional requirements generation of a software family of inherently concurrent systems
    11. Ayesha Kashif M.Eng., September 2005 to January 2007.