Computer Science 3MI3 - Principles of Programming Languages
2019 Course Homepage

Table of Contents

1 Deprecation notice

As of August 2020, this page has been deprecated. Class communications and course work have been removed.

Notes and other information are left for reference.

Future iterations of this course have their homepage hosted at

2 Lecture and tutorial notes

Lecture notes are provided as reveal.js slides, handout-style (printer-friendly) PDFs, and the original Org mode document from which the other formats are generated. Make use of the format(s) that work best for you.

2.1 Lecture notes

1 – Introduction
2 – Formal descriptions
3 – Two Language Kernels
4 - Introduction to types
5 - Semantics of While
Other lecture content
Sept. 9th Oz notes
Sept. 12th Ruby and F# notes
Sept. 19th lecture sample code for custom lists
Sept. 30th, Oct. 2nd testing out memory models
Nov. 11th, written notes on attribute grammars
Nov. 13th, written notes for midterm 2 review
Nov. 18th and 20th, written notes on types
Nov. 21st, sample Prolog code
Nov. 25th, written notes on tail recursion
Nov. 25th & Nov. 27th, written notes on formal semantics of SA-Decl
Nov. 28th, Prolog interpreter
Dec. 4th, final exam notes and draft practice
Partial slides
These versions of the slides were partial versions uploaded before the full versions were complete.
3a – Two Language Kernels (Expressions and Memory Models)
3b – Two Language Kernels (The Kernels)

2.2 Tutorial notes

Sept. 19th tutorial notes by Musa
Sept. 24th tutorial notes by Musa
Oct. 1st tutorial notes by Musa
Oct. 8th, 10th, 22nd and 24th tutorial Agda demo
Oct. 29th tutorial notes by Musa
Oct. 31st tutorial notes by Musa
Nov. 5th tutorial notes by Musa
Nov. 7th tutorial notes by Musa
Nov. 12th tutorial notes by Musa
Nov. 21st tutorial notes by Musa
Nov. 26th tutorial notes by Musa

3 Course texts

This iteration of the course has two recommended (not required) texts.

  • “Van Roy & Haridi”
    • Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming
    • By Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi
    • pdf available through CiteSeerX.
  • “Dowek”

    Highly-accessible and an excellent read ♥‿♥

See 4.5 in the course outline for additional details and other useful texts.

4 Course outline

The course outline is available as a PDF. Its contents are also repeated here.

4.1 The purpose of this outline

A course outline sets the expectations for students and what they can expect in terms of the course experience they will receive, the format in which the course will be delivered and the knowledge and skills that can be gained. The outline introduces the course and the instructor and sets out the expectations of the instructor so that students are aware of how they will learn, what level of participation will be expected and how they will be assessed.

4.2 Course staff

4.2.1 Instructor: Mark Armstrong

Mark Armstrong photo

4.2.2 Teaching assistant: Musa Alhassy

Musa Alhassy photo

4.2.3 Teaching assistant: Maryam Kord

  • Email: kordm “at”

4.3 Schedule

           Mon        Tues        Wed         Thu         Fri    
 Tutorial 2 
  ABB 270   
 PC 155  
 Tutorial 1 
  BSB B155  
  PC 155  
   PC 155   

4.4 Administration tools

This course will be administered via a combination of

It is the student's responsibility

  • to ensure they have an account on the McMaster CAS GitLab server,
  • to be aware of the information on the course's homepage and
  • to check the homepage, their GitLab repo, and their email regularly for announcements and changes.

To communicate with course staff, you should use the emails listed under 4.2. Other means of communication may not be monitored (in particular, Avenue to Learn email addresses will not be monitored).

4.4.1 Disclosure of information

Students should be aware that, when they access the electronic components of this course, private information such as first and last names, user names for the McMaster email accounts, and program affiliation may become apparent to all other students in the same course. The available information is dependent on the technology used. Continuation in this course will be deemed consent to this disclosure. If you have any questions or concerns about such disclosure please discuss this with the instructor.

4.5 Resources

The course notes are intended to be self contained, but the recommended texts and several of the available resources are available free of charge, so you are encouraged to investigate them.

4.5.1 Recommended texts

These textbooks should be available at the Campus Bookstore. They are additionally available online at the included links.

  1. “Van Roy & Haridi”

    ACM Digital Library citation:

    Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi. 2004. Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming (1st ed.). The MIT Press.

    From its abstract:

    The book presents all major programming paradigms in a uniform framework that shows their deep relationships and how and where to use them together.

    pdf available through CiteSeerX.

  2. “Dowek”

    ACM Digital Library citation:

    Gilles Dowek. 2009. Principles of Programming Languages. Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated.

    From its abstract:

    This book is an introduction to the principles around which these languages are organised: imperative constructions, functional constructions, reference, dynamic data types, objects and more.

    pdf available through the McMaster library.

4.5.2 Additional resources

These texts may be of interest, or assist if something is unclear in the notes and recommended texts.

  1. “SICP”; “The Wizard Book”

    ACM Digital Library citation:

    Harold Abelson and Gerald J. Sussman. 1996. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (2nd ed.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA.

    From its abstract:

    With an analytical and rigorous approach to problem solving and programming techniques,this book is oriented toward engineering. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs emphasizes the central role played by different approaches to dealing with time in computational models. Its unique approach makes it appropriate for an introduction to computer science courses, as well as programming languages and program design.

    html available through the MIT press and pdf available through GitHub.

  2. “Sebesta”

    ACM Digital Library citation:

    Robert W. Sebesta. 2012. Concepts of Programming Languages (10th ed.). Pearson.

    An encyclopedic text on the construction of programming languages.

  3. “Fernández”

    ACM Digital Library citation:

    1. Fernandez. 2004.

    Programming Languages and Operational Semantics: An Introduction. King's College Publications.

    An introductory text covering primarily operational semantics of a simple imperative and a simple functional language.

    pdf available through the McMaster library.

4.6 Purpose and goals of this course

The undergraduate calendar description of this course is

Design space of programming languages; abstraction and modularization concepts and mechanisms; programming in non-procedural (functional and logic) paradigms; introduction to programming language semantics.

But we should be more specific.

4.6.1 Informal objectives

  • Expose you to several programming languages.
    • A relatively shallow but comprehensive survey.
    • Focussing on general-purpose languages.
  • Formally describe programming language syntax and semantics.
    • An application of theory you have learned previously.
  • Analyse the building blocks of languages.
    • Programs can be massive entities, but they are composed of relatively few small pieces.
  • Provide you with criteria by which to judge languages.
    • So you can identify what languages fit what tasks.
  • Examine the origins of certain languages/groups of languages.
    • Historical context provides insight into why languages are designed the way they are.

4.6.2 Course preconditions

Before beginning this course:

  1. Students should know and understand:
    1. Basic concepts about integers, sets, functions, & relations.
    2. Induction and recursion.
    3. First order logic, axiomatic theories & simple proof techniques.
    4. Regular expressions & context-free grammars.
    5. Programming in imperative language
    6. Basic concepts of functional programming languages.
  2. Students should be able to:
    1. Produce proofs involving quantifiers and/or induction.
    2. Understand the meaning of a given axiomatic theory.
    3. Construct regular sets & context-free languages.
    4. Produce small to medium scale programs in imperative languages.
    5. Produce small scale programs in functional languages.

4.6.3 Course postconditions

After completion of this course:

  1. Students should know and understand:
    1. The basics of several programming languages.
    2. Formal definitions of syntax & semantics for various simple programming languages.
    3. Various abstraction & modularisation techniques employed in programming languages.
  2. Students should be able to:
    1. Reason about the design space of programming languages, in particular tradeoffs & design issues.
    2. Produce formal descriptions of syntax & semantics from informal descriptions, identifying ambiguities.
    3. Select appropriate abstraction & modularisation techniques for a given problem.
    4. Produce (relatively simple) programs in various languages, including languages from non-procedural paradigms.

4.6.4 Formal rubric for the course

Topic           Below        Marginal       Meets        Exceeds    
with various  
Shows some  
but not     
from other  
and limited   
from other    
with the    
usage of    
usage of    
Ability to    
identify and  
make use of   
but does not  
make use of   
them when     
and shows   
some ability
to make use 
of them when
and shows   
mastery of  
them when   
Ability to    
comprehend and
produce formal
of PL syntax  
Unable or   
able to     
does not    
which are     
or which do   
Makes only  
reading or  
grammars and
Ability to    
comprehend and
semantics for 
simple PLs    
Rarely or   
such semantic 
but cannot    
produce them  
and produces
them with   
only minor  
and produces
them without
Ability to    
and axiomatic 
semantics for 
simple PLs    
Rarely or   
such semantic 
and can     
produce some

4.7 Grading

The graded work for this course is:

  • Weekly short homeworks, marked for completion,
    • (each student is permitted to miss 2 homeworks without penalty)
  • four programming/written answer assignments,
    • (Updated as of October 15th, 2019)
  • two midterm examinations, and
  • the final examination.

Each student's final grade will be the maximum grade among three grading schemes.

                 Scheme 1        Scheme 2        Scheme 3    
  Homework          10%             10%             10%      
 Assignments   3 * 10% = 30%   3 * 10% = 30%   3 * 10% = 30% 
  Midterm 1         10%             20%             10%      
  Midterm 2         20%             10%             10%      
 Final Exam         30%             30%             40%      

In this way, your best examination is weighted more heavily.

4.8 Additional statements/information

4.8.1 Missed work

A student who would like to receive accommodation for missed academic work due to an absence needs to complete a McMaster Student Absence Form (MSAF) on-line at When the MSAF tool asks you for the party who should receive your request for accommodation, enter MSAFs sent to any other email address will be ignored.

Students are reminded that they are expected to contact the instructor after filling out an MSAF.

For this course, the accomodation

  • for a missed assignment will be a 4 day extension, and
  • for a missed midterm will be a reallocation of the midterm/final examination weights to
    • 20% for the remaining midterm examination and
    • 40% for the final examination.

No accomodation will be given for missed homework, as each student is already permitted to miss 2 homeworks without penalty.

In the case that further accomodations are required, the instructor reserves the right to conduct make-up oral examinations.

4.8.2 Academic integrity

You are expected to exhibit honesty and use ethical behavior in all aspects of the learning process. Academic credentials you earn are rooted in principles of honesty and academic integrity.

Academic dishonesty is to knowingly act or fail to act in a way that results or could result in unearned academic credit or advantage. This behavior can result in serious consequences, e.g., the grade of zero on an assignment, loss of credit with a notation on the transcript (notation reads: “Grade of F assigned for academic dishonesty”), and/or suspension or expulsion from the university.

It is your responsibility to understand what constitutes academic dishonesty. For information on the various types of academic dishonesty please refer to the Academic Integrity Policy, located at

The following illustrates only three forms of academic dishonesty:

  1. Plagiarism, e.g., the submission of work that is not one's own or for which other credit has been obtained.
  2. Improper collaboration in group work.
  3. Copying or using unauthorized aids in tests and examinations.

Your work must be your own. Plagiarism and copying will not be tolerated! If it is discovered that you plagiarized or copied, it will be considered as academic dishonesty.

Students may be asked to defend their written work orally.

4.8.3 Discrimination

The Faculty of Engineering is concerned with ensuring an environment that is free of all adverse discrimination. If there is a problem that cannot be resolved by discussion among the persons concerned, individuals are reminded that they should contact their Department Chair and the Human Rights and Equity Services (HRES) office as soon as possible.

4.8.4 Academic accomodation

Students who require academic accommodation must contact Student Accessibility Services (SAS) to make arrangements with a Program Coordinator. Academic accommodations must be arranged for each term of study. Student Accessibility Services can be contacted by phone 905-525-9140 ext.~28652 or email For further information, consult McMaster University's Policy for Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities.

Students requiring academic accommodation based on religious, indigenous on spiritual observances should follow the procedures set out in the RISO policy. Students requiring a RISO accommodation should submit their request to their Faculty Office normally within 10 working days of the beginning of term in which they anticipate a need for accommodation or to the Registrar's Office prior to their examinations. Students should also contact their instructors as soon as possible to make alternative arrangements for classes, assignments, and tests.

4.8.5 Course modifications

The instructor and university reserve the right to modify elements of the course during the term. The university may change the dates and deadlines for any or all courses in extreme circumstances. If either type of modification becomes necessary, reasonable notice and communication with the students will be given with explanation and the opportunity to comment on changes. It is the responsibility of the student to check their McMaster email and course web sites weekly during the term and to note any changes. Your McMaster email is the one with the address ending in This is a separate email address from your Avenue address.

5 Assorted resources

Suggestions for additional resources are always appreciated!

5.1 Software installation instructions

Reminder: it is generally recommended you use Ubuntu, specifically Ubuntu 18.04, for the purposes of this course. It is the system we test software installation on, and so it is the system for which we provide installation instructions.

If you do install software for any of these languages on another OS, consider compiling a short list of instructions and sending them to me; I will post them for others to make use of.

5.1.1 Oz

We will use the Mozart2 programming system for Oz. (Note that Van Roy & Haridi use the older Mozart 1.3.0 system; for our purposes, this should not matter). Releases of Mozart2 are available for Linux, macOS and Windows via the Mozart2 GitHub page. You may use whichever operating system you like for Oz.

The installation necessarily provides you with an (Aqua)Emacs program —which the instructional staff love and will use throughout.

  • For a quick guide to using Emacs (especially for basic keybindings), I recommend using the builtin tutorial by pressing Ctrl-h followed by t.
  • You may also find the beginning section of Org mode beginning at the basics, “The absolute minimum you need to know about Emacs”, insightful.
  • Also, consider using Spacemacs or doom-emacs, which provide default settings more inline with modern text editors.
    • Installation instructions and tutorials can be found online.

◆ Fyi: Oz is a multi-paradigm programming language whose programming systems is named Mozart. ◆

Read Tutorial of Oz (•̀ᴗ•́)و
  1. Ubuntu
    1. Download the prebuilt .deb binary from the Mozart2 GitHub page. Alternatively, execute wget in your terminal to download it.
    2. In your terminal, navigate to the directory you downloaded it to (unnecessary if you used wget).
    3. Install Mozart2 via sudo apt install ./mozart2-2.0.1-x86_64-linux.deb. This step will also install prerequisite software.
    4. If you do not have it installed, install Emacs via sudo apt install emacs.
    5. Start Mozart2 (which is a wrapper for Emacs) via the command oz.
  2. Mac OS

    1. Open a terminal by pressing cmd+spc then entering terminal then pressing enter.
    2. Copy and paste each of the following lines, one at a time.

           /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
           brew tap dskecse/tap
           brew cask install mozart2

      The first line install a package manager for macOs.

      The next two lines use compiled binaries to install mozart.

      (If a line overflows, just double-click it and copy it into your terminal.)

    3. Open Applications, right-click on Mozart2 and select open, then confirm the open.
      • You need to do this once to identify the program as ‘safe’.
      • In the future, you can quickly cmd+spc then enter mozart2 then enter to open it.

5.1.2 Ruby

The course staff will be using Ruby 2.3.0 or greater. It is very likely that the specific version you use will not matter, so long as it is 1.9 or greater. You should not use features which are version dependent. If you have some reason to do so, please inform us.

If you are using macOS, an suitable version of Ruby should be preinstalled.

Ubuntu installation instructions

Simply run sudo apt install ruby to install a suitable version.

5.1.3 F#

We will use the Mono framework for F#.

See the F# homepage for general installation instructions.

I recommend using either Emacs or VSCode, not Visual Studio.

Recommended: Follow the instructions below to obtain an F# compiler, then install fsharp-mode in Emacs (M-x package-refresh-contents, M-x package-install fsharp-mode) or follow the instructions on the F# homepage to set up VSCode.

  1. Ubuntu

    Simply run sudo apt install mono-complete fsharp.

  2. Mac OS
    1. Open a terminal by pressing cmd+spc then entering terminal then pressing enter.
    2. Copy and paste each of the following lines, one at a time.

           /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
           brew install mono

      The first line install a package manager for macOs.

      The next line installs mono, an F# command-line compiler.

      (If a line overflows, just double-click it and copy it into your terminal.)

    1. In the terminal, enter mono --version to ensure things worked.
  3. Windows

    Note: these instructions are not tested.

    Install mono following the instructions here.

5.1.4 Agda

  1. Installing Agda itself

    Installation instructions are available on the Agda “Read the docs”. Some may be out of date, though!

    Pre-built binaries are available on many Linux distros as well as for MacOS.

    On Ubuntu,

    • sudo apt install elpa-agda2-mode
      • To install both Agda and agda-mode for Emacs.
    • sudo apt install agda-stdlib
      • To install the standard library for Agda.

    You may also consider building from source or installing GHC and then installing via the cabal package manager.

  2. Setting up Emacs for Agda

    However you install, you will have to ensure Emacs is set up to work with Agda.

    If you install the elpa-agda2-mode package, the .el files for Agda should be automatically in the load path for Emacs, so no configuration is necessary.

    Otherwise, setup should be as simple as adding this to your init file:

    (load-file (let ((coding-system-for-read 'utf-8))
                    (shell-command-to-string "agda-mode locate")))
    (require 'agda-input)
    (require 'agda2-highlight)

    or, alternatively, run

    agda-mode setup

    in your terminal; it will modify your .emacs for you.

  3. Installing the standard library

    Depending upon how you installed, you may already have the standard library for Agda on your system.

    Try typechecking an Agda file with

    open import Data.Nat

    to confirm Agda can find the standard library.

    If you do not have it, follow the installation instructions for the standard library.

5.1.5 Prolog

For Prolog, we recommend SWI-Prolog, a free implementation commonly used for teaching. Installers are available for all major operating systems.

See the instructions regarding getting started quickly.

For Emacs users, you may need to set .pl files to open in prolog-mode (instead of perl-mode); this setting in your init will do that.

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.pl\\'" . prolog-mode))

5.2 Programming language tutorials

5.2.1 Cheatsheets produced by course staff

5.2.2 Learn X in Y minutes provides community driven “whirlwind tour[s] of your next favorite language”.

5.2.3 Learn X In One Video

Derek Banas has a series of YouTube videos teaching the basics of several programming languages, including

5.3 Emacs and Org mode

5.3.1 Sample initialisation files

Both Mark's and Musa's Emacs initialisation files are available for viewing on GitHub.

At times the ReadMe files may be out of date; open the .org files to see the most up to date versions.

5.3.2 organice

organice is “An implementation of Org mode without the dependency of Emacs - built for mobile and desktop browsers”.

You can use it to manage Org documents without Emacs (or Atom/VSCode). It is simply a front end; you may store your documents in Dropbox or Google Drive.

Try out a sample document.

5.4 Literate programming

In this course, we encourage use of Org mode to enable literate programming.

Of course, literate programming can be accomplished via many other tools.

5.4.1 About literate programming

Let us change our traditional attitude to the construction of programs: Instead of imagining that our main task is to instruct a computer what to do, let us concentrate rather on explaining to human beings what we want a computer to do.

The practitioner of literate programming can be regarded as an essayist, whose main concern is with exposition and excellence of style. Such an author, with thesaurus in hand, chooses the names of variables carefully and explains what each variable means. He or she strives for a program that is comprehensible because its concepts have been introduced in an order that is best for human understanding, using a mixture of formal and informal methods that reinforce each other.

— Donald Knuth, Literate Programming (1984)

5.4.2 An example of literate programming using LaTeX

* An example of literate programming

The amount of documentation we use will depend upon
the problem being considered.

For simple functions from math, we might choose to
repeat the definition of the function.

For instance, recall that given n elements, the number of
possible combinations of r of them is given by
#+begin_src latex
$\comb{n}{r} = \frac{n!}{r! × (n-r)!}$

We easily implement this definition in F#,
first implementing factorial.
#+begin_src fsharp :results none
// factorial
let rec fact n =
  match n with
  | 0 -> 1
  | n when n > 0 -> n * fact (n - 1)
  | _ -> printfn "Can't calculate factorial of a negative!"

// combinations
let comb n r = fact(n) / (fact(r) * fact(n-r))

If we choose to implement it in an iterative way,
perhaps it would merit more documentation.

Here we iterate from i = 0 to n. At each stage,
r is the factorial of i, so the result is n!.
#+Name: ruby-fact
#+begin_src ruby :results none
def fact n
  return -1 if n < 0

  i , r =   0 ,       1
  i , r = i+1 , (i+1)*r until i == n
  # Note that multiple assignment is carried out simultaneously
  # So r is being multiplied by the new value of i

  return r

Of course, the combinations function follows simply.
#+begin_src ruby :noweb yes :results none

def comb (n,r); fact(n) / (fact(r) * fact(n - r)) end

5.4.3 An example of literate programming using LaTeX

\section{An example of literate programming}

The amount of documentation we use will depend upon
the problem being considered.

For simple functions from math, we might choose to
repeat the definition of the function.

For instance, recall that given /n/ elements, the number of
possible combinations of /r/ of them is given by
$\comb{n}{r} = \frac{n!}{r! × (n-r)!}$.

We easily implement this definition in F#,
first implementing factorial.
\begin{lstlisting} % no listings support for f#
// factorial
let rec fact n =
  match n with
  | 0 -> 1
  | n when n > 0 -> n * fact (n - 1)
  | _ -> printfn "Can't calculate factorial of a negative!"

// combinations
let comb n r = fact(n) / (fact(r) * fact(n-r))

If we choose to implement it in an iterative way,
perhaps it would merit more documentation.

Here we iterate from ~i = 0~ to ~n~. At each stage,
~r~ is the factorial of ~i~, so the result is ~n!~.
def fact n
  return -1 if n < 0

  i , r =   0 ,       1
  i , r = i+1 , (i+1)*r until i == n
  # Note that multiple assignment is carried out simultaneously
  # So r is being multiplied by the new value of i

  return r

Of course, the combinations function follows simply.
def comb (n,r); fact(n) / (fact(r) * fact(n - r)) end

5.4.4 The listings package for LaTeX.

The listings for LaTeX should come installed in whatever LaTeX distribution you are using.

listings allows you to easily embed source code into your LaTeX-produced documents. You can copy your code into your .tex file, include a whole file at any in the document, or include only certain lines at any point.

Documentation for listings can be found here.

Author: Mark Armstrong


Original date:

Last updated: 2020-08-01 Sat 22:10

Created using Emacs 27.0.90 (Org mode 9.3.7)
