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Lecture notes

This list and corresponding content will be updated as we progress with the material.

  1. Introduction, mpi-greetings.c, openmp-hello.c
  2. Introduction to MPI      Code
  3. Collective communications I      Code
  4. Caching      Code
  5. Interconnection networks
  6. Communication cost
  7. Scalability
  8. Collective communications II
  9. Nonblocking communications     Code
  10. Understanding communications     Code
  11. Parallel program design. Tasks, critical path
  12. Introduction to parallel program analysis
  13. Example: odd-even transposition sort
  14. CudaCast: Your First OpenACC Program
  15. Youtube: OpenACC 1, OpenACC 2
  16. OpenACC. Part I, code
  17. OpenACC. Part II
  18. Parallel quicksort
  19. Data decomposition techniques
  20. Array distribution schemes
  21. Parallel $ N$ body
  22. Topologies     Code
  23. Communicators and topologies: Fox's Algorithm
  24. Traveling salesman problem. Parallel distributed tree search
  25. Distributed shortest paths
  26. Advanced point-to-point communications     Code
  27. OpenMP

  28. Recursive doubling

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Next: Resources Up: CS/SE 4F03 Distributed Computer Previous: Grading scheme
Ned 2016-05-04