Research Interests
You can read a longer description but roughly
my interests are in:
Active member of the
MathScheme project
at McMaster University, which actively collaborates with the
Tetrapod project. Associate member
of the Ontario Research Center for Computer Algebra.
Current Students
- Dan Szymczak (w/ Spencer Smith) - Ph.D. [Drasil - infrastructure+documents]
- Noel Brett - Ph.D. [Putting Calculus into folds]
- Brendan Fallon - M.Eng. [G-ScalE]
- Jason Balaci - Ph.D (w/ Spencer Smith) [Drasil]
- Sam Crawford - M.A.Sc. (w/ Spencer Smith [Drasil]
- Reed Mullanix - M.Sc. [MathScheme]
- Nan An - M.Sc. [MathScheme]
- Jiaming Shao - M.Eng. [Drasil]
Former Students
- Sasha Soraine - Ph.D. [G-Scale: Psycho-motor and cognitive load of game tasks]
- Olu Owujaiye - Ph.D. (w/ Spencer Smith) [Empirical studies of SE artifacts] (DNF)
- Vansh Pahuja - M.Eng. [G-ScalE]
- Thien Trandinh - M.A.Sc. [G-ScalE: VR cycling game w/ health applications]
- Akshobhya K Madhusundana - M.Sc. [MathScheme]
- Xin Wen - M.Eng. [G-ScalE]
- Adrian Scigajlo - M.A.Sc. [Generative stories]
- Geneva Smith - Ph.D. [G-ScalE: Emotion engine for NPCs]
- Alexander Schaap (w/ Mark Lawford) - Ph.D. [Generative software architecture] (DNF)
- Ting-Yu Wu (w/ Spencer Smith) - M.Eng. [Drasil]
- Jason Balaci- M.A.Sc. [Drasil]
- Dong Chen (w/ Spencer Smith) - M.Eng. [Drasil]
- Ethan Chan - M.A.Sc. Purpose-built Exergame Design
- Ao Dong (w/ Spencer Smith) - M.Eng. State of the Practice for Medical Imaging Software
- Peter Michalski - M.Eng. State of the Practice for Lattive Boltzman Solvers
- Lijun Zhu - CS PhD candidate [An operational meta-language for models of computation] (DNF)
- Musa Al-hassy (w/ Wolfram Kahl) - Ph.D. Do it yourself module systems
- Yasmine Sharoda (w/ Bill Farmer) - Ph.D. [MathScheme]
- Brooks Maclachlan - M.Sc. (w/ Spencer Smith) [Drasil: code generation]
- Qirui Wu - M.Eng. Video Games Classiffication with Game Experience and Hierarchy of Needs
- Gordon Uszkay - CS PhD [Unifying property-based testing frameworks]
- Gabriel Dalimonte - M.Eng. [Drasil: general infrastructure]
- Wei Lai - M.Eng. [G-ScalE: DSL for colour/style]
- Xiaoye (Marshall) Ma - M.Eng. A strategy game that scales automatically on multiple platforms
- Yuzhi (Halona) Zhao - M.Eng. (w/ Spencer Smith) [Drasil: Traceability and consistency]
- Pavanjot Gill - M.Eng. [DSL+generator for platformers]
- Alexander Schaap (w/ Mark Lawford) - M.A.Sc. [Generative software architecture]
- Sasha Soraine - M.A.Sc. [G-Scale: Psycho-motor and cognitive load of game tasks]
- Sal D'Amore - M.A.Sc. [G-ScalE - Analysing Game Design Principles]
- Selena Rikley - M.Eng. [G-ScalE - adapting buttions to screen size]
- Margaree Peacocke - M.A.Sc. (Sept. 2013 - Aug. 2015) [G-ScalE]
- Li Ye - M.Eng. (Sept. 2013 - Apr. 2015) [G-ScaleE]
- Robert Teather - post-doc (Sept. 2013 - Aug. 2015) [G-ScalE]
- Pooya Samizadeh-yazd - M.Eng. (Sept. 2011-Sept. 2015) [scientific code generation]
- Brock Dubbels - post-doc (Nov. 2012-Oct. 2014) [G-ScalE: cognitive psychology aspects of scale]
- Vasudha Kapil (w/ Spencer Smith) M.Eng. (Sept. 2013 - Oct. 2014) [Soft. Eng. usage in applied scientific computation software]
- Adam Lazzarato (w/ Spencer Smith) M.Eng. (Sept. 2013 - Sept. 2014) [Soft. Eng. usage in applied scientific computation software]
- Yue Sun (w/ Spencer Smith) M.Eng. (Sept. 2013 - Sept. 2014) [Soft. Eng. usage in applied scientific computation software]
- Zheng Zeng (w/ Spencer Smith) M.Eng. (Sept. 2013 - Sept. 2014) [Soft. Eng. usage in applied scientific computation software]
- Nathan Collman - M.A.Sc. (Sept. 2012-Sept. 2014) [G-ScalE: DSL for bullet hell games]
- Manivanna Thevathasan - M.A.Sc. (Sept. 2012-Aug. 2014) [G-ScalE: constraint-based DSL for HUDs]
- Dan Szymczak - M.A.Sc. (Sept. 2011-present) [Code generator for Bayesian learning algorithm families]
- Ishwaree Argade - M.Eng. (Sept. 2012-June 2013) [Repository of software knowledge]
- Bianca Curutan - M.Eng. (Sept. 2011-June 2013) [Cross-paradigm code generator]
- Vitalii Fedorenko - CS Master's (Sept. 2010-July 2012) Validation DSL for client-server applications
- Jason Costabile - M.Eng. (May 2011-April 2012) Report: GOOL: Generic OO Language
- Lucas Beyak - M.Eng. (May 2010-April 2011) Report: SAGA, and DSL 2011 paper
SAGA: A DSL for Story Management
- Mustafa Elsheik (Sept 2008-Aug 2010; joint with Spencer Smith) Thesis: A Generative Approach to Meshing Geometry,
and PEPM paper A Generative Geometric Kernel
- Ni Hong - Computer Science MSc (Sept 2007-Aug 2009) Thesis: Chiron: Mechanizing Mathematics in OCaml
- Mike Zhang- Computer Science MSc (Sept 2007-Aug 2009) Thesis: A language and library of algebraic theory-types
- Pulak K. Chowdhury - Software Engineering MASc (Sep. 2003 - June 2005) [reverse engineering from assembler code]
- Mike Kucera - Computer Science MSc (Sept. 2004 - May 2006)
Partial evaluation of Maple,
and its applications to computer algebra, in particular to something
we named
Residual Theorems.
- Olivier Dragon - Software Engineering MASc (Sept. 2004 - July 2006; joint with
Alan Wassyng) [reverse engineering of scientific computation code]
- David Miller - Computer Science undergraduate (summer 2003 and summer 2004)
[working on maple-to-maple code transformations as well as pattern-mining
in maple code]
- David Miller - Computer Science MSc (Sept 2006-May 2010) [a Maple compiler]
- Yun Zhai - Computer Science MSc (Jan 2005 - May 2006; joint with
Ryszard Janicki) [Automating derivation of semantics
for imperative programming languages]
- Gordon Uzskay - Computer Science MSc candidate (sometime in 2004 - May 2006; joint with Christopher Anand) [Design of shape-based type system for the high-level declarative language Coconut
- Stephen Forrest - Computer Science MSc (Sept 2005-Sept 2007)
Contracts and
Property inference
for Maple.
- Kevin Browne - Computer Science undergraduate (summer 2004) [analyzing properties of
closed-form expression via structural recursion]
- Dai Le - Computer Science undergraduate (summer 2004) [reverse engineering] (fall 2004) [optimal polynomial approximants]
Fall 2024: CAS 706
Winter 2025: SE 3FP3
Winter 2024: CAS 761
Fall 2023: CS 3MI3
Winter 2022: SE 3GB3
Fall 2021: CAS 706
F/W 20/21: CS 4ZP6
Fall 2020: CAS 761
Winter 2021: CS 3FP3
F/W 19/20: SE 4GP6
Winter 2020: CS/SE 3FP3
F/W 18/19: SE 4GP6
Fall 2018: CAS 761
Winter 2019: CS/SE 3FP3
F/W 17/18: SE 4GP6
Fall 2017: CAS 706
Winter 2018: SE 3GB3
Winter 2017: SE 3GB3
Winter 2017: CS/SE 3I03
Fall 2016: CS 2S03
Fall 2016: CAS 781
Winter 2015: CAS 761
Winter 2015: SFWR ENG 3GB3
Fall 2014: SE/CS 2S03
Fall 2014: CAS 706
Winter 2014: SFWR ENG 3GB3
F/W 2013/2014: SFWR ENG 4GP6
Fall 2013: SE/CS 2S03
Winter 2013: Comp Sci 4ZP6
Winter 2013: SFWR ENG 3GB3
F/W 2012/2013: SFWR ENG 4GP6
Fall 2012: CAS 761
Fall 2012: CAS 781
F/W 2011/2012: SFWR ENG 4GP6
Winter 2012: SFWR ENG 3GB3
Fall 2011: CAS 706
Even older
Jacques Carette Associate Professor
Room ITB-168
Department of Computing and Software
Faculty of Engineering
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1, Canada
Tel.: +1-905-525-9140 ext. 26869
Fax (dept.): +1-905-524-0340
E-mail: carette at