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Lecture notes

This list and the corresponding content will be updated as we progress with the material.

  1. Unix commands
  2. The shell
  3. Basic sed by examples
  4. Hardware basics
  5. Assembly basics
  6. Basic assembly instructions
  7. Assembly directives
  8. Makefiles
  9. Subprograms I
  10. Subprograms II
  11. Subprograms III
  12. Bit operations I
  13. Bit operations II
  14. Example: finding prime numbers
  15. Arrays
  16. Array string instructions
  17. Structures. C++ and assembly
  18. Floating-point: registers
  19. Floating-point: instructions
  20. Software optimizations
  21. Finding constants in big-O notation
  22. C pointers

Ned Nedialkov 2015-04-20