William F. (Bill) Smyth                

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Hooray for Stringmasters! Regarded as a one-off event when it was born in 2007 at McMaster University, ten years later it was being held twice, on opposite shores of the Indian Ocean. In fact, since 2007, it has been held at least once every year, and in 2024 it will be held together with CPM in Fukuoka, Japan.

And Hooray for IWOCA -- International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms! Originally the "Australasian" Workshop when we founded it in 1987 at Curtin University in Western Australia, made "International" in 2006, the 2023 event will be held in Ischia, Italy.

And finally, a big Hooray for the demise of Covid! After a couple of years of reduced activity, things got back to normal in 2023. PhD student Holly Koponen presented our research at the Prague Stringology Conference (PSC) in August. Then in December MSc (soon to be PhD) student Amin Kashef presented more of it to the COCOA conference in Hawaii. Meanwhile, PhD student Hamed Hasibi finished Part I of his doctoral programme in record time and is currently investigating machine learning applications in computational biology. By mid-2024 all three of these hard-working students should be well-established in their PhD research.

I was recently appointed to the Editorial Board of the Institute ot Combinatorics & Its Applications; while I continue on the Board of Directors of both IWOCA and PSC. Meanwhile, in 2024 I published five papers, including a major survey of string covering, while my h-index -- "the largest number h such h publications have at least h citations" -- rose to 34.

Ancient History
In 2016, to mark my 80th birthday, Theoretical Computer Science published a special issue on Stringology.

Right Now
Emeritus Professor, Algorithms Research Group, Department of Computing & Software (C&S), McMaster University
Professor, School of Computational Science & Engineering, McMaster University

Information Technology Building ITB-221


Electronic Mail
smyth``AT''mcmaster``FULL STOP''ca
1990 Curtin University of Technology, Ph.D. (Computing Science)
1983 University of Ottawa, M.Sc. (Applied Mathematics)
1957 University of Toronto, B.A. (Pure Mathematics)

Areas of Interest (see C&S Algorithms Research Group)
Combinatorial Algorithms, Especially Algorithms on Strings
Graph Theory & Its Applications
Applications to Bioinformatics
Various Social/Cultural Issues

Membership in Professional Organizations
1966 Association for Computing Machinery
1966 American Mathematical Society
1966 Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics
1974 Mathematical Association of America
1983 British Computer Society (Fellow)
1987 Combinatorial Mathematics Society of Australasia
1989 European Association for Theoretical Computer Science
1990 Institute of Combinatorics & Its Applications
1990 Engineering Council (Chartered Engineer)
2006 International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (Steering Committee Member, resigned 2020)
2007 StringMasters (Founder)
2009 Mathematical Reviews (Reviewer)
2012 Mitacs College of Reviewers

Membership in Other Organizations
1986 Mosman Park Tennis Club
1995 Society for Academic Freedom & Scholarship
2001 Rosedale Tennis Club
2011 Never Again Group

Current Teaching & Supervision
Refereed Publications
Selected Publications
Can We Compute Runs Efficiently? -- a lecture (September 2014) on recent combinatorial results
Are Three Squares Impossible? -- three lectures (May 2012) on overlapping squares
Simon's Collection of Test Strings
Sarah Banyassady: Code for Approximate Repeats using Multiple Spaced Seeds

Open Letter to the Editor, MAA Focus
Last revised: Tuesday, 06-Aug-2024 10:53:11 EDT