Antoine Deza

Professor, P.Eng.
Distinguished Fellow of the Zuse Institute Berlin
Fellow of the Fields Institute
Canada Research Chair in Combinatorial Optimization (2004-2014)
Digiteo Chair in Combinatorics and Optimization (2013-2017)
Associate Director of the MacDATA Institute (2018-2022)

Master - Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris
PhD - Tokyo Institute of Technology

Department of Computing and Software
Faculty of Engineering
McMaster University

1280 Main Street West Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1, Canada

Advanced Optimization Laboratory Seminars Series

Fields Institute Industrial Optimization Seminar Series

Conferences and workshops

Tokyo 2001 video (wine commercial), Tokyo 1995 video (movie with Jackie Chan), and Tokyo 1995 picture (with Jackie Chan).

Editor for

Guest Editor for

Research Interests

Main Research Grants

Selected publications and talks

Graduate students and post-doctoral fellows

Colourful Linear Programming Homepage

MPI-OWE: Parallel Orbitwise Enumeration Software Homepage

Berge Sorting Homepage

Metric Polytope and Metric Cone Homepage