Technical Reports         Home

  1. F. Franek, A. Paracha, and W.F. Smyth:
    The Linear Equivalence of the Suffix Array and the Partially Sorted Lyndon Array
    AdvOL-Report 2017/3, McMaster University (2017).
  2. A. Deza, and F. Franek:
    Bannai et al. method proves the d-step conjecture for strings.
    AdvOL-Report 2015/1, McMaster University (2015).
  3. H. Bai, A. Deza, and F. Franek:
    On a lemma of Crochemore and Rytter
    AdvOL-Report 2014/1, McMaster University (2014).
  4. A. Deza, F. Franek, and A. Thierry:
    How many double squares can a string contain?
    AdvOL-Report 2013/1, McMaster University (2013).
  5. A. Deza and F. Franek:
    On singularities of extremal periodic strings
    AdvOL-Report 2012/3, McMaster University (2012).
  6. F. Franek and R. Fuller:
    A note on performance comparisons of various runs programs
    AdvOL-Report 2012/1, McMaster University (2012).
  7. A. Baker, A. Deza, and F. Franek:
    A computational framework for determining run-maximal strings
    AdvOL-Report 2011/6, McMaster University (2011).
  8. A. Deza, F. Franek, and M.Jiang
    A computational framework for determining square-maximal strings
    AdvOL Technical Report 2011/05, McMaster University (2011).
  9. F. Franek, M. Jiang, and C. Weng
    An improved version of the runs algorithm based on Crochemore's partitioning algorithm
    AdvOL Report 2011/03, McMaster University (2011).
  10. A. Baker, A. Deza, and F. Franek
    A parameterized formulation for the maximum number of runs problem
    AdvOL Report 2011/02, McMaster University (2011).
  11. A. Deza,F. Franek, M. Jiang
    A d-step approach for distinct squares in strings
    AdvOL 2011/01,McMaster University (2011).
  12. F. Franek and M. Jiang
    A Parallel Approach to Computing Runs in a String
    AdvOL Technical Report 2010/05, Department of Computing and Software,
    McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
  13. A. Deza, F. Franek, and Min Jing Liu:
    On a conjecture of Erdos for multiplicities of cliques
    AdvOL-Report 2010/4, McMaster University (2010).
  14. A. Deza and F. Franek
    A d-step analogue for runs on strings
    AdvOL Technical Report 2010/02, Department of Computing and Software,
    McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
  15. A. Baker, A. Deza, and F. Franek
    A note on the structure of run-maximal strings
    AdvOL Technical Report 2009/04, Department of Computing and Software, McMaster
    University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, September 2009, [pdf]
  16. F. Franek and M. Jiang
    Crochemore repetition algorithm revisited – computing runs
    AdvOL Technical Report 2009/01, Department of Computing and Software, McMaster
    University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, April 2009, [pdf]
  17. A. Deza, F. Franek, W. Hua, M. Meszka, and A. Rosa
    Solutions to the Oberwolfach problem for orders 18 to 40
    AdvOL Technical Report 2008/06, Department of Computing and Software, McMaster
    University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, August 2008, [pdf]
  18. F. Franek and J.Holub
    A simpler proof of Crochemore-Ilie lemma concerning maximum number of runs in a string
    AdvOL Technical Report 2008/05, Department of Computing and Software, McMaster
    University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, July 2008, [pdf]
  19. A. Dudek, F. Franek and V. Rödl
    Cliques in Steiner Systems
    AdvOL Technical Report 2008/03, Department of Computing and Software, McMaster
    University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, March 2008, [pdf]
  20. F. Franek, W. Lu, W. Smyth
    Two-Pattern Strings  --- Computing Repetitions & Near-Repetitions
    Technical Report  CAS-05-11-FF, Department of Computing and Software, McMaster
    University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, November 2005, [ps] or [pdf]
  21. F. Franek and W.F. Smyth
    Technical Report containing detail proofs for paper: Sorting suffixes of two-pattern
    strings by F. Franek and W.F. Smyth

    Technical Report  CAS-04-09-FF, Department of Computing and Software, McMaster
    University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, October 2004, [ps] or [pdf]
  22. F. Franek
    On cliques in spanning graphs of Projective Steiner triple systems
    Technical Report CTS-97-02, Center for Theoretical Study, The Institute for Advanced Studies
    at Charles University and the Academy of Sciences of the CZech Republic, Prague, January 1997
  23. F. Franek
    Technical Report no TR-22/88, McMaster University, Department of Computer Science and
    Systems, 1988, [ps] or [pdf]
  24. F. Franek and I. Bruha
    Technical Report no TR-21/88, McMaster University, Department of Computer Science and
    Systems, 1988, [ps] or [pdf]
  25. I. Bruha and F. Franek
    On a Prolog-based structure learning-from-examples algorithm
    Technical Report no TR-13/88, McMaster University, Department of Computer Science and
    Systems, 1988
  26. F. Franek and V. Rödl
    Disapproving Erdös's conjecture on multiplicities of complete subgraphs using computer
    Technical Report No. TR-11/88, McMaster University, Department of Computer Science and
    Systems, 1988, [ps] or [pdf]
  27. F. Franek
    Saturated ideals obtained via restricted iterated collapse of huge cardinals
    Technical Report No. TR-87/09, McMaster University, Department of Computer Science and
    Systems, December 1987, [ps] or [pdf]
  28. F. Franek
    Isomorphisms of Infinite Steiner Triple Systems II
    Technical Report No. TR-87/08, McMaster University, Department of Computer Science and
    Systems,September 1987, [ps] or [pdf]
  29. F. Franek
    Isomorphisms of Infinite Steiner Triple Systems
    Technical Report No. TR-87/06, McMaster University, Department of Computer Science and
    Systems, June 1987, [ps] or [pdf]